
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 35)

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    10 years ago
    Best Advice You Got From TUSCL
    It's good to be reminded of that advice on occasion, Papi. I think that's a good philosophy for having a good time.
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    10 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    More from SW...
    The naivete over there is kinda stunning, save for a couple veterans who steered things in the right direction. Then again, this has never been a field known for bringing in the best and brightest employees. Yes, Virginia, there are extras in Detroit clubs. I am of the belief that any trip to Detroit that doesn't involve a reasonably attractive female over the age of 18 at least touching "it" is kind of a wasted trip. As a customer, I'm not there to get you pregnant or give you an STD, and if your morals are such that you don't want to do extras, you don't have to — it's just that I'm going to give my money to someone who will, because that's what I'm looking for. If you feel that puts you at a disadvantage, makes me disgusting, whatever, fine. But that's your problem, not mine, and you're not going to both look down on me and get my money. Maybe in other places, police investigate whether or not bad things go on at clubs. Right now, the big chain in my hometown is looking to build another location, so they're probably going to be a little more vigilant enforcing rules. In Detroit, however, what few authorities are left are too busy protecting the few remaining things in the city worth saving (Verlander, Calvin Johnson, the Red Wings and maybe Renaissance Place on a good day) to worry about an exchange of money for services between willing, consenting adults. If anything, they're just happy any money is coming into the local economy. Do we necessarily exchange info on dancers? No, not really, and that's a little creepy if you ask me. But do we know which clubs have the right mix of attractive women and a more-lax nature with regards to rules? Hell yes, and you're at one of those clubs, m'lady. So yeah, now that you know what you're dealing with, deal with it. Not intending to be cold, but knowing that's how this comes off: Learn and learn fast, whether that means doing what the others will do or getting out of Dodge. Otherwise, accept that you're not going to make money in this business like you had hoped.
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    10 years ago
    Football or sports in general
    I'm a big fan of my teams, so if they're playing, I'm not at the club. I want to concentrate on what's going on. If it's not a team I care about, then having sports on is the second-best thing. Honestly, though, I prefer music videos to sports. If it's a big enough game, I'm not going to the club to watch it.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Taylor Swift or Jennifer Lawrence?
    Jennifer Lawrence, no doubt. Taylor has come off as an odd combination of high-maintenance and fake. Lawrence would not only be fun in bed, but would be fun to hang out just in general.
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    10 years ago
    Chocolate & Vanilla Swirl
    Can't say I've ever had the opportunity to do a true menage. However, did once get a tremendous two-girl dance with a pair of busty blondes, one of whom had been disappointed I told her to stop pre-LDK in a previous visit to that club. Well, it was her birthday that night, she was pretty drunk and she wanted the satisfaction of knowing she could make it happen with only her impressive pair. She walked away happy.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Breast-shaped building up for grabs
    I remember seeing San Onofre in a "Naked Gun" movie. As for the original post's building ... man, if you're going to build a club, I guess that's the way to build it. Though it would also work well as something else if you built a long, narrow extension to the building. Maybe an entrance hallway.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Virgins for jihadists
    Robin, Robin, Robin. Whatever reason you thought the world would be a better place without you was wrong.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Has TUSCL made you more of a SCer ?
    My knee-jerk reaction was to say "No," but then I asked myself, "Would I have gone clubbing in Detroit had I not known about TUSCL? Or in Indianapolis, had not BBF been so close to the top of the rankings for so long?" And my honest-with-myself answer was ... no. So I guess I have to say yes, I've clubbed more because of TUSCL, not to mention that my out-of-town experiences have probably made me club more at home, too, though the ease at which ITC/OTC is found out of town has not translated back to home, unfortunately.
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    10 years ago
    Any SC's around Phoenix that offer Detroit Style extras?
