avatar for Mr.White

Comments by Mr.White

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15 years ago
avatar for fetish_dancer
if your good onstage you'll get the costomers.if your hot you'll get the money.
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15 years ago
avatar for 10inches
I like black strippers alot.they seem to try harder to make it better for me.
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15 years ago
avatar for fetish_dancer
Playing to the Crowd
you look hot in your pic.share some more!!do you do hotwax,body paint?you would be surprised how that excites the crowd.i've always liked the collar and chains look.leather ,leather, leather.lol.i'm not into it OTC but it sure is fun to watch onstage.its sad when a stripper trys to act the part and fails though.she would really have to be into it for it to work.i like you taste of music.its nice to hear something other than the basic ass clap music in a club.
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15 years ago
avatar for dallas702
Are club Mgrs scripting fake reviews on TUSCL to promote their clubs?
i used to print out the reviews and bring them in and show the girls that didn't have a computer.she would read them and tell me who did the review.the manager the bartender or another stripper.i've been told not to write reviews of the strippers.i thought they would want the advertisement.she told me that if she gets that "reputation" all the guys that come in expect the extras.even if i don't mention extras,so if i do review a club i always just mention the club bartenders,waitress or dj and hot doorgirl.if i have a bad experience i do tell all. lol.i only review on that stipclubs website.
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15 years ago
avatar for judyjudy
Days or Nights
i find the dayshift empty most of the time at the clubs i go to.the girls do the quick extras to make there money.the girls are more posesive of there day time customers.as soon as night shift managers come in its harder to get away with extras.if your worried about stalkers ask a bouncer to escort you out.i see alot of girls leavong at the same time too this helps.
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15 years ago
avatar for steve229
Columbia Police Raid, Shutdown Platinum Plus Strip Club
is this an april fools joke??
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15 years ago
avatar for steve229
Dancer won't give you a dance
usally the 3 for 30 or the 2 for 20 dances i've been turned down flat.(they say no i don't do cheap ass dances like that)those are the ones that think there all that and probably arebut they lose my buisness
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15 years ago
avatar for Hockeyguy304
i go alone now i had my fun around other guys in stip clubs or private parties to last a lifetime some good some bad.i like the one on one now.
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15 years ago
avatar for steve229
Stripper Compliments
the best fake compliment was when my ATF at the time was sitting on my lap on the main floor.she calls another girl over after she was rubbing me for a bit and she grabs my dick and tells her "this is huge"!feel it and she does.then they make a big deal out of it.lol I think i'm average.they both turned into money hungry bitches soon after.all strippers tell me how good i smell.exspencive cologue.and of course the I LOVE YOUR SMOOTH HEAD!alot of stripper are good at compliments.
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15 years ago
avatar for sharkiee123
How much can a "clean" stripper make?
i thought you said she already told you she does OTC.
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15 years ago
avatar for Electronman
Too much of a good thing is never enough
Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
my OTC tells me all kinds of gossip.shes cool and doesn't mind me dancing with other girls.unless she hears of std then she tells me to stay away from her.she even wanted to set me up with her friend but i said no.good thing because they aren't friends no more.my other OTC told me about the new girls getting caught fucking in the vip.she didn't get fired but got busted a week later for OTC hooking.few other girls told me to take new girl to vip for no extra charge fo FS but she did it with him and him and him as they pointed.funny shit.i have looked right in the eyes of a dancer and said would you recomend a dancer thats not so fucking bitchy.
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15 years ago
avatar for how
Pointless Lies
i had this really sweet,nice,beautiful little black girl a couple months ago.after we had a good talk.i got a couch dance to try her out.was alot of grinding and more,it was great.so i hit her with the OTC which i normally wouldn't do.i let them bring it up.she says if you get a vip i'll give you half my #.so i'm the fool the vip was weird she would grind a bit then jump up like she was scared with the look of fear.then turn around and shake her ass really fast.she did this over and over.sure enough she gives me half a phone #.i thought she was joking bout the half #.then she says if you get another vip i'll give you the rest of it and you can call me for OTC.what the fuck so since the vip that night where only $75 i did one more but i told her what i wanted in vip.she did better.i got the # and called .she answered my call so i'm thinking "cool".i told her when i could do a OTC we set it up she lied it up good and she is a no show.i told her what motel but not the room #.sat there all night waiting .she said yes i'll be there. i figure she went with someone with more money.saw her twice at the club after and said i won't be spending $ on you now sorry.whatever she was a total bitch after that.(how... your lucky they didn't rob you)
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15 years ago
avatar for OneAngryDwarf
Great girl, lousy dance
its all about the $$$ give em one to show you wnat they got.give em 2 to show them what you want.if they don't do it on the third try.move on to the next one.i told a girl i didn't want to do vip anymore because we just didn't move together right.after about 4 months she said she wanted to try OTC (i think the girls talked about me) then after OTC time. we get along great.i still don't do vip with her but she always sits and talks with me ITC.be honest with them.because i'm sure they are honest with me LOL.
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15 years ago
avatar for dudeanonymous
Sweaty Girls
i'm a heavy sweater myself so i can't complain.what i don't like is when all they do is sit there and complain "its so hot in here" over and over.i notice strippers have been useing body oils too.looks like sweat but oily.
