
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Poll: Do you like to go to regular bars by yourself and eavesdrop on hot young
    Two of the sadder parts of getting older: 1. I would feel really creepy at most of the places I frequented on Saturday nights when I was younger. I'm at that age, 30-something, where I'm a little too old to be out at the bars where most young, single folks hang out now. More of a martini bar kind of age now. 2. With an SO, there's the risk of someone who knows the SO saying, "What are you doing here by yourself?" There's far less risk of that at the club.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    More women should visit strip clubs
    Allow me to chime in on the contrary -- but let me explain. Women tend to draw a lot of attention from the dancers, notably on stage, but off it, too. That's attention that isn't being paid to me, which is annoying if it's coming from a dancer whose attention I want. Now granted, yeah, it is kind of cool when a dancer lifts the shirt of a woman there or whatever, but generally speaking, there's no real competing with a woman customer or a group of women customers for a dancer's attention. Plus, women at a club are probably more apt to look down their noses at a guy there on his own like me, even if they're there to party. It's like adding to the numbers of women at a club who you can't touch or get dances from, much less have even more fun with. I go to the club to get away from women with whom I have no chance looking scornfully at me, not to see more of them with more-intense scorn. Don't get me wrong, not saying they shouldn't go or shouldn't be able to go, by any stretch. It's just that they seem to have an inherent advantage, and don't do anything to help my experience. But there's not really anything I can do about it.
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    10 years ago
    2nd thing you check out at a new club?
    Honestly? Pricing. If I've done my research right, I should know the mileage. It's more a matter now of figuring out what the best way to get the girl alone is. Should I do a string of dances? Is VIP listed low enough to give that a shot? What are the best ways to sample the merchandise? That's the second thing I want to know.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Web Cam modeling
    While I'm not afraid to shop online, I prefer to keep my adult activities and my credit card separate. My spidey sense says mixing the two could lead to issues. As such, I've signed up for MyFreeCams, but haven't put in for "credits." On occasion, if you dig past the top models, you'll find some girls that will actually interface with the free users and/or are new and don't know how to do a private show or whatever. You can see some interesting stuff. Also, some girls try to do multiple sites at once. I see the thought process, but they don't always get it straight which one they're on at a given time, so again, you might catch one giving someone on one site a show while you're on another and she's forgotten to hide her screen by setting it to 'away' or something. But yeah, there's an element of personal contact that isn't there. Would rather save my money to get the real thing, even if it is more analog.
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    10 years ago
    Hail Detroit !
    Detroit proves how backwards this country is about sex, or more specifically the Midwest. Detroit is a dismal, dire, depressing place outside strip clubs. But Detroit's strip clubs are magical. It's a shame.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Battle of wills – sorta
    'Round here, there's one place with three places for dancers to dance: "Up top," which is the center stage where dancers start, "Side 1," which is their second destination, and "Side 2," in front of the DJ booth where they do their last song. Rule is, Up Top, you've gotta have a top on unless you're getting a tip, then you can lift it for the tip. Side 1, you've gotta show something -- maybe it's take the top off, or if you've got a shirt, you have to open it. Then Side 2, you've gotta show something more. Maybe it's take the shirt off, or maybe you take off a pair of panties to reveal a G-string, or whatever. Just the policy of that club, I guess.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Vote for your favorite GILF.
    Some enhancement on some of those ladies, no doubt. But still, very nice. Not sure what it is about Brazil such that it's able to breed so many shapely women. Weather? Dancing? Who knows?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Molly Shattuck, Ex-Ravens Cheerleader, Indicted For Having Sex With A 15 Year-Ol
    I will say this: While cheerleaders very much do it for me, she ... er ... pretty rough around the edges. A lot of teams have a token older woman -- someone in her mid-30's or even early 40's that supposedly proves that cheerleading doesn't have to be the domain of 21-year-old bleach-blonde co-eds. Seems like she was the one on that team. And she didn't exactly represent her demo well.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    This is some pretty fucked up shit right here...
    What a bitch.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Battle of wills – sorta
    Like GoVikings, yeah, I've seen a dancer keep her top on if there's people in the place but no one at the stage. Honestly, it's rare that a girl's top being on or off influences whether I go up to tip. You can tell whether or not she's worth tipping with her top on, so it's not like she's gaining or losing anything by keeping the top on, at least in my world.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    P4P Bitch
    A little more tact might have been helpful. I usually begin with asking a dancer if she's "available independently." With that question, you might be asking about P4P or you might just be asking if she can dance at a guy's bachelor party or something. More often than not, she'll know what you're talking about and will either say, "No, sorry," or will say something like, "Hmm, I might be. What did you have in mind?" At that point, you can get a little more detailed.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is offering P4P offensive?
