Best strip club city

avatar for Clackport
•Las Vegas
•Portland (Oregon)
•Los Angeles/City Of Industry
•New York
•Canton (Ohio)
•New Orleans
•San Francisco

In your opinion what is the best strip club city and why?

I've only been to clubs in Portland, Los Angeles and Las Vegas so I have limited experience, but I would have to go with Las Vegas. Dancers from all over the country come to dance in Las Vegas therefore you have the hottest dancers in Vegas. Yes it is expensive at the Vegas clubs (specifically Sapphires and Rhino), but that's a small price you pay for seeing the hottest dancers in the country in one place. You won't have a problem getting two way contact in Vegas, in fact a lot of the dancers will physically put your hands on their bodies. Even at the not so top Vegas clubs you will still see some 10's just not as many as Rhino or Sapphires.

Miami is a close second. From what I hear it's full of Latinas (I love Latinas), and if you want extras it won't be hard finding them (from what I hear).

What say you?


last comment
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I love Vegas and indeed, Vegas has dimes galore but it has ROB's galore too. Same with San Francisco. In the COI, I've had better service with a dime than I ever had in Vegas. I've never been to Detroit, but from the reviews and discussions, Detroit sounds a lot like COI.

I don't know how to answer the question. I won't answer TJ, though. Mmmmmm...
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Phoenix is my favorite so far.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
COI without a doubt.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
I'd have to agree with VH_Kicks. My favorite Atlanta club can probably match the Detroit scene but it is only 1 club.
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
Truthfully, this is very hard to determine because some places offer extras while others don't.

VH Kicks mentioned Tijuana in his post, but clubs like that shouldn't be compared to Americans strip clubs because those clubs are brothels.

That's just my view on it. If you're gonna compare it can't be apples and oranges that you're comparing
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
@VH_Kicks- It's whatever the best means to you. For some people that means availability of extras, for some people it means dancer quality, for some people it's 2 way contact, for some people you have to add all those equations in to make the best.

I didn't include TJ because it's a brothel, not a strip club.
avatar for ArtCollege
11 years ago
If I were on a strip club road trip, based on my knowledge (some of which may be dated) and reviews of other clubs, I'd stop by Detroit for mileage; Tampa for beauty; Miami for beauty & mileage; Houston for glitz and mileage; and Phoenix for relaxation.
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
As others have said, without base criteria defining "best" there are too many variables to name just one. But I can name two, for different reasons, using different criteria.

If the criteria includes; hot two way contact, very good looking dancers, party atmosphere and lots of fun for your money, but NO extras - -you need to add Montreal to your list. In the old town and downtown areas of Montreal (on the island) are a number of busy fun SCs with modestly prices drinks, $5 to $15 lap dances, beautiful women and often great music through adequate sound systems. While "extras" are very, very rare, the dances are full contact, two way steamers. Montreal has more clubs that fit this criteria than any other three towns!

If extras are important, my experience is like others, Miami. Hot chicks, great variety and almost a sure thing in many different clubs.
avatar for SoonerSam
11 years ago
I hear good stories about Dallas clubs. My friend had sex in a VIP in Dallas. I've not gone VIP yet there, but would if I could find the right girl for the right price. Baby Doll's in Dallas is a top rated SC and many of the reviews suggest extras are available. Just my two cents.

That, and Dallas is the closest of those clubs on the list to me.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Add Gardena,CA to the list. 3 strips clubs and a population of 59,000. These three clubs have a specific type of dancer-Bad Ass Brickhouse Sistas that know how to please a man.
avatar for PredragDr
11 years ago
I prefer looks to mileage. I find clubs where extras are available to all to not always be the best. I also avoid those who lack a proper command of the English language.

