How To Show Dancers That..........You Got da Ca$h

avatar for farmerart
I am not a regular at any club, just a traveling road warrior. I have long since learned that dancers have no clue if a noob (like me) in their club has any cash or is a brokeass bum. It doesn't seem to matter what I wear or how I behave when I am in the club. I am always after the highest level of extras that I can buy and I usually have just a short time for each SC visit. Hence, I am very aggressive about approaching dancers for dances and then asking for extras when we get to VIP. This works occasionally but no where near as often as I would like.

If a dancer approaches me and we have a conversation over a drink before we go to VIP I do much better at getting extras. The key is for the dancer to know that I am packing a wad of cash that I am willing to spend. I have taken to flashing a wad surreptitiously to a bartender or waitress when paying for my first drink. The club grapevine is amazingly efficient at letting dancers know that a fat wad of cash has walked in the door.

Thing is......I hate doing this. It is unsafe. This problem has been vexing me for ages. How to let dancers know that I am approachable, loaded, and willing to play?.......without scaring them off by being aggressive?


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I've found that using the waitress as a hook up to the dancer of your choice usually works great. If you've been to the club before and know the dancer's name, then it makes the situation a lot easier.

If you've never gotten dances with a dancer before or if you're new to a club, informing a waitress of your interest in a dancer and your willingness to spend cash on her, works well.

Don't forget to tip your waitress.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
Wear one of Shadowcat's T-shirts into the next club you go to.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
art: "This problem has been vexing me for ages. How to let dancers know that I am approachable, loaded, and willing to play?.......without scaring them off by being aggressive?"

You really need to read The System by RickyBoy.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
Make it rain
avatar for bang69
11 years ago
I let the stripper find out for her self
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
"If a dancer approaches me and we have a conversation over a drink before we go to VIP I do much better at getting extras."

I have also found this to be true. I think dancers want to feel comfortable with you before you penetrate them.

avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Very true 476 reads " then I was lurking in the haul ways of her moms house"

Clearly Rick knows his shit and the "system" is a must read

The new York times said " its shocking and unbelievably funny"
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I agree with Club_Goer. Tomorrow I am going to wear a new one. "I came here to drink and fuck and I'm just about through drinking". :)
avatar for ididthisonce
11 years ago

Personal observations concerning “making it rain”:

The dancers that have discussed the practice with me have unanimously considered the exercise as “degrading” and despise it. But what I find interesting is that I have never seen a lady walk away from a green rain shower and collected every dollar. Others that complained have not been the benefactor of such and simply appeared to be jealous.

I have only done it once in over 25 years of clubbing as I prefer at least getting a little rub from the partially nude entertainer on stage.

Saw a rain shower at a two story club that made sense. A couple of guys in the upstairs VIP were trying to get a particularly beautiful lady’s attention and did it as an invitation to join them in the VIP area. They dropped a couple of bills at first to get her to notice and then offered quite a cloudburst. She took the bait. Fishing from the VIP. LOL
avatar for ididthisonce
11 years ago
Nice shirt Shadow!
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
I believe juicebox69 talked about flashing cash 2 1/2 years ago in the thread "skillz say what ?"
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
Seeing a customer buying alot of dances (especially from multiple dancers) is news that spreads through dressing rooms very quickly. This works especially well if you plan on re-visiting that same club again because you will gain that reputation and probably have to beat them off with a stick. But if it's a one time visit you'd might wind up forking out some serious dough before you hit upon the right girl.
avatar for jestrite50
11 years ago
I agree with Lowpaw. When other dancers see you spending money word gets around. Tipping a waitress to send a girl to your table works too to speed things up. I normally tip the girl that I want heavily while she's on stage and unless she has other guys in line she will find you when she gets off stage. Works for me 95% of the time.
avatar for jestrite50
11 years ago
Sorry about the mis spelling Lopaw fought the darn spell correct to get it that close. LOL!
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
If you're spending a ton of cash people in the club will know no matter how you go about it.

Flashing a roll is no more dangerous than alternates ways of letting it be known you're a serious spender.
avatar for PredragDr
11 years ago
How big is your wad??? $1K, $10K or just a few Benjamin's wrapped around a silly amount of singles???

A couple of approaches that I've used or witnessed:
- inquire about the owners of the club and what the ballpark asking price would be
- tell the waitress, bouncer or barkeep what type of girl you are looking for and give them a solid finder's fee (a Jackson or more if they do a good job)
- roll with a known whale
- befriend a regular while there
- if it is a smaller club, quickly survey all the girls there and approach what you think looks the best and subtely "interview" her. If she doesn't pass the "interview", move to the next

Dressing differently than the average Joe and proper grooming also help.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Clearly Rick knows his shit and the "system" is a must read

The new York times said " its shocking and unbelievably funny" lol
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Joe lol crazy
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
"The new York times said 'its shocking and unbelievably funny' "

Good shit. Funniest line I've read in sometime.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
This worked once - when the waitress served my drink I gave her a one hundred dollar bill and said sorry, can you break it, I only have large bills.

