
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 37)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Does anyone else find this as unattractive as I do?
    If knowing what goes on in a dancer's life outside of work makes her unattractive, then I'd really suggest not seeking out the Facebook pages of some of your favorites, as you're probably going to see a lot of pictures of kids and long-since-gone baby daddies. But yeah, in this case, it's both unavoidable and tougher to swallow.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Win One for the Zipper
    I dunno. I think he's wise beyond his years. Yeah, you could get some young, nubile, hot Notre Dame campus chick whose dad has lots of money, but there's a good chance she doesn't know what the hell she's doing, if she's ever done it before (Notre Dame, a lot of devout Catholics there). Or, you can get Lisa Ann, who very much knows what she's doing and, yeah, might have had a few guys before, but can also kind of be your sugar mama. Supposedly Lisa Ann is one of the stars that isn't available independently, either (a lot are nowadays), so there's a good chance he had to win her over somehow. There's a lot of guys in America, college-aged and not, who'd like to be in his spot, so hey, props to him.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Was this wrong?
    If you really want to convert 'em, don't leave a wrapper ... leave an unused one, along with a note that says, "Try it, you'll like it."
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Before and After Makeup
    @shadow: Back when one of the clubs I used to frequent was at its best, the regular dancers were also kind of their own operations crew as well. One, who didn't have the best body but a nice face and gave a great lapper, also served as the makeup & hair girl. Another, who had a great body but gave so-so lappers, designed gowns and put together a lot of the girls' outfits. It was kind of cool that they were two of my favorites, there, too, and I think it was part of the reason why it was (then) one of my favorite places: With the girls having something invested in their co-workers, they all got along really well and were always smiling and happy, which made for a great mood.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Does anyone else find this as unattractive as I do?
    If I didn't know anything about her, I'd say, "Eh, doesn't look awful." There was only one angle where I kinda-sorta saw stretch marks, and hey, at least she had a butt and chest. But given what we know about her ... and the fact she's drinking from a baby bottle with someone holding out a rattle to her ... there's multiple levels of wrong going on there.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Changing clubs
    It was interesting for me to come out of the Kayden Kross discussion into this one. Talk about a contrast. That's the thing: Sex? Drugs? Alcohol? All very powerful things. When used well, and wisely, they can create fun times. But they also can lead to problems. I do think it's possible to have your head screwed on straightly enough when you come into this, like Kayden, to deal with all the weird trappings of those things and still be a somewhat well-adjusted, sex-positive person. But I think it's a rare breed. A lot of it, I think, breaks down to the motivation for the girl to dance. If she's dancing because she wants to — because she wants to profit off of her looks, because she believes she's hot, because she feels like she can get enough money from men she likes and not have to deal with ones she doesn't, etc. — I think she'll be fine in the end. But if she's dancing because she needs to — because she's trying to solve other problems by doing something that can be very profitable, very quickly, but also tests your faith in humanity if you have to deal with some of the problem-child customers — I think she's going to go a little crazy and is apt to create more problems for herself (drugs, alcohol, whatever) coping than she's going to solve. Oh, and the customers and club owners? They don't really care at the end of the day, as long as they don't get in trouble with the law and keep making money. Got problems? Don't care. Go out and make me money. Want a friend? Don't care. Dance for me or go away. It's hard for me to imagine a girl who's had problems can come back and get it right the second time around. I have a feeling it's going to go wrong again at some point.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip clubs are just like Mean Girls
    @Josh43: I'm not a salesman or in real estate. In fact, I kind of despise salesmen in general. There's no experience I hate more than when I need to buy a car. But I felt like watching that scene with Alec Baldwin in that movie gave me a glimpse into what it takes to be a great salesman, and also let me know I'm too nice of a guy to ever be in sales. Great scene. I think about Mad Men in that regard, too. @jack: There's something about a woman that can hold an excellent conversation that both can't be faked and is a tremendous turn-on when paired with a decent body. These are a rare breed. Savanna Samson comes to mind. My ATF from Chicago also comes to mind. Shame she disappeared from the club I used to find her in.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip clubs are just like Mean Girls
    I'm hardly surprised when people who are competitive turn out to have some semblance of a bully in them. Go watch the "Coffee is for Closers" scene in Glengarry Glen Ross again if you need to know that. The weird thing is, as a customer, while I want the girls to be competitive, I don't see myself being that way. I'm being generous, giving away my money, particularly for good service. But I want good service, and I would have to think that a girl wanting to be better than the others at what she does will both make her offer up better service and make her more apt to get more money. She's the one who has to be competitive. And if she is, she gets rewarded.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Ever seen a show with ping-pong balls?