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15 years ago
avatar for DickJohnson
Help!! I wanna stop this girl from becoming a stripper!!!!!!!!
a stripper in full omish costume.stripping down to a really nasty thong.damn that would turn me on.if she wants to be a stripper, shes ganna be a stripper.if she is stong willed all you will do by going against her is push her away.if you want to stay "freids" go with it.she might try it and not like it.thaats when she is ganna need some support.
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15 years ago
avatar for Dudester
That Closure Thing.....
never happened to me.i can alwaysget the attention of a stripper that wants my money.a stripper told me she wouldn't dance for anyone with cheap shoes. she would ignore them.i thought that was weird.
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15 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Underground Strip Clubs
way back in 1989 till 1993 a buddy of mine owned an old farm house.we set up private parties.at first we had three ladies that danced for anywhere from 10 to 20 guys every wed. and fri.you pay $20 to get in and $3 draft beers no hard liquar.ladies danced till the tips stopped.the ladies made 200 to 400 and he would make out pretty good too.no prostitution went on in the house.it was ran really good for along time.at one point there was 9 ladies and about 100 people.you had to know one of the orignal guys to get invited.we had tickets and everything.my buddy died of a heart attack and it all ended and nobody picked it up again.all the ladies started working at the local club stripping.we had some good times.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Strip clubs attached to adult shops
all the de javue clubs that i've been to have shops attached with video boothes.the one in lancing mich. has glass jerk booths.i can't see paying $20 plus tip for three minutes and not touch the girl.you can jerk it in front of her i guess.if you get the right girl ITC you can do alot more anyway.the RED BARN in grand rapids had a porn movie playing then inbetween this stipper would come out and do her thing with no privacy.that was kinda weird.
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15 years ago
avatar for potheadpl
Does it bother you if they have boyfriends/husbands?
it only matters to me when they go on and on about there BF/husband/pimp. the otc i've been seeing for almost 2 yrs when i saw her and her hubby at the store she aproached me and introduced me to her hub/pimp.i wouldn't have said anything to her.now she is acting weird towards me.i have called twice and she hasn't called back.when before she was always ready to go. maybe she got freaked out by it.it doesn't matter to me she is just pay for play.the other otc lady i see mentioned she had a new boyfreind and we both laughed about it.i mean really laughed like it was a joke.i just had a new girl the other day blurt out its none of your business if i have a BF or husband.i didn't even ask.weird.. after alot of horny talk on her part she turned out to be an air dancer on the couch.the fool is me!
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15 years ago
avatar for DickJohnson
surreal night at an adult book store......
sounds like pee wee hermin was in the house...lol
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15 years ago
avatar for steve229
I want my GFE
ITC a GFE is one that takes the time to talk about what you want to do with her in the vip and then follows through with it. most strippers don't understand the payment price includes chat time too.$400 an hour is alot of my money.can't stand the bait and switch strippers although that would be like a girlfriend telling you one thing and doing another.OTC GFE is a lady that just understand me and i don't have to tell her what to do sexully the whole time.the one i'm seeing doesn't put a time limit on me i just go till i'm done for a set price.and that is my OTC ALF GFE ....no rush
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15 years ago
avatar for sharkiee123
My girlfriend is a stripper...
sorry buddy...she's doing extras and otc..probly got a pimp too...if she would have told you up front she was a stripper/hooker she would have been honest.that said she was hiding it and the more dramma she puts out denying it the more she has done it with other dudes.you just have to dicide if you can live with the fact she does whatever she does.hope you got proff of no std or used a rubber every time.the ones that hide and deny do IT alot.
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15 years ago
avatar for Player11
Dancers asking for "Pity" Money
yes this has happened alot.anywhere from can i get $10 to sit with you so i can pay my dance fee.had some dancers ask me to order pizza for her and her girlfriends.wtf.two different girls asked me to pay there car insurance one was 158 and the other was 289 and they both showed me the bill lol.i've had girls ask me to put a engine in her car another one asked for a transmission. (i work on cars)the crazy one said if i loan her $5000 for a nose job she would pay it back and fuk me for free for three months anytime i wanted.i led her on for a couple months and even got her otc price down to $100 from $200 a couple times.shes done with me now.i would have never loaned her a dime.can't beleive some of the storys i've heard over the years.had girls hit me with its my birthday will you buy me a toy.i always call there bluff with show me your id or find out from other girls.
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15 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Personal Worsts ?
dejavue last march they put you in a folding chair for your birthday.all the strippers will give you a little grind and stick there tits in your face.one of the girls will simulate a blowjob and you get your pic taken.all was going good i picked my atf for the bj simulation.right before her turn this big saggy chick comes up to me and does her thing.it all happens so fast.this chick had white stuff between her tits and stuffs my face right into them.all i can see is this white stuff coming at me.I'm trying to back away just freakin out..no..no..noo!!she starts laughing and says really rude .like its just hand cream you asshole.we never did get along because i never give her money.. ever..it pissed me off though.my alf made up for it and i had one hell of a night.she got fired for getting too drunk and yelling at me not long after that night.
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15 years ago
avatar for LeeH
losing ATF status?
i always have old alf aproach me.it depends on hoe hard they want to work for it.i have lost interest for no reason also.maybe the way she talked to me.or they say bad stuff about other customers so i think they say shit about me to other people.i don't know. ON TO THE NEXT ONE.