    Cities that offer Detroit-style clubbing are few and far between. From the recon I've gathered here, sounds to me like Dallas, Atlanta, Miami, East St. Louis and COI in L.A. are the only cities where you can find such options consistently (along with Detroit, obviously). Of course, there are diamonds in the rough everywhere, including the backwoodsy places. But for consistent, Detroit-style clubbing ... probably gotta go to Detroit.
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    10 years ago
    There's a resource now called liveescortreviews.com that pairs BP ads with TER reviews for you based off phone numbers and Google image searches. In my area, what you see is that maybe 1 in 15 girls have a review which, in my experience, is the only way to trust her pictures are real. LER also points out when it thinks a picture is fake, which is ... often. Often times, the BP experiences I've had have been questionable at best, sending me to bad parts of town and giving me kinda crazy women. The club offers an excellent chance to preview the merchandise first and know you're getting what you're seeing rather than the high risk of false advertisement.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    But I'm different from the rest of the PL's...
    As the guy who wrote the article, guess I should chime in. Damn me and my only checking the site occasionally. First off, went the article route because it seemed too long for a discussion topic. Length was the only deciding factor in doing an article and not a discussion. Secondly, it was my first time getting dances with the girl and got four total. I was having a good time up until she asked that question, and as is the case when I have a good time with a good-looking girl, I was trying to see if OTC was on the table, trying to determine which one of those "three types" she was. Maybe other guys can figure it out before a dance or two, but I at least like to sample the merchandise. If she's not a good dancer, she's probably not going to be worth P4P. When I decided I was too confused to care after the question, I stopped. So hopefully that's not too PL-ish as it's not like I popped for a VIP session in the hope of convincing her and it's also not like I continued to chase after her. More just trying to understand what and why to be better prepared for future opportunities as the quest continues with whoever the next women are. Also, I've had better OTC luck out of town. Once got an offer within a minute of striking up a conversation with a dancer after saying, "Yeah, I'm staying in a really nice hotel room downtown for the next couple nights." So I think that's why the "Are you sure you're not from out of town" question rattled me, because part of me was hoping she maybe treated out-of-towners differently relative to OTC. There's a reason, in a similarly-minded field, some ladies "only do outcall." The "I'm different" part of the article related to what I do for a living moreso than my approach. That's the weird thing -- if she was trying to profile me, she was getting it wrong initially, unless she was double-SS'ing me and getting it wrong on purpose. Said she thought I was an extrovert when I'm really an introvert, though I had done a lot of talking up to that point. Seemed surprised I was from the area when I had already told her I was just in the town where she grew up. Maybe she was doing a stripper version of negging me, but she didn't seem to be concentrating hard enough for that to be the case. Seemed sober & clean, or at least clear-headed in that her dancing was sharp and not sloppy. I was just thinking about whether OTC would be a possibility or not, but when she threw that question in, I got too confused and bewildered to even ask. The ATM thing ... I dunno. Again, since OTC is on the brain, part of me thinks hitting the ATM is actually a good strategy. It sends a message: I'm not limited by what's in my pocket. I'm at ease with hitting the machine and spending. She and no one, other than me, knows how much more I've got available, other than the fact I'm not unnerved at just plucking a few hundred bucks out of the sky. As such, if you want to negotiate something further and cut out the middle man, I can probably make that happen. Not to mention that if nothing I like steps forward that night, I don't like having all that leftover cash on hand. As for the creepy vibe, maybe yeah. It's wanting to let it be known you're interested in more than perhaps what the rules allow without losing the flirty part. I will say this: Yes, it can be very transactional, but I don't want a cold, transactional thing. I still want some flirting. That's part of what I want to pay for. I won't pay for "I'll coldly give you $X and you'll coldly perform act X on me." I want a girl that can fake being into me at least somewhat realistically, can hold a good conversation and flirt in addition to giving a good lapper and maybe more. So yeah, I try to flirt, too, and maybe that flirting ends up being creepy if I don't execute