
Comments by Mr.White (page 2)

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    14 years ago
    OTC, but not "OTC"
    sounds like a setup for more money later...do you have sucker stamped on your forhead?if not she might like you. lol. once the strippers get into the hustle mode its hard to have a "normal" hangout buddy.she is building your confidence for the big score later.as soon as you don't payout big she will move on to the next sucker.
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    14 years ago
    They're picking on my girl!
    i was sitting at the tip rail with a new girl and a girl i usally got couch time with was onstage. the stage dancer leans way down to the new girl and says.if you get a dance with him i'll fukn slash your tires bitch.i heard her say it but wasn't sure so i looked at the new girl kinda funny and said did she just say that.the new girl said she did.this was after days of torment.so i go talk to the manager about it and he shrugs his shoulders.like so what.then i asked him if Billy the owner was there.oh i got his attention then.he said no,real rude.i get Billy on the phone and tell him to come down to his club.he gets there and fires both of them on the spot.turns out she was on heroen and what ever else.they where waiting for me when i left.the cops where called.this stripper was still yelling at me in front of the cops.it was funny but i am glad she didn't have a gun.had some real good times with the new girl after that.
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    14 years ago
    new york
    go to stripwatch.com and talk to those girls.and ahh practice practice practice...its comendy when the new dancers are up there with shaky legs and a look on your face like your ganna puke and faint.good luck hope, the best for you..you look hot!
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    14 years ago
    I dont' normally do this...
    lol the reverse hustle...up charge?..did she see it in a movie? oh her stripper friend told her how much it should cost..or she saw that price on the internet.threw the years i've got that alot."I don't do that" then 2 weeks later they tell me for 500 i would.lol.i politly decline.sometimes i haggle for awhile if shes real hot.i usally get it for 200 an hour OTC.it just seems more safe that way.
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    14 years ago
    "Call Me" (Blondie)
    i'm wierd like that i guess.if she woundn't of said it i would have did the grind but she had to tell me.if a stripper tells me she just had sex it wierds me out thats all.no she is not nor do i think any stripper is a virgin.hmm that would be something though.a stripper with a hymen..she would probly make a bundle! lol
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    14 years ago
    chances of getting virus
    she put a hanky between you two? that sounds a little hanky to me anyway.i would think she might have some kind of std.there was a stripper that put a hanky on the chair before she sat down on it everytime.other strippers all said she had herpes.not sure if it was stab in the back day at the club but i didn't dance with her.be careful of staff infections too.if they have a rash stay away!!
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    14 years ago
    thats why i like the ebony Ladies.they are so nice to me. the first thing she said to me was "i want to suck your cock" lol her first vip with me she let me play finger puppet. (her being the puppet) gave me a hj then i sucked her tits till she squrmed.(i think in delight hmmm) with no extra charge.been seing her for almost 2yrs now otc.I don't love her..she don't love me..we get along great, most of the time. lol
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    14 years ago
    Chatty dancer?
    i have a OTC stripper that used to sit and talk for a long time ITC.i liked it but after 2 yrs she hardly sits with me ITC more than 10 seconds before she has to go check her phone or go eat,go to bathroom etc.well i think it is from when we are in a room she wants to talk talk talk all about her friends or family.sometimes right in the middle of fucking she will go off talking about her costumers ITC and what she does for them.or that they pull there dicks out on her and she walks off. shit like that.WTF i don't want to hear it so i told her this in so many words. she got a little pissy about it.now she shows up takes her clothes off and gets in posision and says lets go and rushes me.lol. if she wasn't so fucking hot and tight i wouldn't call her anymore.she tells me i'm the only custy she fucks...LOL.whatever
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    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    Dancer's shitty behavior
    i notice they behave diferent threw the month.i see a chick that used to treat me like shit all the time but she is awsome in vip.i learn to live with it.some nights she lets me rub her all over on the main floor then other nights she says no don't touch me..the manager is looking.wtf this is after another chick has been sitting on my lap with my touchy touchy all over her with managers walking by the whole time.duh.she will say shit like"YOU GANNA DO A DANCE OR WHAT"? "i got my vibrator ready"!lol. i'll say no and point to another stripper and say i'm giving all my money to that hot lady right there.that dosent mind me rubbing her thigh..after an hour she is back on my lap..please cum with me i've had other dances but they don't compare to you bs.grabbing my dick and everything.i stand my ground and say MAYBEE next time.of course this has played out a few times over the years with this chick.i'm thinking by-polar.because she knows if she cumms on horny she will get my money.if one of the OTC girls are in at the same time as her she will jump and straddle me till i go to vip. i use this as a game also.she does vip with me no OTC. but she does stuff other girls won't for no extra money.after one extra rude visits every time she woulsd sit at my table i would sit strait up in my chair.put my hands in my lap over my dick.then with every question i would answer with one word answers.this went on for almost 2 months.then i see her at the mall.she comes all the way across the food court with her kid and hugs me hard and asks "can we make up now".with tears in her eyes.(no shit)lol.so i went to see her and from then on she has been cool.but bitchy some parts of the month.its all a head game for money...it goes both ways
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    14 years ago
    ADHD or just horny?