    Makes me think of the "South Park" movie scene. And impala ... http://img.pandawhale.com/53239-jerry-seinfeld-Im-out-gif-0qdn.gif
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    This Porn Star Is Going On A ‘Sex-Tour’ Where You Can Win The Chance To Have Sex
    Just based on looks alone, I'd do her. I like the enhanced blondes, and she probably has a British accent, which I find hot. But seeing who else has been there, and hearing the numbers, makes me think she's probably going to be a little mechanical, Plus, yeah. A truck? It'd be nicer if she had an RV or bus or something such that she could shower after each ... um, turn. And there's a picture floating around of who all got the chance on a particular day. Quite the motley crew, and I'm not talking about the band. Just remember, you're following those guys. Good idea. Execution's a little lacking.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Halloween At The Strip Club
    File it under different strokes for different folks, I guess. I actually like it better when girls are wearing a little more out in the club. Not a parka, mind you, but I far prefer a girl in a form-fitting dress or gown under normal circumstances than a girl in a bikini. It heightens the anticipation for when you get to see what's underneath. For me, the "fantasy" centers more around a girl that can look and act classy in public but knows how to get dirty behind closed doors. (That's kind of my style as a guy, too.) I guess that's why I'm into the cheerleaders and schoolgirls and whatnot. Again, to each his own.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Halloween At The Strip Club
    ATAC: Why no, not at all. Though I might have to check. Please have that club send said maid to one of my local clubs for further inspection. Please include the maid costume, though not necessarily the G-string as I'd be wanting to remove it the whole time anyway. You know, for further inspection. Papi: I'm with you. Labor, Memorial, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc., all awful times to club. But none of those holidays involve sexy outfits by nature, whereas that's what Halloween seems to have become for adults. Might as well get to see what's underneath those costumes, right?
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Halloween At The Strip Club
    Oh, and did I mention French maid? French maid. You know, just in case dancers are looking for any ideas.
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Halloween At The Strip Club
    I've gone before on Halloween and it's been great. First off, the case for the civvies is understandable, but it's not as easy, or guaranteed, as it might seem, especially for those of us who don't live in a huge city and may or may not have a SO. It's not exactly cool if someone you know sees you out trolling a regular bar for ladies in that instance. However, just like every other day, the club offers up the guarantee that you'll at least be able to see and feel the goods (for a price) while you still get the fun packaging of Halloween and can leave anything that happens within the four walls. Yes, you might lose some dancers to Trick-or-Treat, but it's still a Friday night and the clubs will still have plenty of talent. Furthermore, I'm still waiting to strike gold one of these nights. A cheerleader costume -- and not a fake one, but a kind of realistic one, or the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit -- or a naughty schoolgirl, or a naughty nurse, or a cowgirl ... yuh huh, gettin' all my money. Not into the generic dark makeup kind of thing or the girl who's a vampire or a zombie or whatever, but one of the above would really do it for me. Best dance I ever got on Halloween was from a woman I thought was hot but a so-so dancer before. She was a classic rock chick for Halloween in ripped jean shorts and a ripped AC/DC T-shirt. Took her up on a dance and she had improved since the last time I got a dance with her. I also lucked out and the second song of our string -- this had to be a coincidence, the place was too big and there were too many others getting dances for the DJ to do this just for me -- was "Highway to Hell." She was into it big time and I reaped the benefits. Yup, good times.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Maybe you think I'm talking freckled like covered in them. Like this: http://images.sodahead.com/polls/004051435/4331965347_Freckle_answer_2_xlarge.png No, I'm talking about a light splattering ... just enough to know the redhead thing isn't faked. Not even on the face, necessarily. Take Nikki Rhodes for example: http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m83zn9nbTE1ra5gwmo1_1280.jpg
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Could well be, though I believe history shows that China has been sliced and diced a number of different ways by colonial powers through history, and there is a lot of Chinese on that list, so that might play in. All I know is this: As people become more mobile, I think we're going to see a lot more of these great mixes. Heck, you could have the purest, bustiest, fittest Irishwoman get together with the purest, most handsome Japanese man and you could end up with one hell of a hot, redheaded, freckled, doe-eyed, nicely boobed mix (unlikely, given red hair is usually a recessive trait, but if it happened, DAMN).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Funny thing is, most of the ones I listed are a euro-asian mix. Kiana Tom is Hawaiian, Chinese and Irish. Kira Kener is Vietnamese and Norwegian. Lisa Boyle doesn't claim any asian background (there's got to be something, and one site says Filipino), but does claim Polish, Irish and Lithuanian. Ava Devine, Chinese, Italian and Spanish. Tia Carerre is Chinese, Spanish and Filipino. Tera Patrick is Thai, English and Dutch. Akira Lane is entirely pacific islander, at least, half-Japanese and half-Hawaiian. Same for Kobe Tai, who is half-Thai (duh) and half-Japanese. Asa Akira is entirely Japanese. You learn something every day.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    Oh, and does Tera Patrick count? 'Cause if she does ...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fuck-Marry-Kill:Asian Playboy Edition
    My yellow fever list: Kiana Tom (what I wouldn't do) Kira Kener Akira Lane Lisa Boyle Ava Devine Tia Carerra Kobe Tai Asa Akira
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    She's texting while I'm going down on her
    Milwaukee leg ... well, artist, Pat McCurdy, "She Never Put Down Her Phone." Lyrics: http://www.patmccurdy.com/song.php?652 A live performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjS3hsCq4YE
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Founder...petition to add LDK to glossary
    In your honor, don't be surprised if the plaque is a little ... sticky.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ever host a party ?
    I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party. The party. The pants. Party with the pants? Brick, are you saying there's a party in your pants and that I'm invited? Did Brian tell you to say this, Brick? ... I don't know WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Quality vs Quantity
    I don't think I'd go that high for any one girl. I think about my ATF, who has kind of disappeared for a while: I'd probably go $600 tops for a night with her. Maybe $650. Definitely not $700. I'm pretty good at finding diamonds in the rough, so I'd probably rather take my chances with the 10 other girls. Plus, part of the reason why I love this hobby: While the outside world somehow frowns upon variety in sexuality, I welcome it, so I wouldn't mind getting 10 girls rather than just one.