changing of club habbits

avatar for Duke69
Ive been a long time regular at a hand full of local tired of going to spice shit up by clubbing less witch means im going to save up to travel the states more and frequent more trashy dive bars

So my question to you is how often do you change your habits ?


last comment
avatar for Big_sarge
10 years ago
Pretty much whenever I push the envelope too far at a club and get kicked out...I then go looking for a new one.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
All day every day mr miagi
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
When the spirit moves me (or when my ATF changes clubs).
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I use an easier method. I just switch universes. You never know what's different. The same club can seem totally different.
Either that or the turnover rate of dancers in the strip clubs near me is very high. I suspect most of the time, the turnover rate is high.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
I am fortunate to travel as much as I do, which gives me a lot of variety over a year.

But I hear what you are saying and I sometimes also burn out on the same one or two local clubs. At one club in particular, I am tired of the silly bullshit. It is a great OTC pickup spot, but too many of the girls in the club have issues or are simply unreliable. I can go into the place now on some nights, see three girls dancing that I've taken OTC, and not want a single one of them. While at the club down the street, I can see great talent, but so many of the girls are so new to dancing that my OTC chances are low. The only real option is to source a third club, but then you start over as a new face, with all of the associated drawbacks.

First world problems to be sure, but there it is. :)
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
If you're not constantly adjusting, I don't think you're doing it right.

At the moment, there are four clubs in my immediate area: Three I'll visit semi-regularly, but one I'll only visit under certain circumstances. Which one of the three I'll visit depends on a number of factors: What part of town I'm in, dollars and time available, what I'm in the mood for, etc.

Also, I have two clubs across state lines I'll visit if I know I have a free night or am passing through that way. Similar factors on those clubs. Generally speaking, if one fails me one trip, I'll try another the next trip.

I do occasionally travel further. I'll check the reviews here. If it seems like there's potential, or the chance for more mileage than I get locally, I'll give it a shot, or if I had a good experience at a place before. But not always.

The fun, for me, lies in variety, mainly in terms of girls but also in a much smaller way with club styles and locations. So yeah, change it up, always.
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