    lol.at my favorite club this black chick started calling me Mr.White so it stuck.thats what i introduce myself as in all the strip clubs for many years.even the OTC girls i see call me that and they don't know my real name.i think its funny.i had this stripper tell me she would be my mrs white in the library with a candle stick. she gots the clue.was our joke the vip room was decorated like a library with books on the wall paper.funny
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    14 years ago
    "Call Me" (Blondie)
    had this stripper get a text when i was sitting with her atc .she says.omg i gotta quit giving my # out when i'm on extasy and ambian.LOL. she told me she didn't remeber nothing about a half hour after taking it.then she tells me she could have fucked the guy as far as she knows..holy shit..i kinda said i had to go take a uhhhh whatever.left her sitting there at the table.so she could have had some dudes hiv splooge inside her from lastnight..fucken gross.glad she said something i would've got a dance from her she was new.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    The cost/benefit analysis to secession
    oh no politics...i think all the stippers all over the country should put red white and blue thongs on to show support.
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    14 years ago
    definition of a gentleman
    hmmm i like this thread.the real question is if you would go into a club that your daughter, wife, sister or any family member works at.that would be creepy.but if they make the choice to dance then so be it.they will make money.this has happened to me.a friends daughter started stripping.i didn'r know it. i see her in the club.I said hi to her, it was creepy.i've known her since she was born.she asks me not to say anything to anyone,i didn't.i had to leave and havnt been to that club since.my point. it was my choice not to watch and not to make her uncomfortable even though she said she wanted me to stay.i couldn't.does that make me a gentleman.lol.i know strippers that told me there brother or cousin is in the club and didn't want to get on stage.i know two sisters that work together and want me to do a threesome.i told them i think thats illeagal in this state.lol.i havn't yet..yet..i am not a gentleman.
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    14 years ago
    definition of prostution
    porno is a form of art.this is why i take pictures so it becomes art. lol.the strippers beleive it too.it makes them more comfortable with me. lol.this is why we can have naked statues in public places.the only thing that makes it porn is Boner IN Hole. I tell them."but sweetie its ART". you should try it sometime.this has been the loophole for porn forever.don't think there isn't illeagal porn out there,most of it is.
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    14 years ago
    "Musta Got Lost" (J Geils Band)
    sounds to me like she was on extasy.they are really horny on E and do things they nomally wouldn't and don't remember later.or it was the free one to start her hustle.alot of strippers seem to think they can hook the PL with FS right of the bat.as soon as they think they are not going to get what they want loan ,car,new costumes,dildos,dinner what ever they inocently ask for they change.if they don't ignore you they will have some lame excuse for no FS.i think you did the right thing for you.once the click between you two turns into a bump its just another hump.move on the the next one.
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    14 years ago
    keys, condoms, cash...where to put them
    i have me byfold wallet in my dress shirt with money one car key, hotel key and id.i never put money in my pants pocket i've had strippers reach right in for whatever ,some will play with willy in my pocket on the main floor when sitting on my lap. when i was young i have lost money that way.i have smuggled booze in with a calve holster.girls love booze.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper acting different
    sounds like a stripper hustle to me.trying to get you in the club more often.all the OTC girls i have had have asked me after 3 times in a VIP grind.i've been told if you are agresive with non OTC girls they become bitches.i will some times ask like a third person.something like this chick ask me for a OTC but i'm not sure ,what do you think about that.she will tell you.good luck watch your wallet she will suck it dry if you let her.
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    14 years ago
    ADHD or just horny?
    those stripper make me horny...ADHD makes me spend money ..LOL
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    14 years ago
    HOw to pick up a stripper
    this is how i pick up a hot young stripper.After a really good VIP grind..with a new girl.after she had 4 really hard cumms.she had a bad case of shaky legs.could hardly walk so i stood in front of her and piggy backed her all the way down the stairs across the club to the dressing room door.the manager was standing by the door when i put her down.still wobbly ,i told him she has bad case of shaky legs.after laughing a minute he goes i know i saw it on camera. OH NO.i just said yeah i bet ..lol...she came out a little while later and told me everyone was talking bout it and she had never done that before. i wasn't sure what she meant..the ride or the "RIDE"..I miss her.she wasn't there long.. about 2 weeks...the problem was they all wanted rides after that!
