
Don't like what you see in a strip club. Do you walk or settle?

Obviously most of us TUSCLers visit strip clubs to get cozy with dancers.
The poker games, sports on TV, shot girls, $9.99 lobsters ... just add to the ambiance.

From time to time, we do run into a club with no dancer meeting your taste. None.
What do you do ? Finish your drinks, close the tab and leave. Visit another club?
Or - settle for what's available. And blow the party money anyway.

I make up my mind about which club to visit and then settle for the best available dancers. No club hopping or heading back home.
But then - my last club visit there were half a dozen faves - and was havin such a good time that hated to leave - but exhausted my weekly budget because two days earlier I spent a wad on what was available.
I'm strict about holding to a budget - that's the only way I'll be able to enjoy this contact sport for another decade (or two).

What do you do when dancers on duty don't measure up ?


  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Since my normal visits are relatively short, about an hour at most, I have a couple of beers, and get dances if attracted to a dancer. If not just sit, fend of the dancers and have my beer. If really annoying, just leave.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    how often do you visit clubber ? for me a couple of times a week - one mid-week and other weekend. An hour sounds like a daily trip after work to chug down a couple of beers
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Sit through one rotation of dancers, then bounce and live to club another day
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @rogertex - $9.99 lobster? Where is this? How much is the wagyu?
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    If there is another club available, I'll bounce. If not go back to the hotel.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    i wonder if this happens to SJG at his AMPS? Or does he pick one out and move in for the kill?
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Generally, I'll go to another club. The exception is if I've already been to them all. Then I go to the "no possibility of blue balls" club and settle.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    Steve229, $9.99 lobster in P10 roundrock (suburb of austin) - weekday. No wagyu - but good steaks for 10-15 bucks in Palazio, P10, Pulled pork sandwich is good in Yellow Rose.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    I always settle for less when I vote. When it comes to strippers, no way.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Unless the club is an almost sure thing (like when I have a favorite that I knew was working there that night) I usually make an alternative plan beforehand to visit a second best club if there is one nearby. If there is no second-best club nearby, I simply go to home or hotel and sleep with either Rosie or the ball and chain.
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    I don't expect Farrah Fawcett circa 1978, I expect Farrah Fawcett's daughter circa 1995
  • footballguy
    10 years ago
    If I'm at a club and I'm not impressed with any of the dancers, I'll still stay for a while. I've had plenty of visits where I was disappointed with the dancers and began to give up hope only to have a an 8 or 9 approach me out of no where.

    If I'm not impressed with any of the dancers I just don't get dances from them to avoid wasting my money. There's not much worse than getting a LD from a dancer when you aren't into her and realizing halfway through the dance that you can't wait for the dance to end.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    Amazing. 100% voted - "Walk away" over "Settle".

    Would even settle for a dumb politician to run our gov - but would walk from a so-so dancer wanting to sit on your lap ! Funny - even when Chandler is serious.
    chandler: "I always settle for less when I vote. When it comes to strippers, no way."

    I'll need to try walking away but not sure if Rosie will work as a substitute in "no possibility of blue balls" club.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I recently stopped at a club wher there wasn't a dancer above a 6. Several years ago the bartenders boyfriend had gone in with an assault gun and killed the manager and injured several others before getting into a protracted gun battle with police.
    On this trip a gang of young guys were at the entrance threatening a drunk patron who came in and proceeded to pass out with a face plant next to the bar. I saw no reason to stay, left and went to my regular club, met a 25 year old spinner (8+) who provided a very nice BBBJCIM. Why stay where I saw no benefit when nirvana is 30 minutes away?
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Never settle. There are too many worthwhile clubs and high mileage girls to do that. Plus, you won't respect yourself in the morning.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    @gawker - Damn, I'd be running away from that club too
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    @JohnSmith69 - "Plus, you won't respect yourself in the morning."

    Ha Ha
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I SC a lot – sometimes I’m really in the mood – sometimes I’m just bored.

    In general; if the club is not doing it for me I’ll bounce – if I went b/c I was bored; I’ll probably go home and save my $$$ for another visit – if I’m in the mood to SC that day/eve; then I’ll hit another club.

    I also got flexibility in that I can often hit SCs pretty much whenever I want (no wife/kids) – so if a visit is not good; I can just hit another club the next day.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    If the talent is lacking at a particular club, I walk. I may give it some time just to be sure that I've seen all that the club has to offer, but I won't hang once it becomes clear that the talent sucks - in a bad way. ;)
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Depends on when and where. Is it around shift change? Are there other options reasonably close by?
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    rickdugan: "... but I won't hang once it becomes clear that the talent sucks - in a bad way. ;) "

    You guys are a riot !
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    @gatorfan - "I don't expect Farrah Fawcett circa 1978, I expect Farrah Fawcett's daughter circa 1995"

    Barely legal !
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    @papi_chulo - that's the thrill of clubbing. there's certainly a surprise element that keeps you glued to the sofa in the club even if the dancers ain't revving your motor. . based on all responses above - I gotta get my butt outta clubs where "talent sucks, in a bad way"
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    Steve's got it right on this one. Just because what you see when you walk in isn't the finest doesn't mean there isn't something prime in the back. But yeah, once you've seen the whole rotation of dancers, and there's nothing you like, vamoose.

