Does it bother you if they have boyfriends/husbands?

avatar for potheadpl
I just realized that once a dancer tells me she's involved with a guy, my financial contributions to her cease.

I don't think I consciously do it. I think my subconscious has a problem with giving money to a girl who's going to give it to some loser bum of a guy. I've lost a couple of ATFs this way.

Weird. It's not like I'm planning to date all these women. Nor am I going to SCs to find a relationship. I just don't spend money on girls I know have signifigant others.


last comment
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
If she's married and her husband is OK with her dancing, that should not have an impact on me--but it does. I'm too old school to accept the idea of a husband living off his wife's earnings as a stripper. Same with boyfriend.
avatar for 59
15 years ago
Makes no difference to me.

While the exception, some of my faves have been happily married for years to guys pulling down mucho dinero. These two eventually split from their hubbies but the OTC/ITC and ITC experiences with the two respectively never changed.

It's a fantasy. If a girl is hot, fun, and likes to fool around doesn't matter if she has a SO.
avatar for 59
15 years ago
Followup - Others have/had loser, leech SOs and husbands. Again, doesn't make a difference to me.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Does it bother you if they have boyfriends/husbands?

OTC Gal's recent ex, whose jail status was uncertain, was a major player in the south side drug trade. I didn't know until I was four months into the relationship. The last two months of the relationship, when she was eratic, I think he was out and about. Luckily, I live in a lily white neighborhood and he'd stand out like an ink stain on a white shirt. Still, I was careful when going out to my car.
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Well, I know it shouldn't, but I think it does. I'm more likely to spend time & money on those (that say) they don't have a SO. Could be in the back of my mind, I'm thinking maybe there's a chance...

Lloyd: What do you think the chances are of a guy like you and a girl like me... ending up together?
Mary: Well, Lloyd, that's difficult to say. I mean, we don't really...
Lloyd: Hit me with it! Just give it to me straight! I came a long way just to see you, Mary. The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?
Mary: Not good.
Lloyd: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Mary: I'd say more like one out of a million.
Lloyd: So you're telling me there's a chance... *YEAH!*
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
I don't see why it matters if you are getting lap dances and sex. I could see how it matters if you are giving her money, presents and think she is the one!
avatar for Mr.White
15 years ago
it only matters to me when they go on and on about there BF/husband/pimp. the otc i've been seeing for almost 2 yrs when i saw her and her hubby at the store she aproached me and introduced me to her hub/pimp.i wouldn't have said anything to she is acting weird towards me.i have called twice and she hasn't called back.when before she was always ready to go. maybe she got freaked out by doesn't matter to me she is just pay for play.the other otc lady i see mentioned she had a new boyfreind and we both laughed about it.i mean really laughed like it was a joke.i just had a new girl the other day blurt out its none of your business if i have a BF or husband.i didn't even ask.weird.. after alot of horny talk on her part she turned out to be an air dancer on the couch.the fool is me!
avatar for now_starring
15 years ago
I can be no more committed to preserving a relationship than the person that is in it. If she thinks it's ok to give me lap dances/extras while she has an SO, then why should I think any differently. <-- There is no question mark because that is not a question. It's a statement.
avatar for CCRiderm
15 years ago
I got to a club early one day and saw one of my ATF being dropped off by her BF. I was heading in for the lunch crowd and got there about 5 minutes before they opened. I was sitting in my car and catching up on some emails and up pulls the BF and the ATF. The obligatory kiss on the way out of the car and I could almost imagine the "Have a good day at work sweetie." A half hour later she was naked and in my lap. Kinda took the edge off of it. It has never been the same with her since.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
Me: I guess you have a BF now.
Her:First no I do not have a boyfriend, my mom turned my internet back on for me, second the reason you have not heard from me is because I have been dealing with my dad..he is very sick which I told you about and now he is not tolerating guess what he's going to fucking die, but if you want to walk out of my life that is fine I are right I didn't "fuck" but I thought we were better friends than you throwing it at me..I actually care about you and my feelings are really hurt right now but just like every other thing that has gone to shit lately that I have to deal with I will have to deal with this too. I am sorry that I did not live up to your expectations as a whore like R------- will..I apologize...hopefully one day you will see that I really thought you were my best friend..until then love ya always.

Of my other 12 favorites, 1 is a lesbian,1/3 are married,the rest all have loser BFs. It doesn't bother me.

Btw I reconsiled with the one with no SO. We are gonna do lunch,etc next week. Her name is gridget.

avatar for sinclair
15 years ago
I am the same way. It is disturbing to think the dancer has to be a slut in order to support a deadbeat bf/husband. I just don't want to promote it. If a man can't make enough money to support his significant other, then he is not worthy of one. I also have a stigma towards dancers with kids. I feel all guilty that am degrading some toddler's mom.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
sinclair, your statement assumes all of these strippers with boyfriends are in serious relationships, which I would bet most are not. Hell some of these so called boyfriends could be nothing more than fuck buddys. Sure some strippers are married or in serious relationships, it's bad to generalize.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Their BF/SO/husband is their issue, not mine. I care about getting what I want at a reasonable price, and in relative safety. As long as a third party doesn't spoil *my* party, I don't worry about it.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
as long as they are taking care of me, I don't give a shit about what kind of relationship they are in.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
That is just one of those things I don't think about. Even my ATF's have had boyfriends (or a husband in one case) and it doesn't bother me. I'm not dumb enough to bring it up and if they do, that's their choice.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Single girls are typically, the best ones to get "dances" from. Within that group the ones without children are usually the most fun. Yes there are a zillion exceptions such that this is hardly a rule, but if I had no other information to go on I would go with the single gal without any children.
avatar for sinclair
15 years ago
gatorfan, where I come from, a fuck buddy is something totally different than a bf/gf/spouse. The former is just two people getting each other off with no strings attached. I have never heard of someone referring to their fuck buddy as their boyfriend or girlfriend. The latter terms imply endearment/attachment. And yes many of them will cheat when the cash is ponied up, but stripwhores are a breed all their own.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
"Does it bother you if they have boyfriends/husbands?"