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Photos of your favorites...
    I went to a car show last year and there where strippers there i knew.so i ask if i could get some pix. they agreed so i took about 240 pix of 5 different ladies.mostly posing with cars but i got them in a limo and clothes came off. got some real good open crotch shots in different cars too.that was alot of fun.i've seen some of them on myspace that i took. i gave all the girls copies of all the pix i took. they where very good to me after that too.I see three strippers OTC and take pix everytime. everything from them posing to full on porn i can't share none except from one girl.she's kinda fat. thats the stipulation for taking them..trust... its all about trust.I thought for sure they would ask for more money but they haven't.lucky me..I know there are strippers on freeadultsocialnetworking.com and videos too all free.i took alot of them pix on there.took some girls to a bachalor party and took a bunch with a cell phone for one of the girls.what i don't understand is why they ask for pix of me just standing there next to them. i think i look funny.i had one girl take a pic with my head between her thighs with just my bald shiney head showing.that was a funny pic..it was on her myspace profile.if you think you can take pix just ask...they love the camera.i've only had one that said no so far.
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    14 years ago
    LETTER: Strip clubs represent a form of slavery, 02-26-10
    i could go on a rant on this topic.but i wont.i do know there is alot of differnt forms of slavery.i always look a stirpper in the eye and ask if she enjoys her JOB.if for any reason i feel she don't i wont and cant give her my money.i'm kinds wierd like that.even though alot of strippers lie and try to run there hustle.you can tell from the look in her eye.i wish it wasn't like that but sometimes it is.
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    14 years ago
    $1 dances
    LOL...when i was young dumb and full of cum..i thought this was the best deal ever..had my dollar bill high in the air ready to rock..now that i'm old bold and ready to rock&roll theres another story to be told...every stripper i've been sitting with when this happens hate it...they bitch and whine..this is such a waist of time.I usally pass on these now but when one of the friendly girls cums by i'll give her $5 and she will pop her crotch right in my face and grind. right on the main floor.i've heard guys at the next table say why didn't i get that treatment?she'll say beacause he spent $200 on me already...ARE U GANNA? they usally reasond..oh uhhh no.as they look at me with my pussy eatin grin...kind like uncle phester after getting hit with electricity....its basicly a game managment plays to get the girls out of the dressing room..its not ganna tell you what a girls ganna do for you on the couch or a vip grind dance...
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    14 years ago
    Detroit Council Approves Strip Club Regulations
    I could see alot of dancers going elswhere or OTC to makeup the $...I could see the city trying to enforce it so they could get the $ from fines and busting the girls trying more....be careful..
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    14 years ago
    Strippers Cheating on Husbands and Boyfrends to do Prostitution
    for me its not a problem but for her it seems to be sometimes.my OTC girl has a husband and a bootycall boyfriend is what she calls him.she says she sees two others OTC guys but doesn't have sex.whatever. At first it was real exciting for her to get together with me but after a year and a half she has tried to up the price telling me how guilty she feels for seeing me.lol.at first we were seeing each other every week now its every other month.I see her ITC to (say hi) when i go see another girl OTC every other week, so she knows she's missing out on money.as far as i know they don't talk about me seeing who.she does get attitude with me when i'm not getting VIP.but when her husband is ITC she ignores me the whole time.hmmm. her BF was in once and she sat with me the whole time and he gave me some evel eye but oh well, i always tell all the girls if you don't want to grind theres 10 others that will for the money
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    14 years ago
    Ease off
    lol..i had this new stripper with a full on brand new glitter costume with tiny glitters do a couch dance. we got going, really getting into it. I wear nice thin dress pants for better feel ..you know? she's really going then i start to feel the glitter grinding into the skin of my dick..so i say hun slow down take it easy..she got this sad look on her face like what am i doing wrong? i told her and she takes the g string off and continues and it was nice.. had fukn glitter burn for 3 days..then we get done and she has to go right on stage. i look down and i am covered with glitter from head to toe i'm wearing all black with silver everywhere. so i go to the tip rail and she sees me and stops dead in her trax and starts laughing so hard she is crying..i say what you laughing at you got glitter on you too...and she says yeah but YOUR NOT A STRIPPER! I still get teased about that she's a sweetie