    Should they feel offended? Probably not. I'm offering you something of value because I believe you have something of value I want, and I only want it under certain terms, for which I may be willing to pay more if needed. Might they be offended? Yes, because some hold "play" in such high regard as some sort of sacred thing that they may feel that it can or should not involve "pay." Yes, even many "dancers" may hold this opinion. Everyone's allowed to have their own set of values. Generally speaking, if you're polite, and can take "No" for an answer politely, there are no problems. There are even some who will listen to your offer.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Trip to the barren West
    You're about an hour north of Kalamazoo: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=29989#comment324371. Best I can do. Never been up towards west-central Michigan myself. If you decide to stay closer to Grand Rapids, let us know if you find anything.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Would this be weird/make a stripper freak out
    Here's a question: Not that I've studied yoga pants extensively, but you sure they're going to fit? I mean, I get that they're pretty elastic, but I do think there has to be some semblance of size, lest they be too long and dragging on the floor or too short and pants she has to wear like really tight capris. Personally, here's my feeling: If it's a club where you're a regular, and there's a particular girl you've done VIPs with a few times, I'd just ask her to throw some of her yoga pants in her bag, or give her a tip the next time you do some dances with her and tell her the tip is intended for her to go out and buy what you'd like to see her in the next time you return to that club. Then let her take care of it. Yes, there's a chance she could just take the money and not follow through, but I'd think, if you made it known you'd make it worth her while if she did it, then she probably would. I dunno. It has to be the right-minded kind of girl. Remember, there are some girls out there that don't even like it if you get a hard on during a dance, much less wearing something tight knowing you want to feel that against your you-know-what. Seems like it has to be a girl who's somewhat open-minded and likes you ... a lot.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Post day and time most likely to go to a SC
    Friday, 10 p.m.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Should I Write A Review That Actually Happened In A Club Known To Have Nothing S
    First off, I say do a review. Don't name the dancer, because you might get her in trouble and, if that happens, no more of that experience for you. You might also want to be a little sly about specifics because I sometimes wonder if club managers keep tabs here and, if they are serious about adhering to certain standards, they might tighten the screws if they read about a certain specific act. (Probably less apt if you're at least somewhat sly.) This is why I read at least three or four reviews of a club, at the very least, before checking it out. Experiences change and, obviously, even the best club can have some folks who run into a dud night while even the worst clubs can have one guy who just happened to have the night of his life and wrote a glowing review. Remember, folks, if we had to pick a motto for this site, it would probably consist of four letters: YMMV.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    DFK during lap dance
    Some light smooching? Hot. But yeah, I don't think I want her tongue in my mouth for longer than a second or two if I can help it. Seems like a bad idea, particularly if it happens right away. "OK, so you did this on the first dance with me. Is that normal for you? You do this with every herpes-riddled guy?"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What I learned in strip clubs
    Without even checking out the video, when I read "traveling strippers," I think "feature dancer." Given most features will usually charge two to five times the regular lapper price for that experience, I'm guessing they don't have to do lappers a lot. Seems to me that if you have any talent for performing whatsoever, it's worth it to a dancer to tone up a little, get a few go-to costumes and some posters and go out on the feature circuit, assuming you're not really tied to home.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Not something you see too often
    I'd get a dance from her at a club. They're good, but not great. Kinda saggy, and she's only 18. Unless she sleeps upside down like a bat, gravity's not going to do her any favors.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    For those that appreciate areolas
    Pink, but a darker pink. That really light pink is something I think I usually only see on really young girls, and it makes you think that maybe this girl's too young to be dancing.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    changing of club habbits
    If you're not constantly adjusting, I don't think you're doing it right. At the moment, there are four clubs in my immediate area: Three I'll visit semi-regularly, but one I'll only visit under certain circumstances. Which one of the three I'll visit depends on a number of factors: What part of town I'm in, dollars and time available, what I'm in the mood for, etc. Also, I have two clubs across state lines I'll visit if I know I have a free night or am passing through that way. Similar factors on those clubs. Generally speaking, if one fails me one trip, I'll try another the next trip. I do occasionally travel further. I'll check the reviews here. If it seems like there's potential, or the chance for more mileage than I get locally, I'll give it a shot, or if I had a good experience at a place before. But not always. The fun, for me, lies in variety, mainly in terms of girls but also in a much smaller way with club styles and locations. So yeah, change it up, always.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Offtopic. is it really necessary for a town to run the tornado sirens when it un
    Here in Wisconsin, an inch of snow delays us from getting to the ice fishing pond by 10 minutes.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Saving up for an ENORMOUS LDK...
    I've held out before going someplace, specifically when I can get out of my non-extras part of the world to parts of the world where such glories exist. Not so much for LDK purposes but it seems like things are more sensitive down there when the nerves have been given time to ... heal. If I'm thinking it could be an extra-fun night — namely if I'm going someplace where there's typically been a girl on shift who can get it done — a condom is helpful. No stain, no mess, often times the dancer doesn't even know it happened and thinks I just hit my budget. And with that, it doesn't matter how much/little there is.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Don't like what you see in a strip club. Do you walk or settle?
    Steve's got it right on this one. Just because what you see when you walk in isn't the finest doesn't mean there isn't something prime in the back. But yeah, once you've seen the whole rotation of dancers, and there's nothing you like, vamoose. Whether or not I go to another club is a matter of the timing of the evening. In my part of the world, there isn't a part of town where the clubs are, there's one on the northwest side, one on the southeast side, one well north of town, one on the south side, etc. So it depends on what's going on. If it's a night where I'm determined to either get what I want or stay out until the clubs close, then I'm headed to another club. If it's a quick, "blow off some steam" type stop, save my cash and try again another night.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    A pep talk for LDK
    The shortstop ... number two ... Derek Jeter ... number two ... Jeter.