My girlfriend is a stripper...

avatar for sharkiee123
I've been dating this girl for a few months now and I recently found out that she was a stripper...Unfortunately, for me, this revelation came to me after I had already fallen in love with her. I have gotten mysterious calls telling me that she does "extras". I don't know how anyone got my number first of all.. Secondly, she insists, to the point of tears, that she does not perform "extras" and that she is being faithful. I'm deeply concerned and don't know what to do...Every guy imagines dating a stripper would be a fantasy come true, but in reality it is incredibly nerve-wracking. She works at one of the Spearmint Rhino locations but in the interest of anonymity I can't reveal which...Is it likely that she is doing "extras" for customers. Also, what does a typical lap dance at the SR entail...Is it just grinding or is there more to it than that. I've heard that this place is relatively tame compared to other clubs, but I'm not sure. Any helpful replies would be greatly appreciated!!!


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avatar for mjx01
15 years ago
First off, how could you date a girl for a few months without either asking her what here job was or wondering why she's always working Fri and Sat night? But I digress.

To sort this situation out, you have to first evaluate what is your relationship with this girl. If she is always taking money from you or getting you to do favors for her then you might be an ATM she can milk OTC.

Second, read the review for the club she work at. If the comments are all towards the one-way contact / strict rules end of the spectrum, then maybe the situations isn't that bad. If the comments say "stuff" happens, then that sucks for you.

banging a stripper = fantasy
dating a stripper = there's baggage to deal with
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Titty Dancer by Dan Diamond…
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
"Just 'cause she dances go-go
It don't make her a ho, no"
-Perfect Gentleman by Wyclef Jean

Damn, Sam - you beat me to it. So may song choices (Akon, Snoop, Wyclef, practically the whole T-Pain catalog) I couldn't make up my mind.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
did Dick Johnson put you up to writing this topic???
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

First post. Maybe it IS DJ!
avatar for how
15 years ago
If the inquiry is serious: Spearmint Rhinos are very unlikely extras venues.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
The problem is you'll never really know and you will have to decide whether or not to trust her. Trusting a stripper is like jumping out of an airplane without a 'chute hoping that the guy behind you will throw you his spare on the way down. Have you been to her club, when she's not working, to check it out? Are there some guys you really trust who can tell what goes on inside, not necessarily involveing her, just the general atmosphere of the club? Can you move on before you are hurt and broke?
avatar for Mr.White
15 years ago
sorry buddy...she's doing extras and otc..probly got a pimp too...if she would have told you up front she was a stripper/hooker she would have been honest.that said she was hiding it and the more dramma she puts out denying it the more she has done it with other just have to dicide if you can live with the fact she does whatever she does.hope you got proff of no std or used a rubber every time.the ones that hide and deny do IT alot.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
considering you have only one review...I am guessing she works at the SR in LA?
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Clubber, I think you are right, otherwise he's related to DJ.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Allow me to edit your post:

I've been dating this (really hot) girl for a few months now and I recently found out that she was a stripper...Man, am I a lucky guy or what? She didn’t want to tell me right away because the last guy she was seeing freaked when he found out. Wouldn’t believe she wasn’t doing extras. Get this – the loser even went on some lame strip club web site to ask for “advice” (yeah, like any of those guys could get a real date with a stripper, lol). Good thing I’m cool with the whole stripper thing. The way I look at it, she goes to work, does her job, makes good money, and then comes home to me. Did I mention she’s hot? Yeah, I’m a luck guy all right.

There. Fixed.
avatar for mitciv
15 years ago
IF what Sharki says is true, the fact that you are conerned shows you don't trust her, which means it is time to disconnect emotionally.
avatar for sanitago
15 years ago
some options to consider (outside of the cynics/know-nothings blathering away above):
she may not have told you because she *was* concerned that you'd think she was nothing but a wh**e for dancing. as you can see from that above, a lot of guys here seem to think that as well. whether or not they know which end should go down when it's time to take a dump is another matter.

you might be getting calls because she's has a stalker. one dancer I know had a guy who started coming down to the club, acting like they were dating, getting freaked out if she went to do a private dance with a customer, etc, etc, etc. club owner had to have the bouncers throw him out and bar him from coming in again, which made matters worse until she got the cops involved. they managed to get the guy to pry his head out (amazing what the threat of time in a cell with Bubba And The Boys can do to a guy's attitude).
is she doing extras? one person made the suggestion here that, if the club has a record of of that happening, she might. that's true, but then again, guys lie about sex all the time (hey, anyone here want to say they haven't, even once?), so reading it and it being so don't always end up being the same.
bottom line: ask yourself if *you* trust her. would what she says, and how she acts with you, make you wonder if you'd never got those calls? if not, then f**k the mystery caller! if they would have, then I guess the next question is what do you feel for her? that one I can't help you with, but make up your own mind and don't let someone else tell you what to do.
avatar for jabthehut
15 years ago
For further elucidation about sharkiee123 see his Blog on the same topic where he fesses up about his one review. Then decide whether we should believe him.
I do now believe that he is NOT DickJohnson though!
avatar for gk
15 years ago
Hey Sharkie, listen to Steve!
IMHO, no serious dude comes on here and asks that in his first post.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
He is Dick Johnson's clone! Shit, human cloning of Dick Johnson, WTF!?!
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Maybe he should rename himself to John Dickson.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"considering you have only one review...I am guessing she works at the SR in LA?"

Nope. He admitted to cutting & pasting someone else's review to get a free VIP membership here:…
avatar for uscue13
15 years ago
Simple response: go to the club when "she's" not working and see what kind of action you get from various girls. If you can get extras from a few, she probably does too.

Makes perfect sense to me, you should've done that as soon as you found out instead of coming here...if this post is even serious
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
OP: "My girlfriend is a stripper..."

Sorry to here that. Hopefully she can get away from it ASAP before her sould is destroyed. Keep an eye on her non-SC ambitions and if she is making realistic progress towards them. Otherwise you are going to have to suck it up, and cut your losses. Best of luck to you!
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
Even if you went to the club and found one stripper doing extras, it may not be all of them. Then you would be getting into a trust situation. The other thing to think about is that she may be seeing hundreds of guys each week if the club is busy. If she likes one guy she's dancing for and he tries to make a move on her, would she stop him? If you don't trust her, well you have issues with either her or her job.

Getting a girlfriend who happens to be a stripper doesn't really seem like that big of a deal to me. I remember one of my friends used to hook up with multiple girls every week. He even told me (not knowing I went to strip clubs)that he could hook me up with one or two girls who were also exotic dancers. I wasn't interested. Not all exotic dancers are the same but I've experienced my share of drama hanging out with various dancers (not in the strip clubs). Some dancers do try to hook up with guys. I even had one dancer quit her 2 year job one night just because she was upset with the manager for not letting her leave early with me.
avatar for ty888
15 years ago
Here is a littel advice from someone who has been there and done that... RUN LIKE HEll!!! It is not worth the drama, no matter how much you think you love her. You will resent her real soon and that is going to mess with you for a long long time buddy.
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