
Comments by farmerart (page 37)

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    11 years ago
    Strippers And Horses
    @shadowcat, I have eaten dog. It was nothing memorable. Any special dog taste was drowned by all the seasonings and veggies in the dish. I didn't have a clue until later over beers when the Asian guys that I was with told me exactly what was in my dinner. @motorhead, Delighted to see that you remain in fine form.
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    11 years ago
    My First Sexting With A Stripper
    Addendum: I gave up on the tow truck and called one of my boys to come and get me with one of our flat decks. We winched the F-150 onboard, chained it down, drove to our yard in Calgary and changed the tires ourselves. Boner had disappeared by the time my guy showed up with the flat deck.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the going rate for all night OTC?
    Before I discovered SCs I did many over-nighters with escorts. I never paid less than $1000, more common was a fee of $1500-$2000. This was when I was much younger and always when I came back to civilization from an extended stay out in the boonies or up north in the bush. I would be rampant for the entire night. The girl would get little sleep and would be thoroughly disgusted with me after I banged her before breakfast and kicked her out of the room. Last time I did this with an escort was during a winter vacation in southern France 3/4 years ago. A weekend with a beauty cost me something like 4000 euros (imperfect memory). The girl was stunning but a very mediocre performer in the bedroom.
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    11 years ago
    Financial Paradox
    Fort Mac (FortMcMurray) is Canada's oil sands boomtown. Population - about 80,000 Demographics - 96% younger than 60 (66% younger than 40); overwhelming imbalance of males to females Income levels - 56% greater than $180K; with a further 24% at $120K-$180K Number of strip clubs - 1 Anecdotes abound of escorts making $10K for a weekend of fucking one of these high income single guys. I don't disbelieve those anecdotes.
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    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Do you have to pay a minion or a lackey?
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    11 years ago
    N.F.L. is Back! 2013-14
    @ime, Thanks for correcting me. I should just shut up about North American football. It is obvious that I know little about the game. I don't even care for the sport. GoVikings is right. Hockey is my first sports love (and always will be).
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    11 years ago
    re: Location of a New Gentlemen's Club Question
    Vancouver is one sweet city in Canada. It is woefully under-served with SCs.
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    11 years ago
    N.F.L. is Back! 2013-14
    @mikeya02, Like all ill-educated Americans you refuse to let facts shed light on the darkness of your pre-conceived fantasies. In addition, I am Swedish-Canadian; I just happen to speak French. @motorhead, There have been lots of steroid using Canadian athletes. Never forget Ben Johnson, Seoul Olympics 100m disgraced gold medal winner. @rickdugan, The game of strategy and brute force that you love was invented in Canada. The first games resembling your beloved game were played in Canada. McGill played Harvard in 1869 if my memory serves. I think McGill kicked Harvard's ass. If you wish to sample Canada's current claim to culinary fame chow down on an order of poutine.
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    11 years ago
    N.F.L. is Back! 2013-14
    I love poking the bubbles of self-importance that you Americans float all over the tuscl board. Apart from North America, the rest of the world plays football. North America plays a game that the rest of the world refers to, derisively, as 'American' football'. And, of course, we Canadians much prefer our game to that unwatchable game of steroid pumped, huffing and puffing Cro-Magnons playing what you Yanks so slavishly adore.
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    11 years ago
    N.F.L. is Back! 2013-14
    @Estafador, I do live in Canada. At the moment I am on a European holiday - Italy, France, Holland, Germany. No SCs, touring WW II battlefields.
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    11 years ago
    N.F.L. is Back! 2013-14
    Over here in Europe (where real football is played), all the buzz is about Real and Barca in Spain, ManU and the poofters in England, Bayern in Germany. I remain a Gunners fan from my North Sea days in the 1970s. AR.......SEN........AL !!!!!
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    11 years ago
    ATF Club
    Rig Pig Club at the Airways Hotel in Nisku, Alberta. And, I make no apologies for liking this club. Any tuscl horndog visiting this club will think that I am an idiot for having so much affection for this place.
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    11 years ago
    Stock Ticker RICK Hits Another 52 week High
    @rickdugan, I echo your LOL and add a personal 'YIKES' of my own. Those are pretty onerous terms to float a $2.5mil debenture at junk rates, especially the 6% 'finder's fee' for whomever brokered this deal for RICK. Pricing warrants under current market quotes for the stock is also the move of a desperate borrower. Shows lots of management confidence in the future price of their own paper, doesn't it? I read very carefully the 2009 RICK annual at your suggestion and found about as messy an operation as I have ever seen among publicly traded companies. This debenture issue shows me that nothing has changed in the intervening four years. @Dougster, Don't take some profits.........take ALL of them, every single last penny!
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    11 years ago
    OT: Hunting
    Never been snipe hunting but I have sent many greenhorns looking for a left-handed pipe wrench or spark plugs for a diesel engine.
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    11 years ago
    @georgmicrodong, I really don't believe that 15 guys were buggering each other in that particular camp. Am I naive?
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    11 years ago
    About 30 years ago I was shocked to discover that a person can get crabs without sexual contact. An outbreak of crabs occurred in an exploration camp that I was running - no sexual activity involved. About a third of the guys were afflicted. I never discovered which of my rig pigs brought the critters into camp.
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    11 years ago
    Obama Clueless What to do About Syria
    How in hell's name are USA national interests threatened by what is happening in Syria? What is the big deal about 1000+ people killed by chemical weapons when nothing was made of the previous 100,000 people killed by bullets and bombs? USA can depend on Israel to keep the Syrian military in order. Israel has the intelligence, the capability, and the political will. Really, it is in the West's best interests to let this revolution run its course. Hezbollah (and Shias in general) are backing the probable ultimate loser and Iran is looking very unhappy with al-Hassad as well.
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    11 years ago
    Labor Day Weekend
    No SCs for me. No work for me. I am tramping around Italy at the moment visiting my old man's WW II battle sites. Liri Valley today and tomorrow. Ortona on Monday and Tuesday. Right now, having a delightful lunch. I am learning to appreciate real Italian cuisine - the non-Olive Garden crap. And for an Alberta carnivore like me, Italian steaks from the Chianina breed are amazingly tasty - something totally unexpected.
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    11 years ago
    What would you do with this situation?
    Nothing warms the cockles of an oilman's heart more than the thought of hundreds of thousands of cars caught in traffic gridlock, burning all that gorgeous gasoline as drivers idly while away the time in those lovely traffic jams. Get a car with a good sound system and comfortable seats. Listen to music or audio books as you enjoy the traffic jam. Immediately traffic clears, fill up your tank with more gasoline for tomorrow's needs. A tank of gas per day keeps the oilman's creditors at bay.
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    11 years ago
    JackPot Winnings !
    $1,000,000 is peanuts. If you want to waste your time dreaming about lotto jackpots set your sights much higher than that paltry sum. Better yet - work hard; save; invest your excess cash in equities and real estate. $1,000,000 will appear in an amazingly short time.
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    11 years ago
    New members
    There is only one farmerart. Don`t expect to be back before mid-October.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Let's just keep it outside the club
    @gawker, 'Some like hamburger; others want filet mignon.' Others, like ol' farmerart here, want the 'bone on Oilman's cut rib eye' done rare, accompanied by all the usual sides.
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    11 years ago
    Where Have All The Adults Gone?
    Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Happy birthday to the bikini. Just 100+ hot babes in bikinis.
    What jester214 said. Damn you, shadowcat. I just staggered in from a Stampede bash. How the hell can I get to sleep now?
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    OT: what is your favorite college sports team ?
    U of A Golden Bears