When she went to the bar for change, trust me, the word was out
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Lol...thanks mo'head.......ive been going through a dry spell
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
No way in hell am I making it rain.

Trop declasse........even for an Alberta hillbilly.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Amateurs. ;)
avatar for kingknight
11 years ago
If the club sells club money (chips, funny money), buy a lot. Word will get out quick. Just make sure you're not paying too much of a charge on it.
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
Farmerart addresses a real problem, even if most of us have nowhere near his loot to spend. I, too, want to be taken seriously by the dancers who are willing to go the extra mile to entertain. And after decades of clubbing, I don't have a pat nor easy answer.

I have noted a couple of trends and some of our newbs might benefit from my observations. Remember every SC is different and nothing works consistently or everywhere.

First, dancers do tend to avoid customers who walk in dirty and smelly, BUT clean dudes in working clothes can still get plenty of attention.

A suit and tie will attract attention, but not necessarily from the dancers you want. Somehow, a dancer who has never seen the inside of an upscale dress shop, can still tell the difference between a custom suit and off the rack. ROBs will hit the off-the-rack guy and siphon every penny they can. It looks something like white-tip sharks in a feeding frenzy. And minutes later the off-the-rack dude is broke and abandoned.

Clothes, age, weight, nor haircut make any difference to most dancers. If you walk in their club, they may be curious to determine what you want, or they may completely ignore you. Getting the attention of the curious is an objective without any single solution. Getting the attention of the others is a lost cause.

Patience is the only consistently successful option. I usually find the bar first when entering a new club and observe the club from there for several minutes. Asking questions of the bartender or waitress can help, but I have found that barside answers are seldom applicable to the darker corners!

Don't ask specifics about extras while at the bar. You won't like the answers and you'll be marked as either cop or pervert.

After about 10 to 30 minutes I move to a table or seating in a more "convenient" area of the club. I look for the places "hungry" dancers seem to be watching, places where seating is more discrete, areas where customers are sitting with dancers and seem to be also getting up together to go to VIP.

A tip to a waitress to ask a specific dancer to visit me will demonstrate that I have money to spend. Occasionally, I have asked a waitress to escort a specific dancer to me, handing her a five. When the waitress returns with the dancer I will discretely tip the waitress an additional $10 (not too discretely, I do want the dancer to "accidentally" see me). The pay off for waitress tips is better service, but otherwise limited. Don't expect dancers to pile on because you dropped $5, $10, $20 or even $50 (If you tip a waitress $100 - do expect dancers - especially ROBs - to pile on.)

There are more ideas out there, but I repeat - nothing works consistently (except Shadowcat's T-shirts) and there is no system.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Dallas-Wise words Indeed.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Dallas: "Clothes, age, weight, nor haircut make any difference to most dancer"

But the RickyBoy, in his book _The_System_ says wearing a suit greatly increases your chances of OTC. (At least if it's a dive club. Doesn't work so well in the most upscale clubs, apparently.) Your statement is start to make me think that that faggot RickyBoy doesn't know what the fuck he is talk about and _The_System_ is complete horseshit.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Dallas your a faggot and a the goddamn system.......the answer is in wearing the silk suite
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Dougster-I got me a Super Mario costume. I'm wearing that bad boy to the sc for Halloween. I bet I get more play dressed up as Super Mario than most cats do in suits. Plus, it's microfiber!
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ LOL! Good shit!
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Silk....they will pounce on your mushroom for a power up
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
I find that having a nice suit on goes a long way in getting me over the "does her have money?" hurdle. Flashing the wad a little doesn't hurt, but nobody knows who will really see or hear about it.

Remember, the article I wrote 3 years ago addressed sourcing OTC when traveling. I am often suited up anyway when I'm on the road, so no great effort is necessary. But when I have all of 4 hours to club and a plane to catch the next morning, patience is not a virtue and I don't have the time to work through LDs with several dancers or flash my wad to half the club like a goofball.

I can tell you, as a guy who spends a lot of his time in travel clubs, that when you are in strange clubs a lot and need to grease the skids in a hurry, nothing says potential payoff more loudly than a nice suit.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ What an idiot.

I wear either shorts or sweat pants and my success rate is even higher than RickyBoy's measly little 35%. I even line OTC in BSC in Phoenix on my second visit there, when txtittyfan has been trying unsuccessfully for 10 years. These guys are complete ass-clowns. Wear whatever you want and if you see a girl you like "just ask". That's all there is to it. Really.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Amen Ddawg.....pull shorts down to ankles and just ask
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Picture it: Dugly in XXXL sweat pants walking up to every dancer and loudly asking if they want to go back to the dorm room and will they take a personal check from his parents as payment.