    Whether or not I go to another club is a matter of the timing of the evening. In my part of the world, there isn't a part of town where the clubs are, there's one on the northwest side, one on the southeast side, one well north of town, one on the south side, etc. So it depends on what's going on. If it's a night where I'm determined to either get what I want or stay out until the clubs close, then I'm headed to another club. If it's a quick, "blow off some steam" type stop, save my cash and try again another night.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Roger, lately none. I've been dealing with health problems. In normal times, usually once or twice a week.
  • rentz2
    10 years ago
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I stay for a rotation or a couple of Cokes, whichever ends first. If a dancer sits down and starts chatting with me, there's always that chance she'll be a diamond in the rough.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I tend to settle, especially if it's a known extras club. Considering I have to drive a long way just to get to a club, I'm not showing up at a club just to leave two minutes later.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I have no interest in going to more than one SC in a 24 hour day. But if I can't find a dancer I like, then there is no choice but to leave.

    Fact is though, this never happens. The more I am around a girl the more I will come to like her. I can be patient and find one that I like. I have been to the worst dives around. ( here it was George's Rockin' Robin, at Story and White in San Jose, long gone now. ) I and the girls can get along, at least well enough for the typical doings in our zero touching clubs.

    Mikeya02, at AMPs the quality varies. At the South Bay ones, some of the women are far too old to be in an SC. But other of them would be welcomed at an SC. With the Asian girls, I think their temperament is just different, so they prefer the AMP.

    But I always try to manipulate the selection process, take it out of the narrow confines they have set up. That is, I do window shopping first. Usually I carry no cash. I don't want to be tempted to settle for anything. I find one I like, really like. And I make sure she knows this.

    See, staging it so that the girl is giddy with anticipation is the key to making it into a phenomenal session.

    Maybe the Asian girls are a little bit more this way, but I think it is also true of all races. They like the guy to take the initiative. It makes it easier for them. So I am gentle with them in my manner, talk, and tone of voice. It isn't my fault if there just happens to be a wall close behind her. And when she lets go after being kissed some, well then there isn't likely to be much of a massage. And then whether she takes off her own clothes, or whether she lets me undress her, I've learned how to make it go really nice.

    There was one, again wearing the cat eye makeup. She was slender, but I liked her a lot.

    But a few weeks later when I came in again I heard about it, "You! Making love with the skinny girl! She's so skinny. How can she satisfy the man?"

  • rick33
    10 years ago
    Wait, watch, set a specific cutoff time, and bail
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I'm so used to going to at least 2 strip clubs in the same night that not bouncing seems unnatural. I usually find someone or get talked into a dance by someone at my regular clubs. If not it's rare I don't find someone in between two clubs. If everyone sucked in a bad way, I would just leave.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    Clubber - You know the cure to many health problems - a visit to strip club. Best tonic ever ! I wish you healthy life.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    @DanyDan - " I tend to settle, especially ..." First person, besides me the OP - that tends to settle. In my case other clubs are not far away - but even with dancers that suck(in a bad way) - strip clubs tend to treat customers like royalty compared to regular bars. Drinks & the attentive waitresses make me way too comfortable and tend to settle for "catch of the day".

    But TUSCL glitterrati speaks otherwise. Scan first, then don't walk. Run. Never Settle (how'd a man respect himself the next day :-) - and splurge on dancers that really turn my motor on.

    The responses in this thread are too funny. And useful.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    @SJC - man you've got tales to tell ! Your writings indicate you enjoy every bit of strip-clubbing. Keep it going.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    In my fave club, I know most of the dancers, and if none of the ones present inspire me to get dances, there's always a few that are very fun drinking buddies. I'll often settle in with one or two, buy her shots for an hour or two, throw a tip her way, then take off. This is (much-needed) leisure time for me, and while I hope it's spent grinding, I'm happy getting drunk with a cool chick or two.

    Any other club but my fave, I walk.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Like my eyes only want eye candy, I would walk if there's nothing to look/gawk at.

    I like to see sexy bodies bathed in lights, pounded by the bass sound of Rock, EDM or Dub. Sorry but I'm not into rap music, but I do listen when played.

    Svelts who know how to spin and twirl, man, my beer would say "Go man, throw some singles already."

  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    @Subraman - I feel the same way as you. Fave club is also a relaxing spot even if the right dancers are not there.

    @alabegonz - spoke like a die hard strip club patron !

    I actually applied TUSCL advice on my most recent visit to fave club - Expose in Austin, TX.
    No dancer on duty that was turning my motor - and I decided to Walk.
    Well I have more money for a better day.
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