Trip to the barren West

avatar for bvino
I have to travel to Holland Michigan this week for an overnight sales call. I am aware of the three clubs in Grand Rapids. They all sound alike and they all sound (read) disappointing. There seems to be an active escort scene. I am assuming this is the West side way. If anyone lives out that way or has experience please p.m me and let me know my options. I scoped out an escort named EVA but this is always a pig/poke maybe poke experience. Some help?.


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avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
You're about an hour north of Kalamazoo:…. Best I can do.

Never been up towards west-central Michigan myself. If you decide to stay closer to Grand Rapids, let us know if you find anything.
avatar for Electronman
10 years ago
Can't offer any advice on Holland but Grand Rapids is your closest large city. For a large city, Grand Rapids has a remarkably boring strip club scene. GR does seem to have a fairly active spa and escort scene but I don't have any direct knowledge that I can share.

If strip clubs are of interest, I concur with the above post--- Angels in Kalamazoo is probably the best strip club in the area and Heartbeats in Battle Creek gets a runner up nod. Both have decent talent but don't expect any extras.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Thanks for the help. This only confirms what a wasteland the west side is.
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