With that taken into consideration, I would order in best to worst of the cities listed by the original message:
- LA: many aspiring models/actresses/pornographers and if they think you are well connected you get "special" treatment
- NY: not quite the quality in looks/mileage of LA but close. Also most expensive city listed.
- Tampa: attracts quality from all over the south and pretty cheap relative to LA/NY
- Miami: similar to Tampa but too many Latinas and more expensive
- SF: too many Asians, not cheap and talent subpar compared to LA/NY
- LV: too many old strippers, easy to get OTC and lots of faux ballers
- Toronto: good looking girls from throughout the country. Cheaper than most of higher ranked US cities
- PHX: minor league version of LA with less mileage
- Baltimore: more expensive than I would've thought, but talent is probably the best in the region
- PDX: cheap but most have too much ink/piercings
- Denver: very few good clubs but a few gems to be found
- Detroit: probably the worst in looks
I have either never been to a club in the others listed or it was so forgettable that I have no value to add. Montreal would be near the top of my list also.
avatar for Uxiiux
11 years ago

It's interesting that you mention Baltimore. I've heard that Baltimore has the best quality in the mid Atlantic region as well. Never been though. Skeptical about The Block.
avatar for londonguy
11 years ago
I think everyone knows what I think of Vegas. I'd love to go to some other cities and experience the clubs there as well.
avatar for samsung1
11 years ago
Detroit is not perfect but it's my favorite. I dislike the $7 mandatory valet, $8 drinks, and $10-15 cover charges. No full nudity on stage and no $5-10 lappers like Atlanta and Akron/canton ohio.
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
@Predrag- I'm impressed with all the strip clubbing you've done in different cities. Club on brother!
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
1. Toronto. No LE concerns, but even the north boarder has it's headaches.
2. Tampa. Seems to have a good range of options.
Dallas, Houston, Miami strong contenders but don't know as much about them.
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
This topic pops up with great regularity on this discussion board. I think that I travel internationally more than most other tusclers so I have different experiences than tusclers who do not venture out of USA. I have visited clubs all over Europe and Canada and USA midwest. I only post reviews now when I have a funky experience in a club that energizes me to take the time to write a review, business pressures and all that.

Saying all this, I keep coming back to Toronto as my choice for top SC fun. The greater Toronto area is much bigger population-wise than greater Detroit with maybe half the number of clubs in the Detroit area. This simple fact guarantees that you will find much hotter dancers in Toronto than you will find in Detroit.

For superb eye candy but very little mileage try For Your Eyes Only or Brass Rail/Upper Brass in central Toronto. For similar eye candy with off the charts mileage (comparable to anything you can find in any Detroit club) try Landing Strip in Rexdale. For Bogarts style action in wide open VIPs with rock solid 8s and 9s (and the occasional 10) try the scuzzy Trinity clubs in Mississauga. My personal favourite UHM club in GTA is Club Pro in Vaughan.

Montreal clubs have lots of ultra hot danseuses quebecoises as do the UHM clubs off the island of Montreal. Even though I speak French I just don't get along so well with les jolies quebecoises; it is the Canadian linguistic/cultural divide. I don't see this same pissiness from the girls directed to unilingual Americans in the clubs.

Toronto remains top for me but I am dying to visit shadowcat's club in Atlanta, lopaw's soCal haunts, and numerous Florida clubs.
avatar for tenisbum1776
11 years ago
Dayton clubs have tons of girls that offer extras. They seem to be oblivious to the state strip club laws that were passed several years ago.
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
Pizza is the best
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Of those cities, I've only been to strip clubs in a few, and my experience is very limited in every city but Detroit.

Detroit provides very high contact dances, and extras are available ITC and OTC. While you can find more hot dancers in LA and Vegas, you should be able to find enough attractive dancers in Detroit to satisfy you. Detroit dancers are friendly and approachable.
avatar for lopaw
11 years ago
I'll second the COI as a prime area for the following reasons - hot latinas, cheap prices and very high mileage. Booya!
avatar for bellman
11 years ago
As others have commented, "best" is quite subjective. My "best" is girls many would call only 5-7s but who offer lots of extras including barside "fun". And cost must be reasonable.

I've been to SCs in 8 of he listed cities. New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco are too expensive. The "Block" in Baltimore offers few attractive girls, even by my standards. My home area in Philadelphia has quite a few clubs that I enjoy visiting, but on average they don't match Toronto, Detroit, Houston, all of which have numerous SCs that meet my definition of "best".
avatar for nemesisk7
11 years ago
USA sucks tijuana is the best
avatar for Dolfan
11 years ago
Its hard to call one area the "best" since we've all got different opinions on that definition. Also, I haven't been to all the area's listed and a lot of them its been a while, so my opinion is made without a complete first hand picture though. I suspect the list of folks who've been everywhere on that list recently is pretty short.

