
Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam

Too much of a good thing is never enough
Monday, March 22, 2010 7:48 AM
On several occasions, I've finished and paid for a lap dance with a stripper and asked if she would recommend any other dancers in the club, maybe one who gave an especially "nasty" lap dance. By far the most common reply that I get is something like --- "I don't know anything about what the other dancers do during a lap dance." I find it a bit hard to believe that the dancers don't talk about what they do (including mileage and extras) during a lap dance and how much a particular customer paid and tipped. Reluctance to offer recommendations on the other dancers would make good sense if I hadn't already purchased a lap dance-- after all, why send a paying customer to another dancer. But I got the impression that the dancers really might not know anything about the quality of the lap dances (or mileage and extras) provided by the other dancers. So, has anyone found a good strategy to ask for scouting reports on the other strippers in the club, such as the strippers that provide extras or high mileage? Would strippers (or other customers) provide more useful information?


  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Strippers don't tell each other about their customers, unless the said stripper is meeting a guy OTC and she tells her she'll check in with her as she reaches the hotel and when she leaves. My first ATF was good friends with the gal who became my second ATF. Apparently Kat never told Olga what she did with me. Olga would recite all kinds of things about Kat's family and home life (like Kat told me), but Kat never told her about the sex we had ITC and OTC. Kat only told her that she was meeting a customer, and that was it. All this came up months after Kat ran off. OTC Gal wanted me to stay clear of all the other dancers. The only thing close to an exception happened back in the late 90's. I hit it off with a stripper named Diana. We had a wonderful night together. We made a date for three days later. She didn't show, but a stunning blonde named Deandra showed up "looking for Diana's customer." Diana's mom had a massive stroke and Diana had to run back to California to care for her younger siblings. Deandra had no idea that Diana had sex with me, but as a favor to Diana she gave me GFE that night (no sex). The next time Deandra met me she told me she had a boyfriend and would have to limit our activites to just the club and that had limitations too.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I don't know why you would ask a dancer for recommendations for other dancers. That sounds like, to them, that they weren't good enough. Of course, I've had girls give me unsolicited recommendations.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Electronman-if you ask at a club, ask the waitresses, not the dancers. Dancers are territorial.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Like DandyDan, I never ask, but such info has been offered.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Waitresses don't know shit. They are not in the "in crowd" and they move on faster than strippers. My best source for new material has been my favorites. They share.
  • Mr.White
    14 years ago
    my OTC tells me all kinds of gossip.shes cool and doesn't mind me dancing with other girls.unless she hears of std then she tells me to stay away from her.she even wanted to set me up with her friend but i said no.good thing because they aren't friends no [view link] other OTC told me about the new girls getting caught fucking in the vip.she didn't get fired but got busted a week later for OTC hooking.few other girls told me to take new girl to vip for no extra charge fo FS but she did it with him and him and him as they pointed.funny shit.i have looked right in the eyes of a dancer and said would you recomend a dancer thats not so fucking bitchy.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I have asked a floor manager at Club X and he just went ahead and recommended the closest girl in distance to me. What an idiot. The dancers will usually just recommend their friends..they don't want you spending money on girls they don't know or like. I have always found it ironic when a dancer complains to me about another dancer being a whore and giving head in the VIP...I consider that to be a recommendation! What does she think I come to SCs for the conversations lol
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Dudester: "Strippers don't tell each other about their customers ..." I'm assuming you mean as far as mileage and stuff like that goes. If the dancer isn't a ROB or overly territorial, she'll sometimes tell her closer friends *some* stuff about me. Like I said, not mileage, but things that I wouldn't expect a territorial dancer to share.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    I remember one night a dancer I was familar with told me she got another dancer fired. I thought, darn it, I should have gotten a dance from the the dancer I think she might have been talking about. Some dancers will walk an extra mile if it gets rid of competition. If all the competition is gone, the customers won't have too much desire to make a return visit. Some dancers don't care.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    Once or twice I did have a dancer recommend another dancer (on her own) and that did work out well one time. Another time it sucked real bad. The one dancer did not know how to do a decent lap dance. I never asked a dancer again after that. While I never ask, I occasionally hear someone ask me in different clubs if I would like any particular dancer.
  • Electronman
    14 years ago
    Thanks for the replies. Let me be a bit more specific. During a lap dance it becomes pretty clear what a dancer's limits are-- by that I mean what, if anything, is on the menu. If the dancer's limits are a bit more restrictive than my interests, I'll often say (as I'm paying and its obvious that I'm not going to buy another lap dance from this particular stripper) something like, "that was wonderful but I was hoping for something a bit wilder, like (insert here a "HJ, BJ or FS"). Can you recommend another dancer who might provide that service?" On very rare occasion, I'll get a recommendation (something like, check out xxxx she has a reputation for nasty dances). But most of the time, the dancer claims that she has no idea what the other dancers do or don't do during a lap dance. If true, I find this surprising as it seems important to know what your "competition" is providing and at what cost. On occasion, I've asked a waitress to recommend a dancer who is "lots of fun" and received either a recommendation of a friend (who turned out to provide a pretty mundane lap dance) or a "I really don't know what the dancer do" answer.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    The only way to get this type of info from a dancer is to ask how another dancer acts when the two of them have ever given another customer a LD together.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Electronman, Does this count? I was sitting with a couple day girls close to shift change. Some of the night girls came in, and one day girl turned to the other and said, "here come the sluts."
