
[OT] Ted Cruz

What do you folks think of this guy?

How long does he get to talk for?


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    A lone wolf out to promote & enact his own agenda politically & otherwise.

    Could be a modern day Joseph McCarthy.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    I think he's my crazy uncle.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Looks like they made some kind of deal with him - he'll talk and take mostly softball questions until he runs out of air. Then everyone is happy - he's shut up until he gets his voice back which is what everyone wants (though I bet many wish it was permanent) but he got to rant as long as he was able which he want he wants. See compromise in Washington!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    He's a Hispanic Republican so I'm sure he expects to go on to big things. This is just grabbing attention imo. As far as I know he can talk as long as he can keep going. Strom Thurmon did 24+ hours.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Looks like there's a 15h limit. Let's see if his voice gives out first or not. No danger of actually blocking the vote the house bill, unless he changes mind martyring himself for the cause like that.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Where did you get 15 hours from?
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Never mind
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ZeroHedge blog and Business Insider. Looks like they got it wrong though - they now say he's got until noon tomorrow when the senate is scheduled to adjourn.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I just saw Wednesday morning. I was hoping for a Jimmy Stewart Mr. Smith sideshow.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Why is anyone concerned about dumbocare being defunded or the government shutting down? Besides, anytime a congressman or senator is making a speech in their respective chamber it means they aren't making laws that are going to cost us more of our hard earned money, money that can be spent clubbing.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    This guy is a wack job. I am grateful that he did not stay in Calgary. His father sounds like another wack job, starting out life as a Fidel Castro fellow traveler. I have asked around some of the old vets of the Calgary oil patch to see if anybody remembers Cruz Sr. - nothing at all resonates with the old guys of the patch.

    Doesn`t this guy`s Canadian birth disqualify him from holding the US presidency? I remember that Michigan governor of a few years ago whose presidential ambitions were quashed by her Canadian birth.

    Mind you, the Democrats would put up no fuss about his birthplace if the Republicans were so stupid as to make Cruz their presidential nominee in 2016. Cruz would be the perfect opponent. Whoever the Dems nominated would thrash this kook.

    By the way, anybody else note the uncanny resemblance between Cruz and that other Republican wack job of 60 years ago - McCarthy?

    What is it about the Republican party that produces so many of these nutbars?
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "By the way, anybody else note the uncanny resemblance between Cruz and that other Republican wack job of 60 years ago - McCarthy?"

    Did you not see my post Art?
  • farmerart
    11 years ago

    Mea culpa. I missed reading your comment.

    I was also referring to the physical resemblance between the two senators in addition to similarities in their wacky political posturings.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Farm, Jennifer Granholm is the only female gov of Mich., completing her second (and last) term in '11. While she may have prez aspirations, I don't ever remember any mention of her making a bid.
  • carl95
    11 years ago
    I'm convinced that he's Robin Williams' bastard child.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Well he did do a good reading of "Green Eggs and Ham". Hope someone puts it up on YouTube.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "I was also referring to the physical resemblance between the two senators in addition to similarities in their wacky political posturings"

    Yes, they do look alike. Will he get a political Era named after him? I sincerely DOUBT it!
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    And of course, farmer overlooks the fact that Obama had to throw every shady person he knew under the bus because they made him look like an ass, including his own reverend. Him, Pelosi, Biden have made enough wack job staements to last a lifetime.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    Tec Cruz is a paid liar for the elite establishment. He represents the elite, the corporations, and anyone else who hates ordinary working people. They are desparate to stop the Affordable Care Act. This country needs to get in step with the health care systems of the civilized world like UK and Canada.

    Once people find out how much cheaper health ins is under the affordable care act they will realize what frauds the opposition of it were.

  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    @player11. you aren’t just a dumbass. you are plain stupid.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    ^^^ I think you're right and that's why Cruz is so hung up on "Green Eggs and Ham".