That said, I think I gotta go w/ Art on this one. As long as by Toronto you mean the GTA and not just downtown. If you give Miami the entire Metro Area I think it'll give most area's a run for its money. The diversity is hard to beat. There's little dives featuring specific ethnicities and warehouse style mega clubs with every size/shape/color you can imagine. There's skeevy joints that are thinly veiled brothels and posh establishments with legitimate restaurants and impressive cigar bars. For the most part there's everything in between as well.

avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
According to your responses so far:

Top Ten Strip Club Cities
1. Detroit
2. Miami
3. Toronto
4. City Of Industry
5. Montreal
6. Houston
7. Las Vegas
8. Phoenix
9. Dallas
10. Tampa

avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Out of that bunch, I have clubbed in these over the years:

Las Vegas, Atlanta, Portland (Oregon), Providence, Dallas, Los Angeles (only a little), Tampa, Miami, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and several others.

Each has its pros and cons. I could more easily tell you the ones that I hate the most, including Las Vegas, Chicago, Boston, and several Midwest and deep south areas. Places like Atlanta, Dallas, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Tampa, and many others, each seem to have at least one fun club. Each of these areas also seems to have at least one club where there is amply eye candy.

Now I have definitely enjoyed clubbing in Providence over the years, with a great combination of excellent (reasonably priced) hotels, incredible restaurants (especially Italian joints on Federal Hill), and high mileage clubs, but even Providence has its drawbacks. Most notable is that fun in the clubs is a bit more rushed, with 15 minute VIPs being the norm, and a bit more expensive than some of you Southern boys and flyover state dwellers may be accustomed to.

Miami gets much the same rap on the expense side. I clubbed many years ago in Miami and had a fantastic time. Indeed, I received an incredible BBBJCIM from a true 9.5+, but it was not a cheap trip to that back room compared to places like Atlanta, South Carolina, Pasco County, Fl, and others.

Now I have never clubbed in Detroit, something that I hope to rectify at some point, but the rap on that town (right or wrong) is that extras are being delivered by 7s and under and that the hottest girls work in the couple remaining so-called "clean" clubs.

Anyway, just a few thoughts fwiw.
avatar for georgmicrodong
11 years ago
The bet city? Whatever one I'm in. Why? Because, well, *I* am there, of course!
avatar for StunnaBitch
11 years ago
Detroit, Tampa, Miami are my top three.
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
Best sity is the one where I get my dick suked an fuck sum pussy !
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
I notice Chicago is not on the list, and rightly so. It has the worst SC's in the world, except for maybe N. Korea.
avatar for silkypants
11 years ago
I have one more vote for TJ. The top two clubs in TJ are more like strip clubs than you think. That said I just got back from Detroit. I don't know how you could ever have a favorite in TJ because the girls turn over pretty fast. I have multiple favorites in Detroit I have been seeing off and on for the last three years.

I don't know if Detroit is my favorite market, but it is the one I am most attached to. I love Detroit even if she beats me every now and then.
avatar for Electronman
11 years ago
I'll take Detroit for its wide open ITC activities, reasonable prices, numerous clubs (from high to low end clubs) and selection of good quality dancers.

The Toronto suburbs are also full of high mileage clubs with a good diversity of ethnic peelers. Toronto is #2 in my book because the clubs are more expensive (compared to Detroit) and have somewhat limited privacy in the VIP which, in my experience, inhibits the dancers from allowing a wider variety of positions in the VIP.

COI also has a small but solid selection of clubs with high mileage options; it would probably be #3 in my ranking.

Tampa, Montreal, Atlanta and Phoenix are all great for eye candy but ITC seems to be restricted to a few clubs in each city.

I have not sampled Miami or the Texas market.

If the rankings were not restricted to the U. S., I would have Tijuana at the top of my list.
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