Exotic Dancers Deserve to Be Paid Minimum Wage, Judge Says
http://mobile.bloomberg.com/ne…Exotic dancers are entitled to be paid minimum wage, a U.S. judge ruled in a lawsuit brought by ex-performers at Rick's Cabaret International Inc.
The judge said the strippers shouldn't be considered independent contractors.
To contact the reporter on this story: Patricia Hurtado in New York at
[email protected]To contact the editor responsible for this story: Andrew Dunn at
[email protected]
last commentWhat do our resident FINANCIAL & labor "experts" say?
There may be other clubs that get sued as a result of this case, but I'm not expecting dancers to be getting paid a minimum wage anytime soon.
I guess we'll see who is right. The shares are meeting a lot of price resistance today despite the unreal trading volumes. Time for the back-end of this roller coaster ride I suspect. ;)
My broker doesn't allow after AH trading in this stock, but I'll check tomorrow to see if they allow shorting and let y'all know - for those who think there is a good short opportunity here.
"Eric Tx13 hours ago
If they get paid to be there, no one should be tipping them, they should provide the dances for free, as they are being paid as an "employee" and thier job is to dance. they now must declare tips to be income, now the IRS needs to get involved for they are not reporting thier income, lets see how quick they would drop this suit...."
I am not sure what the correct analogy is here. Yes, by dancing on stage they do allow the club to sell overpriced beer and collect admission fees, so they probably do deserve a wage for that. But how much of their job is doing stage shows? Maybe adds up to an hour a night tops if there is a decent volume of girls?
The rest of the time all the work they do is voluntary. They do not have to give lap dances to any customer they don't want to (as I'm sure losers like txtittyfan has first hand experience with). Heck, they can even hang out in the dressing room all night as long as they don't miss their stage shows.
So the current practice seems close to fair for me. They are mostly paying to rent property to conduct their business on, and from that some of the cost is deducted due to the service they provide of doing stage dances to allow RICK to sell overpriced beers and collect admission fees.
I know Rick's in Seattle (not associated with Rick's Cabaret the corporation) allowed dancers the option of not performing on stage, but then they had to pay higher rent.
Only thing, I'm thinking is that maybe dances should be entitled to some minimum guaranteed compensation for the time they do spend on stage each night. Should that just be the time they spend on stage or should it also include standby time? Hard to argue fully for the later if what they do in the standby time is up to them and they have no obligations, but could decide to make potentially substantial money doing lap dances.
I think that the strip club industry could benefit from a re shaping in regards to the way that dancers are treated. Realistically, I don't think that there would be as many incidences of dancers ripping off customers if they felt that they were being compensated fairly for their time. I understand that there's a "market rate" for BBFS, but maybe the dancers that provide would perform more enthusiastically if they had comprehensive health coverage to rely on should anything go awry as a result of the service they had rendered.
Truthfully, I'm surprised that more girls aren't just telling customers "yeah, I'll fuck you in VIP", getting the money and then not delivering.
The system strip clubs are operating on now is kind of like a Möbius strip of everyone involved getting ripped off.
Why does this surprise you? Names of ROBs get posted on the internet so that could cut into future business. Also she can only run that scam on a guy once and collect $200, whereas if she delivers she may collect $2000, $4000, more over time. Finally, what if she rips off a psycho customer. I'm pretty they don't do it more because the risk/reward just doesn't add up.
British Columbia - $10.25
Alberta - $9.95
Saskatchewan - $10.00
Nunavut - $11.00
North West Territories - $10.00
Guess how many of my employees and employees of contractors are paid minimum wage?