
Stripper Compliments

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 9:55 AM
If you're like me, you probably treat most stripper “compliments” (“You're cute,” “Oh, you're sexy”) as the SS they are. But have you ever gotten compliments from strippers that, even if maybe not quite sincere, at least get points for creatively or originality?


  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Case in point: I often get complimented for having soft hands. One dancer said it showed I take care of myself (actually it just shows my total aversion to doing any kind of manual labor). One dancer said she liked my voice. I thought this was funny because when I talk to people on the phone they often say “you must have a really bad cold” and hope I get better soon. I have to tell them that’s just my regular voice.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I always get compliments on how soft my hair is. They always want to know what shampoo I use. FWIW, it's Pantene. Not that that has anything to do with it.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Strippers often complement me for have told them to ignore txtittyfan's advice to short treasuries the day before they bottomed lasted year.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    "OW ! It's really big !! Are you done yet ?"
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    The one I get most often is you do not look 68. 20 years younger. Even my EX says that.
  • EarlTee
    14 years ago
    The best I ever got was "Nice cock." I'm sure it was totally sincere, and no one can convince me otherwise.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    The most transparent stripper sit is when they talk about your cock. But as for real compliments that I think pass the test, I'm told I understand dancers (I think I do). But the best one that I think is real is when they simply say, "you're OK, we know you."
  • Mr.White
    14 years ago
    the best fake compliment was when my ATF at the time was sitting on my lap on the main floor.she calls another girl over after she was rubbing me for a bit and she grabs my dick and tells her "this is huge"!feel it and she does.then they make a big deal out of [view link] I think i'm average.they both turned into money hungry bitches soon after.all strippers tell me how good i smell.exspencive cologue.and of course the I LOVE YOUR SMOOTH HEAD!alot of stripper are good at compliments.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    The compliment most likely to be sincere was when a (not obviously wasted) dancer nearly fell asleep on my shoulder while I had my arm around her running my fingers light up and down her back. I could feel her relaxing, and then she gave a start, and said "Sorry." Could it have been faked? Sure, but it felt entirely too natural, since my wife has often done precisely the same thing.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I get complimented on my muscles, my tan, and my shaved head. I do a really good job shaving it, so it's really shiny. Strippers love it.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "But have you ever gotten compliments from strippers that, even if maybe not quite sincere, at least get points for creatively or originality?" I've gotten the soft hands compliment as well. I guess when a dancer is used to rough, scratchy hands rubbing all over her that it's a nice change of pace. One of the oddest things that a dancer ever said to me was that my soft hands proved that I liked to use my hand instead of my hands to make money. I've also gotten the soft hair compliment as well, which I thought was odd. The most recent odd comment that I've gotten was, "I really like the shape of your dick...it's so *round*!"...said during both a BJ & during intercourse. I can't imagine that gals run into many square-shaped dicks, but who knows...
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Hmm, a square dick, I bet the gals would like how that feels in their holes. Likewise, I have most often heard. Oh, you have such a big dick. Well, I do, but usually I am sure it is SS
  • SnakePlissken
    14 years ago
    I was once sitting with some friends at a strip club and some strippers came over and said "ooh, that smells nice, who's cologne is that?" I often get compliments on my cologne and my friend didn't wear any, so I thought it might be me. I learned forward, pulled my shirt collar toward them and said "is this it?" They took a long, deep sniff of it, smiled and replied with a "mmmm, yes, what is that?" It's Chrome by Azzaro, I get a lot people who say they like it, hence why I keep wearing it.
  • dallas702
    14 years ago
    The other day a spinner was cuddled up in my lap while we waited for an open LD room. She whispered in my ear that she felt safe in my lap. A few minutes later she also commented on how big and hard . . . Personally, I am certain that none of it was SS.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    MisterGay: "I've gotten the soft hands compliment as well. " Could it be because you're a fuckin' faggot?
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    MisterGuy - you're soft hands comment reminded me of this exchange: Her: Oh, you have soft hands. Me:
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    oops, fat fingered wrong... MisterGuy - you're soft hands comment reminded me of this exchange: Her: Oh, you have soft hands. Me: Thanks Her: What kind of work do you do? Me: White Collar Crime Her: Ohhh, nice!
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
  • Jpac73
    14 years ago
    The main ones I can think of are "you smell good" and at times they like what clothes or shoes I am wearing.
  • how
    14 years ago
    One compliment I actually took as sincere... She said, "I did not expect to have such an interesting conversation in this place." I felt the same way; she was fascinating.
  • uscue13
    14 years ago
    No lie, a few weeks ago a new dancer to me said my dick was "juicy" while rubbing it outside the pants. A few minutes later without warning, pulls it out for bbbj then cfs. I took the "juicy" comment as SS but the way she reacted afterwards without any quest for $$ made it seem she was legit. That aside, I'm like Mr. White, get a lot of SS about the size all the time. One brought her (real) sister over to feel it, two have pretended to orgasm after grinding for a few songs (although both were extremely wet after so again seemed legit), was getting dances from one new girl and later her friend asked to do a double and when she reached down to feel it got the big eyes and her friend said "I know", and other stuff like that. At one point my ATF at the time that I was real cool with outside of the club (she no longer dances now) kept mentioning it and I told her she didn't have to keep saying that and she went on about how it's not a line. I always considered myself average but now after so many situations I don't even know if it's SS anymore. Don't care what they think though, that's the important thing.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I think we all get the big dick compliment. SS. If you have a raging hard on. Flacid. Who cares?
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    The one I got tonight was "You got the eye of the tiger". I hope she didn't watch Rocky III beforehand.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    DandyDan - lol, was she wearing leg warmers and have big hair?
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    I got the "you have soft hands" line from another dancer, but then she added "I like having you touch my body all over." Sincere or not, that's a compliment I can take to heart!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I think uscue makes a good point, I don't care what they think or their compliments. One gave me a compliment of "you look nice" and I replied "thanks but you are going to have to use better lines than that if you want to get in my pants". She was a low mileage dancer who I had several dances with before so I did not care what she thought and she did not seem to mind because she saw me as a customer of hers. I don't do dances with her but I still give her the $5 tip while she is stage dancing.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    steve: "I often get complimented for having soft hands. One dancer said it showed I take care of myself (actually it just shows my total aversion to doing any kind of manual labor)." Me too, on all counts. I actually jokingly admittedly the reason to one dancer. ;-)
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    As to the larger point, yeah, I've gotten many that got points for creativity/originality. And some, I don't think are really SS. Maybe a bit mercenary, but with at least some sincerity to them.
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