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    The correct answer is "it depends". I asked a waitress for a recommendation once and got the tamest lap dance in the history of the club. Another time I made my desires known to a dancer and she let me know her limits. As we were leaving the vip area, she motioned toward the dancer on stage and said that I should be able to get what I wanted from her. All the PP Columbia guys are familiar with the girl on stage..she of the 4 letter name. It never hurts to ask I suppose.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    magicrat, we know who that is. We compared condoms last time. She said that the cheap ones break. My ATF says to avoid her. STD's. But when your dick gets hard, its hard to say NO. I hope we can meet up again soon.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I know several waitresses who are room mates or friends with strippers...they tend to recommend them, which is just another reason out of several that I won't depend on waitresses for recommendations. Even one time when I was at Dreamgirls I asked the waitress for a recommendation on what is good to eat and she recommended something like "the veggie burger is awesome". Also one of my biggest complaints about kahoot's gentlemen's club is the bad service I get from the waitresses.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I asked one of my regualar dancers who gives a good dance. She recommends two girls who I later find out are her friends and tells me to avoid another girl who it turns out she doesn't like. I end up getting dances from every single girl in the club that particular night---12 in all. The two friends gave horrible, low mileage dances. The enemy of my regular girl gave the hottest lap dance out of the entire night shift, super high mileage. I ended ditching my regular girl for her enemy. Moral of the story: Girls are going to try to steer your money to their friends and dissuade you from their enemies. Club drama/rivalries dictate who a dancer will recommend. I have no regrets. I am much happier with the "bad girl".
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Given all these comments, and my own experience, I'd have to say that there is exactly one person in any given strip club who is qualified to even render an opinion about which strippers are desirable. Me. Anybody who works there is going to be pushing somebody, whether it's because they like them, or because they think they can talk some more money out of you, or whatever reason. Any of the patrons are going to have their own desires, likes and dislikes, which may not bear any relationship to my own. Others' opinions should considered "for amusement purposes only" and probably be taken as absolutely no more than a starting point, if that much.
  • Electronman
    14 years ago
    Steve 229-- "here come the sluts" counts in my book as the perfect scouting report. Researching which dancers provide what type and quality of lap dance is great fun and, of course YMMV so it may be impossible to short circuit the research phase, but it can be expensive and time consuming. Here's an idea for a strip club entrepreneur, sell a "scouting report" for the dancers in a particular club for five dollars, kind of like a consumers report review-- I can imagine what dimensions could be included on the "consumers report review of strippers."
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    There *are* exceptions. When I used to haunt this one club a lot, one of my faves recognized that I liked variety (at least back then) and the club routinely had 20 or more dancers, so there were a lot of wares to sample. My fave became a sort of scout/adviser for me. Admittedly, sometimes it was a bit mercenary of her. If she knew I was in the mood for a threesome VIP (of which she would be one of the two girls), she'd sometimes ask me if she could pick the other girl, if I didn't have someone in mind already. Usually, it was someone she was curious about ("ooo, I haven't tasted *her* yet"). ;-)
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Speaking of the "research phase" I tried something different today at this club I've been scouting out - went on a 2-4-1 day and instead of trying to pick and chose dancers to try out by their looks or stage dancing, just waited until each dancer came over to me on their dollar parade and told them I would like a dance. The dancer that ended up giving me the best lap dance was one I would probably have passed on otherwise. Man, I can still taste her nipples, lol!
  • zipman68
    14 years ago
    Usually, I avoid asking for recommendations. But I've gotten great recommendations from my current atf in the Dollhouse in Jax Florida. She has never been too specific, and I honestly don't think she knows details of what all of the other girls do. But I will say that one of the reasons she is my atf (aside from the obvious "she is hot and gives a good lapdance") is that she is not territorial. I also got a comment from a dancer at another club that she "didn't do that sort of thing" but would "point out the good c--ksuckers" for a fee. I actually didn't ask her for anything at that point, and I certainly didn't ask for the identity of other girls who would do bj. I decided not to get another dance from her.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    E-man- I'm guessing you're not a regular or "recognized" at the clubs you're at. I'd wager that being so blatantly forward to dancers send off "LE alarm bells" in their head. So, unless someone is a well known quantity (eg-proven regular spender), they're not going to get answers. Really, SC's aren't the epitome of customer service. Hey, if you go to Shady Sams Used Cars, have a subpar experience test driving a clunker, do you really expect SSUC salesman to tell you where you can get a steal of a deal elsewhere?? Please let us know how THAT conversation goes....
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