    Once ObamaCare is adopted and the world doesn't fall apart will be very had for the Republicans to get rid of it.

    There are horror stories both ways which politicians will use to make their case.

    The tea-parties just need to realize that battle was list and move on until, if ever, they have the votes to directly get rid of it.

    Ted Cruz may just end being remembered for quickest time to self-destruct in the Senate.
  • Player11
    11 years ago
    Phil your an ignorant dodo - I have done the numbers.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    @player11 “I have done the numbers.”

    and your meth addict whores are good looking. what a dumbass loser.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Does Sen. Cruz get free LDs in Houston?
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Cruz can't possibly believe half of what he says; no one is that stupid. As for Obamacare, the GOP says they are afraid it will wreck the economy, but in reality they are more afraid that people will find out how good it is and support it. After all, it was Newt Gingrich who first proposed it, and Romney was the first to implement it.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Poor and middle class folk are going to hate ACA when they need to go through red tape to get subsidies to pay their fine. This of course will not happen on Obama's watch but the next president will hear screaming on the streets to "fix this shit."
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    That seems to be the real fear here, IMO, rockstar. What if people like socialized medicine? Then what else will they want socialized after that?

    Others opposed to it are thinking let it get started. When people see how badly it is going (and alot of the troubles will come at the start as people adapt) will be an easy thing for the Republicans/tea-partiers to argue against in 2016.

    Ted Cruz "filibuster" has included quite a bit of downright goofiness. If they the media decides to sound bite all of it, then I'm not sure that is going to end up being a positive for him.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    I have always been in favor of National Health care. I don't know any Canadians or Europeans who would trade it for what we have in the US, but half of Americans would love a system like Canada has.

    Obamacare isn't perfect. But having no lifetime caps, kids on your plan into their 20's, no dropping you for existing conditions are but three HUGE improvements over what we had. And forcing poor people to contribute to their own health care costs is only fair.
  • thenumber10
    11 years ago
    I give Cruz props for actually going onto the floor and physically filibustering as opposed to how it has been typically done lately, by simply declaring you are going to do it and that counts.

    I disagree with his sentiments that the best course of action on Obamacare is to defund it and kill it. There are seeds of an improvement but it needs reform. Unfortunately the only thing people want to do is either embrace it as if it is flawless or kill it.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    thenumber10: "Unfortunately the only thing people want to do is either embrace it as if it is flawless or kill it. "

    It's still early in the process now, so everyone can afford to be hardline and talk tough. Once we get closer and things get a bit hotter they will negotiate (even if the line right now is that they won't). It's just a question of how much Obama will have to give. He'd like to give nothing, but it will depend on how they gauge the public's reaction to it all the next couple of days.

  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    ^^^Obama will concede nothing to the American people, just push socialism down our throats. Meanwhile, he's trying to "work things out" with the pricks in Russia, Iran, and Syria.
  • Otto22
    11 years ago
    One does not need to be born in the United States to become an American citizen. If either of one's parents is a citizen, citizenship is automatic. John McCain was born in Panama but was a citizen because his parents were as well. Cruz's mother was an American citizen at the time of his birth. Jennifer Granholm was born in Canada to Canadian parents.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    If he runs they'll argue about whether he's a "natural born" citizen or not.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Does Sen. Cruz get free LDs in Houston?"

    NO, just Green Eggs & ham!! LMFAO!!

  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    He was just playing to his base.
    Accusing him of being a McCarthyist is a stretch. The Red Scare was a ploy by the government to control the population so the government could do what it wanted in the name of security. We then went to the 'Out Of Oil Scare', 'Then the Global Cooling Scare', Then to the 'Population Bomb' Then to Global Warming Scare all of were manufactured by government bullshit. The current one is terrorism. All the governments play along to curtail our rights hyping up the fear to strip the constitution and turn us into serfs and slaves. If governments decided not tolerate terrorism it would be gone in months. They tolerate it because it serves their purpose.
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