How would you even know? Not like a dancer always tells the truth. Of course I guess you could snoop around, but I wouldn't care one way or the other.

I knew my ATF when she became involved with a customer and moved it with him. He knew of me. She would often talk to me about things to do with them and ask advice. When they had problem and split up, she came to me for comfort and such. I was basically her family.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
sinclair is correct about them "cheating" easily for cash. Although I prefer the single girls, it's just because I think they tend to be the most fun. I have no problem with a whore cheating on her bf/husband. In fact, I get a bit of a kick out of it when they call up their bf/husband and lie about where they are.
avatar for imnumnutz
15 years ago
don't bother me, just don't wanna hear about it...
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
Does not bother me at all as long as the pussy is good, there is no drama, and POP is great. The reality is they all do unless they are Lesbians. Do you really believe they sleep alone?

The one I have been seeing close to 2 yr has common law husband. She says they will be married for real next month but our meeting for sex about 2x week will not change. The sex has been great, POP has been low and it will probably stay that way. BC she is not on drugs and he hands over paycheck to her I like this situation much better than if she was one who was supporting some loser without money / job. Plus he only thinks she works at club giving dances (no extras or otc). Also someone like her will not be fucked out like call girl.

The worst stripper bf is one she is supporting and who knows she is doing otc sex with guys. These loser bf try to get to take more of your money and can mess up good relationship. They know they can't compete with paying customer with money. Many stripper bf have job trouble bc they are x cons, druggies, or some low IQ loser she keeps for stud service. Their trump card would be if they were the father of a kid they had with her. This can be bad news.

avatar for LoneLurker
15 years ago
I don't understand why this matters to clubbers.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
I assume that they all have a SO - boyfriend, girlfriend, goat.....whatever.
I don't care. All I ask is that they don't talk about it.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
Considering how they love to cheat (especially if they are getting money)on their BF or husbands its really a moot issue.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Yeah, actually, it does. I want to be deluded into thinking that I'm the only one getting intimate with her, even though I know that's the case -- not just because she has a boyfriend or husband, but because she's giving lapdances to other guys in the club! It's physical contact, but in my mind I still haven't resolved it. Deep down, it still feels like more than my head knows it is. You know?

I have had an ATF at one of my favorite clubs for a while now. A vet, one of the few there. I actually saw her facebook; her profile picture was one with another guy, someone she confirmed later was her SO. Last time I got a seat from her she deflected further questions. Honestly, some of the thrill is gone.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
sinclair, my point is why should we give a shit whether they do, say they do or don't say they a boyfriend or whatever they want to call it. One stripper told me she says she has a boyfriend line sometimes to customers so they would stop asking her OTC. Remember (mostly) everything a stripper says is a lie. We have no way of knowing the truth from the lies, and quite frankly shouldn't give a shit since they're there to do a job. This is also why the fuck's who want give them presents and cash for nothing should know better.
avatar for 59
15 years ago
"I want to be deluded into thinking that I'm the only one getting intimate with her,"

Some guys here need to wake up and smell the coffee (or pussy as the case may be)! Clubs are a FANTASY...

avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
pothead: "Nor am I going to SCs to find a relationship"

Maybe, but you have confessed to going on normal (i.e. "unpaid") dates with many strippers. Sure it could be all casual dating with no intention for things to ever develop (probably a wise path), but are you sure you won't want more in the appropriate circumstances?
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Dougster---You're right. I've gone out with many strippers. I've had good times, and met some interesting women. Met some flakes, too. But I don't know if I'd be able to actually have a relationship with a stripper who was still stripping.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Yeah, strippers have a real dilemna as far as boyfriends go. Either their bf is not ok with their job (which is probably 90%+ of guys), which obviously isn't good due to conflict. Or he is ok with her job, in which case it's pretty weird: Sure, baby, I don't mind if you spend your nights bouncing around on other guys' dicks for money.
avatar for harrisemerald
15 years ago
One time, a hot Asian spinner in a Portland club sat down next to me. She asked if I had a girlfriend.

"Yes," I said, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes," she responded.

Then she started stroking me underneath the table.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
I have yet to meet a stripper who had a problem with the fact that I have a wife, as long as I fork over the cash. Likewise, I have no problem with her having a BF long as she forks over the extras.
avatar for clubdude
15 years ago
I agree with SuperDude, I'm also too oldschool to understand it. Why is she grinding on me (or BJ/HJ), while her old man is sitting at home.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Clubdude, why do you care? That's not a smart ass question; I'm honestly curious.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Update: Got a dance from the woman who I think has a boyfriend. As frisky as she's always been -- pinching my nipples, letting me close my mouth on hers, groping my cock.

You know what? Maybe I don't care.
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