
Comments by farmerart (page 36)

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    11 years ago
    Funniest Review Ever!
    Proper English is racially neutral. The pseudo ghetto crap employed in this review is offensive, not for its racism, but for its unreadability. I was able to understand what the reviewer was attempting to say. It is not funny. I am seriously annoyed with myself for wasting 30 seconds of my life reading the POS and then wasting a further 90 seconds of my life writing this comment. I could have spent those 2 minutes much more profitably picking my nose and scratching my ass.
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    11 years ago
    OT:85 Bears
    @motorhead, What do you think that the long term effect of this ongoing concussion controversy will have on the NFL and football in general? I just read a long piece about this topic. The stats comparing the growth of soccer interest among young boys in USA and the precipitous decline in football participation by those same young boys suggest that something major is happening that will affect American football in the near future. The thesis of the piece was that American moms are refusing to let their young boys play football out of fear for one of these injuries. Something similar is happening in Canada with hockey. Soccer is booming. Youth hockey is declining among young boys (booming with young girls, however, but from a very low base). Fighting in NHL hockey and the accompanying deleterious long term health effects is now a serious issue. More and more of Canada's hockey moms are becoming soccer moms.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    When is it too much?
    It often gets 'too much for me, rick; even during my brief retirement in my first flush of discovering this hobby barely four years ago. My first bi-national cross continent SC tour got 'too much' after 18 straight days of clubbing. I didn't do justice to Montreal (and area) clubs at the end of that tour. Now that I am back in business I will hit the clubs when I am on an eastern trip or when I am on vacation. Now, two or three evenings of clubbing can be 'too much' for me. My SC attention span is becoming shorter and shorter as I get older and older and busier and busier.
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    11 years ago
    To break up the long flights from western Canada to Europe I have started to use IcelandAir as my preferred airline to Europe. These flights always have a brief stopover in Reykjavik. I enjoy the chance to get some exercise and clear my head before the plane change to Heathrow. I know the airport very well but nothing of the country. I can tell you that Iceland in the winter is much warmer than western Canada (Gulfstream current influence). IcelandAir's business class is priced more reasonably than any trans-Atlantic airline that I know. To my great benefit IcelandAir has just announced direct Edmonton-Reykjavik flights starting next spring. Who knows? I may even spend an overnight in Iceland next trip to Europe.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I loved watching the Boston Bruins when Bobby Orr ruled the NHL roost. IMO, Orr was the equal (or better) of Wayne Gretzky. So sad that Orr's career was shortened by about a decade with all those knee injuries. These days the Bruins' Cro-Magnon hockey style disgusts me.
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    11 years ago
    Greatest baseball player you ever saw
    On a family vacation to Disneyland when I was a young teen in the very early 1960s I saw the only major league baseball game of my life at Dodger Stadium. Sandy Koufax pitched a complete-game two-hitter for the Dodgers. The entire nine inning game took less than 2 hours to complete.
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    11 years ago
    How To Show Dancers That..........You Got da Ca$h
    No way in hell am I making it rain. Trop declasse........even for an Alberta hillbilly.
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    11 years ago
    What if *You* Were a Stripper in a Bizzaro World?
    In a bizarro world I would be a homeless, brokeass bum. Count me out.
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    girls that don't ask for dances
    I am not a regular at any club. Whenever I see a choice dancer displaying this sort of behaviour I thrust myself forward into her space like a relentless battering ram. Whether she is shy, lazy, or waiting for a regular matters not a whit to me. I have no trouble dealing with being rejected, some dancer will always respond willingly to my advances.
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    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Bail money
    @gawker, Don't you think, just maybe, it might be time to cut this one loose?
