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Joined Mar, 2010
Last Seen Jul, 2011


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15 years ago
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How much can a "clean" stripper make?
mmdv26, you bring up some very convincing points...

I checked her bag prior to her going to work one day and she had several plastic…
avatar for sharkiee123
15 years ago
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How much can a "clean" stripper make?
thanks for the info..i'm pretty sure she has regulars but she tells me that some of them just want someone that's…
avatar for sharkiee123
15 years ago
How much can a "clean" stripper make?
If a dancer claims she doesn't do extras, but still pulls in $800-1000 a day (during the day shift), is she really just performing…
avatar for sharkiee123
15 years ago
commented on
My girlfriend is a stripper..don't know what to do...
You have to write a review in order to get vip access to this site..I copied and pasted a review from another website...mystery solved.
avatar for sharkiee123
15 years ago
My girlfriend is a stripper...
I've been dating this girl for a few months now and I recently found out that she was a stripper...Unfortunately, for me, this…
avatar for sharkiee123
15 years ago
My girlfriend is a stripper..don't know what to do...
 I've been dating this girl for a few months now and I recently found out that she was a stripper...Unfortunately, for me, this revelation…