it right or the girl doesn't want to flirt back. If that's PL-ish of me, then fine, I'm a PL. I like the sizzle and the steak. This one girl's sizzle just confused me. I don't feel "entitled" to anything, though. I'm not entitled to OTC for the money; a girl can say no and so be it. I was just trying to figure out what was going on or if I took the clues correctly. It goes back to a topic we've had on here before, too, about OTC, and I don't like to just out-and-out ask as that seems too ... transactional. I like to work my way to it. If the girl at least seems to follow my hints and I like her style, then yeah, I'll ask if she's "available independently." But with this one, though the dances were hot and she had the look I like, she wasn't "getting" me, which left me more confused than it did interested in trying to take the next step. So yeah, part of me is a PL in that I like some flirt with my grind (or other activities). I come closer to getting it in a club than I do in reality, so if that's PL-ish of me, then I'm a PL. But she could have gotten P4P money from me and she didn't. She ended up getting less from me than she could have, so if it was an "approach" and she was "profiling" and it was purely transactional and about getting $, it didn't work as well as it could have for her. You guys are also right about something else, though, in that I'm overly analytic and am probably overthinking it. Even with the out-of-town bit, I'm guessing OTC isn't this girl's thing and any further dances or inquiries just would have been money & time wasted. Just trying to better understand what went on and confirm whether or not I'm thinking correctly or missing something for the next time.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do you approach dancers?
    One of the things about where I live is there is a mandatory "tip walk," i.e. when a girl gets done on stage, she has to walk around the bar and ask everyone for a tip, at most of the places local to me. I don't think it's a law, but it is the clubs in this area. So there's a good chance, if you position yourself right in the club such that you're on her tip walk path, you'll get to see the girl you want. I guess Rick and I kind of see eye to eye: If she doesn't want to come up to me, if she doesn't catch on when I make eye contact or she sees me looking at her, if she doesn't pick up on the fact that I tipped her and only her on stage ... then she doesn't deserve my hard-earned money. She has to at least show some level of interest in me by approaching, otherwise, there's a good chance she won't show any level of interest in me with her dance and/or isn't attentive enough to make a dance with me worthwhile.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Trip to Detroit?
    The few times I've done Detroit, I drove. I have a comfortable but not flashy car that works well for me and gets great gas mileage. It took about three tanks of gas round-trip. There's a certain freedom to renting a car. Plus, OTC has been known to be a possibility in Detroit and, without getting into great detail, it can be easier to arrange with a car than without.
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    10 years ago
    Today's "Would You Rather"
    This thread exemplifies why we need clubs. We all want, and would rather, date a B. But we'll all be damned if we wouldn't rather have sex with an A. Two very different things, yet we try to make them one in the same.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Do you approach dancers?
    Even as a "veteran" clubber, I sometimes wonder about this, too. Seems as though the first girl or two that comes up to me often isn't up to my standards, so I turn them down. But then you wonder if you've been labeled as a "non-spender" when you don't get any attention for the next 30 minutes. It's not that you're not willing to spend, though. You're just ... picky. Here's my tip: There's a very easy way to show you're just picky. Stay away from the stage until a girl you like takes her turn up there. Then go up, take a seat and tip her. I personally prefer to make sure she at least gets two or three dollars, including one towards the end of her show, whether or not she has my attention, to kind of send the message that I'm interested. Then, when the next girl comes up, or just before, I leave the stage and put myself in line with wherever the girl I'm interested in is probably headed. I don't like approaching girls, either. No fun for me. I love being approached, though. While this isn't foolproof — these aren't the brightest women in the world, and sometimes they don't take the hint or get picked right off the stage by someone more aggressive — I've found this is the best strategy for the way I operate. Might be for you, too.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    What do you consider extreme ITC extras?
    "Anal. The end." It's kind of like a three-word haiku.
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    10 years ago
    What would you do?
