
losing ATF status?

Monday, March 8, 2010 5:40 AM
Ever had an ATF (or maybe a #2 or #3) just suddenly drop off your list, and you can't put a finger on why? I'm not talking about finding a new ATF, and so everyone else drops down a notch -- but from ATF to "who cares if I see her again?" in one shot.


  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    You get tired of the same ol same ol all the time. You may want to try out new girls to get out of a rut. I've had favorites that every once in a while I ignore and don't care if they disappear. Usually they come back though even if they do disappear for a while. I have one favorite that asked me to stay at a different club to watch her compete in a contest. I skipped out on her. I was hungry. I didn't care if I didn't see her for the next few weeks even if she did get mad at me. Anyway I ran into her again. She mentioned she didn't see me. I'm surprised she noticed. She may have seen me leave. She was ok about it. Even if not, then she still likes getting paid to do dances for me. My first or one of the very first ATF's I've had I told her goodbye one night, I was moving to another state for a new job. I didn't care if I didn't see her again even though I would not mind seeing her again if I ever returned to that club. She did ask me to give her my new phone number which I did. Then she looked depressed and said something about being in love with me. I wasn't expecting to hear that. However I was moving and wanted to tell her. Not everyone would even bother. She probably felt bad at that point because her regular boyfriend had left her a few months earlier. She had been trying to hook up with me. I felt more like attach herself to me. She was actually temporarily working as a waitress due to getting pregnant (wasn't me) and was starting to show when I told her goodbye. She was still dancing for me behind one door in a room at the club. I didn't think about it at the time but I probably could have gotten away with a lot more. I thought that was the last I would ever see her but to my suprise she called me up one year later and asked me to come visit a local Platinum Plus club where she had been working. That was way back in either 1997 or 1998. First time I ever went to a strip club because a dancer I knew called me up and asked me to. I had already been there a few times though.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    yeah strip clubs are all about variety. Why settle one ATF for the rest of your life when you can change it by the season.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    casualguy, thanks for the input. I don't think it's a "same ol' same ol'" situation this time (if for no other reason than that she's very creative in VIP). Can't figure out what it is, though.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I have a dozen favs at PP that will do extras for me. Even OTC.But my ATF is not even a dancer there any more. We are just good friends.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    It's never with the ATF, but yeah, it happens. Mostly, it's because of absence, and someone fills in. You go a long time without seeing someone, someone is going to step up. On the flip side, if I saw my first ATF again, that would be the coolest thing ever.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    My 2nd ATF dropped off my radar. After her arrest, she stopped being fun. During our fun times, we played like high school lovers-necking, kitty play and brief penetration, plus she had a good personality. After, her personality was abrasive, mileage had become perfunctory only, then she borrowed 100 and never paid it back, or wouldn't try-even in trade. 100 won't break me, not even close, but it's the principle of the thing.
  • uscue13
    14 years ago
    Once they get to the point of "expecting" dances whenever I come in, they start to drop. I like for them to catch the hint -- I'm interested at a certain time or I'm not. 90% of the time my favorites can easily get the hint. The one's that don't and hang around forever, ruining my fun somewhat, start to drop. I have one now at HB that I was real close with but recently I just stopped approaching for dances and she's also stopped coming by everytime she sees me. Glad she now figured it out, but she spends most of her time sitting in a guys lap that's not buying dances, so a lot of times I catch her looking my way which again takes some of the fun out for me. I don't mind you watching but I don't want to feel like I'm being stalked
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    First ATF has been demoted. First of all, she's gained some weight. And now she's just kinda average. And I've met an even hotter dancer who actually goes out with me, and is younger than her. I'm picky about the physical standards. LOL
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Sure ATF may quit or you can always lose interest.
  • neoguy
    14 years ago
    My ATF stopped talking to me. I guess due to me getting into other girls at the club. Two girls specifically that my ATF told me to stay away from because they are bad girls. One is very bad...tit sucking and kitty tasting, and now cheap FS ITC, while the other one has not shown any bad signs in the club, but I love the way she can't stop playing with her own tits. I am actually glad my "old" ATF got the hint and is starting to stay away.
  • Mr.White
    14 years ago
    i always have old alf aproach [view link] depends on hoe hard they want to work for it.i have lost interest for no reason also.maybe the way she talked to me.or they say bad stuff about other customers so i think they say shit about me to other people.i don't know. ON TO THE NEXT ONE.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    ATF is not a spouse, girlfriend or SO. Keep that clear. The run of the "relationship" should never be more than six months. After that you will start hearing all of the depressing baggage, in earnest. Bills, babies, boyfriends, broken cars, boob jobs, etc. Move on.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    SD, I guess I lose. It has been ongoing for 6 years.But she has not worked as a dancer for 3 years.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Um, shadowcat, a 6 year steady relationship with a hottie (based on the picture) who, based on your descriptions, is no less than a no strings attached fuck-buddy pretty much whenever you get the opportunity, and doesn't complain when you're with other women? Whatever her reasons, she's a keeper, and you've hit the jackpot. That's about as far from "lose" as I can imagine.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Hmmm. Reading my last, that came out sounding cruder than I intended it to.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    George. you have only seen the sweet one. I have 23 nudes. (too hold me over)I am 68. She is 32. If I were 30 years younger, I would Marry her. No shit.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Shadow you have probably found a good relationship. The rest of us should be so lucky. Instead, we must be wary, cautious and ready to move on.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Another twist to this question is: has a SC ever lost it's status as your all time favorite club? and you can't put a finger on why? I'm not talking about finding a new favorite club, and so every place else drops down a notch -- but from all time favorite club to "who cares if I go there again?" in one shot.
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