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    11 years ago
    Best strip club city
    This topic pops up with great regularity on this discussion board. I think that I travel internationally more than most other tusclers so I have different experiences than tusclers who do not venture out of USA. I have visited clubs all over Europe and Canada and USA midwest. I only post reviews now when I have a funky experience in a club that energizes me to take the time to write a review, business pressures and all that. Saying all this, I keep coming back to Toronto as my choice for top SC fun. The greater Toronto area is much bigger population-wise than greater Detroit with maybe half the number of clubs in the Detroit area. This simple fact guarantees that you will find much hotter dancers in Toronto than you will find in Detroit. For superb eye candy but very little mileage try For Your Eyes Only or Brass Rail/Upper Brass in central Toronto. For similar eye candy with off the charts mileage (comparable to anything you can find in any Detroit club) try Landing Strip in Rexdale. For Bogarts style action in wide open VIPs with rock solid 8s and 9s (and the occasional 10) try the scuzzy Trinity clubs in Mississauga. My personal favourite UHM club in GTA is Club Pro in Vaughan. Montreal clubs have lots of ultra hot danseuses quebecoises as do the UHM clubs off the island of Montreal. Even though I speak French I just don't get along so well with les jolies quebecoises; it is the Canadian linguistic/cultural divide. I don't see this same pissiness from the girls directed to unilingual Americans in the clubs. Toronto remains top for me but I am dying to visit shadowcat's club in Atlanta, lopaw's soCal haunts, and numerous Florida clubs.
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    11 years ago
    There is a small chain of 'breastaurants' in Central Alberta called The Canadian Brewhouse. The servers wear the tank top, micro shorts uniform popularized by Hooters. Hotter waitresses in the pubs than any Hooters that I have visited. Food is not so bad, typical pub grub but done with competence and some flair. EXCELLENT selection of beers, both draft and bottled. What I enjoy most about The Canadian Brewhouse is their hilarious radio commercials that run on sport talk radio in Alberta featuring the character, The Champ.
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    11 years ago
    Football Quiz for the Hardcore
    I missed this thread when you posted it ten days ago, Alucard. Chuck Ealey had a glittering (but short) career as a quarterback in the CFL. You are correct that Ealey won a pro championship in his rookie year and that he was MVP in the championship game. It was the 1972 Grey Cup when he played for the Hamilton Tiger Cats. I don't remember the injury that finished his career but I do know that Ealey made a successful career outside of football in Canada as some sort of investment advisor. You are from Ohio, aren't you Alucard? If my memory serves me well, I think that Chuck Ealey played his college football at University of Toledo.
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    11 years ago
    Dancers and the Economy
    I must tell you that this economic downturn just does not exist in my part of the world. It is very rare to find an Alberta dancer in an Alberta SC. The overwhelming majority of dancers in Alberta clubs are touring dancers from out of province. I am seeing so many more young women doing traditional male jobs in the oil patch now. I have yet to see a female rig pig but female diesel mechanics and welders show up from time to time and female truckers are a dime a dozen. There are now more women than men doing the work of a landsman. It is odd to hear a woman refer to herself as a 'landsman'. Women are preferred drivers for the monster trucks involved in the tar sands operations; they have proved to be gentler on the machines than male drivers, lowering maintenance costs. All of these oil patch jobs will pay a woman much more than she could make as a stripper in an Alberta club.
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    11 years ago
    [OT] Ted Cruz
    Alucard, Mea culpa. I missed reading your comment. I was also referring to the physical resemblance between the two senators in addition to similarities in their wacky political posturings.
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    11 years ago
    [OT] Ted Cruz
    This guy is a wack job. I am grateful that he did not stay in Calgary. His father sounds like another wack job, starting out life as a Fidel Castro fellow traveler. I have asked around some of the old vets of the Calgary oil patch to see if anybody remembers Cruz Sr. - nothing at all resonates with the old guys of the patch. Doesn`t this guy`s Canadian birth disqualify him from holding the US presidency? I remember that Michigan governor of a few years ago whose presidential ambitions were quashed by her Canadian birth. Mind you, the Democrats would put up no fuss about his birthplace if the Republicans were so stupid as to make Cruz their presidential nominee in 2016. Cruz would be the perfect opponent. Whoever the Dems nominated would thrash this kook. By the way, anybody else note the uncanny resemblance between Cruz and that other Republican wack job of 60 years ago - McCarthy? What is it about the Republican party that produces so many of these nutbars?