I'll take rick's system or most anybody on here's system over any of Dugly's limited experience based "advice".
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
^^^ Looks like even the jestie-girl is jealous. Too funny!
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
This is simple. Ask her to feel the lump in you pocket and that it could be hers if the other lump behind your zipper gets taken care of!
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
I wonder what the jestie-girl's (aka jester214) "system" is like:

- Wake up early in the morning
- piss in your own corn flakes, so you'll be pissed off the entire day
- get a hardon because you like being pissed off
- don't bother taking the anti-depressants your doctor prescribed you
- go to work at your job as janitor
- get pissed at the world because you wanted to be in the foreign service
- sniff the solvents you are supposed to use to clean toilets
- get brain damage and write how the Finns could have avoided the Winter War altogether if they had simply acquiesced to Stalin's very reasonable pre-war demands
- make stupid contradictory arguments on TUSCL and spazz out when people point out the internal inconsistencies
- try bail yourself out by misreading Wikipedia, but get even more tangled up
- now, thoroughly depressed and pissed at the world visit stripper
- as strippers approach whine to them about how miserable your life is
- also whine to strippers about how sucky the world is
- whine to strippers about how there are so many strippers in the world
- say your signature line - "fuck this! fuck that! Fuckin' fuck everything"
- leave without getting extras because you can't afford it on a janitor salary
- go home and cry!

avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
LOL.....I just soved my cookies up my own ass that was so fuckin funny to......^^^^
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
I don't even have to point out what a full of shit schmuck Dugly is. Does it himself with every post.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
I'll give a healthy tip on stage. Maybe ten bucks. If she comes over, I'll stick a 20 in her panties just for sitting on my lap. I'll offer to buy her drink and/or food before we start the dances. I'll tell her I want at least three dances and probably more because I know she is going to blow my mind.

Doesn't always bring the desired results but almost always get their attention.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
A little of topic but...

For me the trick is to take them out of their canned hustle. The dancer usually approaches and asks some BS question like "where are you from" or something. I quickly change the subject to something that's going on right in front of both us be it the girl on stage, the other custies, music playing..or whatever. I never say anything that could be considered negative about anything. Its all happy/fun life is fucking great.

I'll tip her the moment she walks up so she doesn't have to worry about if I'm a spender or not.

I've found this kind of resets the entire encounter and sets a really positive fun vibe.

Of course I only do this for the honey's that who I really want to get to know. Pretty good results so far.

avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
I think tipping aggressively gets the message across pretty rapidly. When I've visited Jax one advantage to the crazy $5 to get their clothes off in the nude clubs (ugh..I guess that is now 'club') rule is that it is easy to make it clear that you "gots da ca$h money burnin' da holez in yo' pocketz".

Also, always tip the waitress $1 or $2 when she gives you change. She counts off a stack o' ones, push one or two back to her. I very seldom drink so I usually order a diet coke. Even at strip clubs the cost for a soft drink is not that high, so we're talking about 20% for doing not much. I also slide a dollar back for making change.

Of course, I don't go to clubs trying to hunt up the hardcore action. I'm there to enjoy myself, see some pretty girls, get some nice lappers, and not much more. On the other hand, I don't like being ignored. If I'm there i want to be able to get drinks and dances without a real wait. I don't really care about what I spend. So being worried 'bout overpaying isn't an issue to me. I *don't* like being ripped off or blown off. But if I go out for entertainment my tolerance for spending is pretty high. Maybe I'd think differently if I was a real hound dog going and trying to get the action cheaply...but I figure strip clubbing is a hobby that requires "da ca$h money"!
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Actually I totally lied. I do have a SYSTEM. I show in the most expensive suit I have...a SPACESUIT. I let the girls know i dropped $15,000,000 on my suit (I know..a flight rated NASA suit is only $12M, but my spacesuit is all pimped out with bling my brothers).

The zippy system KICKS ASS!!! Plus, the suit helps if you gotta go all EVA to repair a warp coil on a trip to 40 Eridani A to experience some Pon Farr!!!
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
When my 3 go to girls are all not there, I use it as an opportunity to try other dancers whom I know but never road tested.

Since I'm pretty well known there, they take the opportunity to come up to me. The girls who are new or don't know me are more likely to come to me when I have reasonable clothes on as opposed to torn jeans, combat boots, heavy metal T and vest. When I'm wearing that I get the blondes with bolts ons who dropped out of middle school. They are the most likely to provide extras though!
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Ever try just walking up to a fugly, give her $10 and tell her to spread the word your loaded? May even take $20 but you can afford it I'm sure. Should work better with a waitress since they ain't fighting for your attention. I never done this but its worth a shot.

P.S. don't try this in a seedy ghetto club. ROBBING rates may increase significantly.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Pay $800 for a handjob.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"How To Show Dancers That..........You Got da Ca$h"

Lay it on the table & perhaps let the dancers COUNT it. LMFAO!
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