

Thursday, October 10, 2013 5:36 AM
My boss just told me I'm going to Iceland on business. "Great!" I thought. Scandinavian beauties! So I did some research and... strip clubs are banned in Iceland. There aren't any. Prostitution is illegal too, unlike the rest of Europe. And they didn't even fully repeal Prohibition until 1989. What the hell kind of a country is this??


  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    A mostly bankrupt one.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Scandinavian countries are renowned for being very matriarchal. In some countries they are laws to ensure this. I've known a couple of people who have travelled there. They say it is very nice, but is so small it only takes a couple of days to see it all. I've also heard that "hooking up" (unpaid) in Scandinavian countries is fairly easy.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Fuck all them hotties while your there
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    Its the typical hell citizens get when they vote for Progressives. If you voted for Obama and are complaining about it, you're an idiot because its coming here soon.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I understand that Iceland has a lot of blonde beauties, but not strip clubs. On the positive side, the country has an open attitude toward sex and English is widely spoken. Try picking up some civilians at bars.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Their Prime Minister is a lesbian. That should tell you something.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Bring warm clothes.
  • Rod8432
    11 years ago
    skibum609 - I don't follow your logic. Wouldn't Progressives tend to support, or at least not actively oppose, strip clubs and legal alcohol? It seems it's conservatives who block all things sexual that we on TUSCL tend to enjoy, and they're not shy about butting into what should be private matters.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    America in general has a prudish attitude towards sex. Anyone who has been to Europe will tell you from the TV show, commercials etc. that sex isn't a big deal. They're not trying to "save their children" from what is a natural and essential part of life. I've never been to Iceland but I concur with the comments that women are easy to pick up in Scandinavian countries. Sex is easy to get for free.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Icelandic girls lose their virginity at the youngest age of all European countries. Draw your own conclusions. Now given. What Shadow added, I'm unsure if they loose it to a strap-on or a guy.
  • dallas702
    11 years ago
    Ware the frostbite! If you are traveling this month, the sun sets early and the clubs are open late. If you wait until December you'll have to be quick to even see any sunlight. By mid January if you look for sunlight your eyes will freeze! Have fun.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Iceland has the highest per capita rate of consumption of Coca Cola in the world
  • Cable
    11 years ago
    Having been to Reykjavik a couple of times on business, I can attest to the seemingly prudish lack of strip clubs. But on the positive side, the women there are much more open and free sexually, and casual encounters are fairly common. I stay at the Hilton Nordica and there are have always been good pickings in the bar there. Good luck.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    "skibum609 - I don't follow your logic. Wouldn't Progressives tend to support, or at least not actively oppose, strip clubs and legal alcohol? It seems it's conservatives who block all things sexual that we on TUSCL tend to enjoy, and they're not shy about butting into what should be private matters." Rod, both parties have elements who dislike strip clubs. For conservatives it is the religious right, which is why some of the bible belt clubs suck so bad, but the liberals have the Feminazis and their sympathizers. MA, by way of one example, is one of the most liberal states in the country and also has some of the crappiest strip clubs, with very restrictive contact laws. MA is also one of those states that spends a lot of resources persecuting and prosecuting grown adults who exchange sex for money. You also have a distorted view about which party really spends more time worrying about what grown adults do. On everything from enforcing seat belt and other personal behavior laws to interfering with parental childraising, it is the liberal set who most often feels that they know better than we do how we should behave. routinely pursues
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I see lots of good strip clubs in conservative red states in the southern US and they are often business friendly. Liberal states like New York I heard put a lot of restrictions on their clubs. Of course I agree that the far religious right hasn't been that friendly to strip clubs. I see them as less of a threat than the far left liberals that want to tax everything under the sun. I just read the other day Obama is friends with members of the communist party in the US. I believe it.
  • juiicebox69
    11 years ago
    Olny ice I want 2 see is in my glass of vodka and grape drank !
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I should have checked the archives, we discussed this back in February. Classic Gatorfan one-liner: "Those Iceholes!" [view link]
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Iceland is actually quite nice. Last time I was there ('04) was before strip clubs closed. But they were overpriced anyway, so you're not missing much. Dress warm (I visited in July, which was fine in terms of temp but still had chilly moments). Be prepared to smell like sulfur from the hot water. Remember, not everything in life has to be 'bout the naked chicks. Enjoy yourself with some natural beauty. And if you meet a chick who gets all naked with you...BONUS!!!
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I wish Lopaw was President of the US. McDonald's value meals would come with a lap dance. There are Liberals who think commercial sex is anti-Feminist, and Liberals who just want to make sure sex workers have their basic rights respected. There are Social Conservatives who'd close strip clubs, and Libertarian Conservatives who want only minimally necessary regulation. It's not a an issue that breaks down cleanly between left and right.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    @Sharkdude...You know what I head about Obama? He is actually a TELLARITE in make up. the planet Tellar is the only Federation member world that doesn't have strip clubs and they have super high taxes. ZOMG I totally believe it! Our president is a time traveling, crypto-fascist, socialist, Muslim, atheist, polygamist, homosexual, Manchurian candidate from the planet Tellar but he was beamed into his Earth momma's womb from Kenya. Everything that has happened in this country sin 2008 makes total sense once you realize this!
  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Lol if Lopaw was president she would definitely make all lap dances tax deductible. Damn that would be nice.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I would make a bitchin' president. Lapdances would indeed be a write off on taxes and they would be mandatory with any fast food meal purchased. "Their Prime Minister is a lesbian. That should tell you something." And what pray tell does that tell you? Pretty fucking stupid statement there shadow cat. I'd expect better from you.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "What the hell kind of a country is this??" Seemingly a VERY, very conservative one. "And what pray tell does that tell you? Pretty fucking stupid statement there shadow cat. I'd expect better from you." WHY should you??
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    lowpaw - Maybe I should have said feminist. [view link]
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Things that may you go hmmm... Why is Iceland warmer than Greenland?
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    I thought Iceland was given its name to fool other vikings into thinking its a ice cap region when in reality it was a lush green country.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Iceland or Greenland, they're both cold. Now Puerto Rico, that's an island where fun can be had.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    To break up the long flights from western Canada to Europe I have started to use IcelandAir as my preferred airline to Europe. These flights always have a brief stopover in Reykjavik. I enjoy the chance to get some exercise and clear my head before the plane change to Heathrow. I know the airport very well but nothing of the country. I can tell you that Iceland in the winter is much warmer than western Canada (Gulfstream current influence). IcelandAir's business class is priced more reasonably than any trans-Atlantic airline that I know. To my great benefit IcelandAir has just announced direct Edmonton-Reykjavik flights starting next spring. Who knows? I may even spend an overnight in Iceland next trip to Europe.
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