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    11 years ago
    Best Day of Week / Month to Hit Clubs!
    My only preference is to avoid the days when lap dances are discounted. 2 for 1 all day. $10 dances in place of the regular price. Those are the days that I avoid. In my experience the hot dancers rarely make an appearance on those days and the customers seem to be mostly of the brokeass variety.
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    11 years ago
    Financial Crash? Looks like I was right unfortunately.
    One person's crash is another person's glorious buying opportunity. In my 45 year career in the oil patch the two worst crashes that I lived through were the 25% interest rates of the early 1980s and the catastrophic crash in commodity prices in 1997/1998. Saudi Light at $7.70. WTI at $10. Nat gas at barely 75 cents/gig delivered to the trunk line. Those prices still send shivers up and down my spine. I had many sleepless nights in 1998 when I started buying oil leases at a dime on the dollar from desperate sellers. Turned out OK for me when I sold out in 2009.
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    11 years ago
    Strip club DJs
    Sounds like strip club DJs are as universally detested as oilmen like me. Tell you the truth, I rarely even notice the DJs in a club or if there is even a DJ present.
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    11 years ago
    The Lovely Latinas
    Latinas are very uncommon in Canadian SCs. In fact, I can't remember encountering a single Latina in any of my Canadian clubbing. I have seen a very few native Canadian dancers but many more Indo-Canadian dancers. I am a big fan of the Indo dancers. As for Canada's vaunted jolies quebecoises? In my experience with those ladies I find that they bring an unmatched level of bitchiness to their work in a club.
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    11 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Camel Toe Slide
    @SlickSpic, I must disagree with you about the delights of a Nuru massage. First off, I really dislike air beds or mattresses. But even worse is that wretched goop that the girl slathers all over you and herself. When it got down to doing the nasty with the girl I found that the damn goop was just too slippery to make the old in-and-out a big pleasure. My cock kept slipping out of the girl's pussy. Talk about frustration! No more Nuru massage for me.
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    11 years ago
    First time OTC
    My first OTC with a dancer was with one of the jolly milfs from H8S in suburban Detroit. Like Dougster always suggests - I just asked her. Turned into a sexy five day tour of southern Michigan with her. She was energetic in the sack and a truly grand drinking companion. So sad that her phone number is kaput.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Miss America
    Must be an American thing about Indo-immigrants and hotels and motels. Not so in western Canada (and believe me, I have spent hundreds of nights in cheap motels and hotels all over western Canada). I find dusky Indo-babes most sexy and alluring. And, I adore Indian cuisine. It is the most complicated and sophisticated cuisine that I have ever encountered. The use of exotic spices is so complex and subtle. There is one Indian dish in my repertoire that takes four days to prepare as tastes are developed with marinades and sauces.
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    11 years ago
    How many strip clubs have you been kicked out of?
    3 times for me. Once I punched out a customer who was throwing hot loonies at the stage dancer (heating them in a spoon with his cigarette lighter). The guy was a real POS but bouncer kicked me out even though dancer spoke up for me. Another time I raised hell with bartender about short pour whiskys. For $15 I want the full shot. Bouncer kicked me out. Third time in Alberta club I went to stage to tip the dancer for excellent stage show. I innocently put my hand on her shoulder and gave her $20 tip. Big no-no in Alberta, touching dancer. Bouncer kicked me out (kinda rough with me too). Learned my lesson about touching stage dancers after that one.
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    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Judge Says Exotic Dancers Deserve to Be Paid Minimum Wage
    Hourly minimum wages in jurisdictions where I operate: British Columbia - $10.25 Alberta - $9.95 Saskatchewan - $10.00 Nunavut - $11.00 North West Territories - $10.00 Guess how many of my employees and employees of contractors are paid minimum wage?