    The best experience I had with the type of girl you review on TER rather than TUSCL was with a girl who was probably up around the 200-pound mark. Kind of the opposite of a Butterface: Had a belly and kinda floppy up top, but really cute face, blonde hair and a great personality (and she was "talented," if you get my drift). With her clothes on, she was the kind of girl you'd see at the bar and say, "Sorta want," and after you got to know her for a while, you'd be seriously debating, even with the looks. So yeah. I think what you were trying to say is that you walk into a club with fours and below. But just pointing out weight doesn't quite get you there.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Using company computers to access TUSCL
    The Internet thing, I think, is two-fold: First off, on rare occasions, I do have a question about something work-related that I Google or consult a professional message board about. Since that's a really basic function of a computer nowadays, it's probably a lot easier for most employers to just leave a browser on the computer and filter restricted sites than to try and make the computer run without Internet (think about critical software updates and whatnot, too ... generally speaking, Web-delivered). Secondly, most E-mail servers are somehow web-based, or it's easier to have them be that way rather than totally internal (since a lot of workplaces just use existing Microsoft or Google infrastructure), so again, it would probably be more difficult to do computers completely without Internet than with it. Sans-Internet is probably much easier than sans E-mail, which is pretty important to business nowadays. Throw in the fact a lot of workers now probably listen to Internet radio or Pandora or something, too, and yes, like to sneak a peek at their Facebook or whatever during the day, and being at a place totally without Internet probably wouldn't be all that appealing to prospective employees, unless you're in a high-paying data security job or something where being on the Web would put you at risk.
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Trip to Detroit?
    Seems like you know something about the clubs themselves and Flight Club and Penthouse are definitely worth it (especially Penthouse; three-time out-of-state visitor myself). In terms of remaining safe, I'd hit Flight Club during the day or early evening. Yes, Penthouse is on Eight Mile, but honestly, I felt like Penthouse was in a better area than Flight Club. Eight Mile west of Penthouse isn't that bad. East of it, it starts getting iffy, at least from my experience. Also, nothing against our TUSCL brothers, but you might also want to seek out some advice over at Two Sheds, which is a Detroit-specific board. Happy hunting. Enjoy.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Using company computers to access TUSCL
    Wouldn't dare at work. Our network is a little less restrictive, but still. Plus, I use Chrome, which keeps your Internet history on every device you're signed into from every device you're signed into, so I visit in Incognito Mode whenever I'm here at home or on mobile. Not. Even. Taking. The chance.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    What do you consider extreme ITC extras?
    If a girl says Greek is on the menu the first time you "get dances" from her, then you know she's either really a freak or really desperate.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    why women in relationships should be more accepting of their men going to strip
    Because women should be more accepting of the fact most men are not wired to be monogamous, but we live in a culture that seems to insist that we're flawed if we practice non-monogamy, so the best way for us to live out our instincts without it being known to most of the outside world is in the privacy of a club. We sell everything under the sun to men based on sex because we know they think about it with every woman they see, even if the thought is, "Not even with someone else's dick." But actually having men act on those instincts? God, what an awful thought. The club gives us the variety and privacy we crave, then allows us to come home happy to the person we think is the most perfect for us on the whole and do want to stay with and do all the non-sexual things with. In the end, it's the best way for everyone.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Was he majoring in animal husbandry?
    Ah, another time when American Pie's Beta House comes in handy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igYkSQt1B9s
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    OT - Prevelance of ADD in strip club hounds
    It runs in my family and while I'm easily distracted, if I can eliminate all distractions and concentrate, I can focus for extended periods of time. It's one of the reasons I prefer to work during off-hours.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    2nd thing you check out at a new club?
    Generally speaking, if it's a place worth its salt, the lapper areas won't be something you'll be able to check out second because they'll be secluded enough that you won't be able to see into them without getting a dance. I suppose, if I see the lappers are done out in the open, I might take that as the second thing and decide that's all I need to leave, but again, if I'm going to spend time on a new place, I'm going to check here to make sure that's not the case before I even go.