
Comments by inno123 (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    It was meant to be!
    In addition to Newegg's will call service (which is the one I think you are quoting I believe) mwave.com also offers will call pickup t their warehouse which technically is in Walnut but is right at the edge of the COI. Will call usually has a fee, like $5, which still beats shipping. However you obviously will pay sales tax, which if you are shipping outside of CA at least for the time being you may not I have both built systems using components from mwave and have bought fully built systems from them. Another possibility is that Fry's has a huge City of Industry store that sells just about any computer component that you can think of as well as completed systems.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Cut out the left pocket of my microfiber slacks?
    So I take it the pants have a left pocket but you've cut out the inside? Honestly coming too well prepared for sex at a strip club has a certain creepiness factor to it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Reviews -- do you review a club after only one visit?
    If we only wrote reviews of clubs that we have been to many times there would be far fewer reviews here and the site far less usefull. Nobody would ever review a club that they didn't like because nobody would ever go to it more than once!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What is your zone of expertise?
    True, Club_Goer, I live in a target rich area, So where would folks near here go on a 'vacation'? TJ, baby.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's the best way to get rid of dancers who don't leave?
    Usually it is some variant on "i'm really sorry to be wasting your time like this". And if she still persists, say, "you know, desperate is not the new sexy".
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is rape?
    Read it again folks, nobody is going to get arrested and go to jail because of the new definition of rape. The new definition only has to do with the reporting to the national database. Because state laws differ what one state calls rape another might call sexual assault or something else. So the feds have to create definitions so that state-to-state comparisons of crime statistics are meaningfull.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Run a Porn Site?
    If you are thinking of this as a gimmick to get girls to have sex with you for free I think you are dealing with a fantasy that is perpetuated by the sites themselves. Even if the girls do 'audition' for free, which I doubt, they aren't going to sign the waiver to let you to publish the video for free. So you are better just paying for hookers. If the goal is to be an entrepreneur then it is a super-competitive business that is having trouble competing with free sites and amateur content. You will need to figure out how to be noticed among all of the noise.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    East St. Louis vs Detroit, which is better for extra's?
    You don't see how any metro area beats Detroit? Who knows? How many people visit Detroit AND the City of Industry clubs in Southern California, and the Florida clubs? The highest rated Detroit club in the top 100 is 25. This is part of what I think may be flawed about trying to have a National Top 100. Detroit and So. Cal clubs may be rated more harshly because people who visit them also know what is available across the border. The Florida clubs may be higher rated because they are visited on vacation from people from other southeast states with much more restrictive club laws. As a said, Who Knows?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How to Make your Strip Club Dollar Go Farther
    Considering how dark most clubs are it seems like a good place to try to pass fake bills.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    depends, does taking a 3 for $20 count as three or one? or a half hour VIP?
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    When did strippers become prostitues?
    It started in 1980, the year Mitchell Brothers O'Farrel Theatre began allpwing Lap Dances. The look but don't touch barrier had been broken. Then the addition of private booths and VIP rooms made it more private. Then law enforcement decided that it was more important to clean up the streets than it was to be sure that nobody was getting any nookie for money. If the club owners kept away underage girls and sex slaves, kept out the pimps, and kept down the drug dealing it was considered better than the streetwalkers and possibly even a plus over call girls and massage parlors.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The "I Have No Rules" Sales Pitch
    Bear in mind one of the reasons for the 'no rules' sales pitch is that it means that there was never a specific offer of sex for money.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Girls, You can make $10,000 a Night as a Stripper
    I would guess that in Manhattan you can have one very lonely trader who just got his bonus check and then got very drunk and wound up blowing ten thousand on a stripper. Considering some of the other examples of extravagant conspicuous consumption that is not unbelievable. Of course it is also not unbelievable that a stripper would exaggerate her best night ever for the sake of getting in the papers. You know, an entrprising IRS Auditor might consider pulling her return...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Christine Hendricks
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Local SC Ordinances, Most Vs. Least Restrictive?
    It is indeed very important that there is often a huge difference between what the law allows and what police decide is worth their effort trying to enforce. Police is a local function and if the local politicians feel that they want to show that they are 'cleaning up the city' then the strip club is a visible and stationary target. On the other hand it is less undesirable than having street hookers so sometimes they take the lesser of two evils attitude. Beyond that: 1. State laws usually set what constitutes prostitution, what constitutes lewd behavior, and what is allowed in places that have a license to sell alcohol. 2. Local zoning, building code, and business license laws frequently further restrict the physical design of the club, the location of the club, and what other activities that the club can also engage in. 3. The courts then respond to challenges if the rules constitute a violation of the right to free expression.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Newbie questions: touching conundrum. (dancers opinions welcomed)
    The only thing I have really learned about clubs starts with "when in Rome...". Every club has its norms and its set of expectations. Spend the first dancer's set watching what seems to be the system there. And don't be afraid to just ask a dancer what are her limits before you go to the private dance. Most girls will be clear. And they generally wont' tell you that their limits are worse than they are, because they know that very satisfied clubbers buy more dances. In general I have found that the differences between one girl and another in a club are not huge, since the club management and the girls themselves will come down on someone who gives away too much.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Review a hotel and get 4 weeks free VIP status.
    I agree, there were plenty of reviews covering the club itself.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Where to go for mileage in Vancouver?
    Frankly in Vancouver, as in most Canadian cities, if you are looking for action the best bet is independent outcall escorts, which are essentially legal. http://perb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?10-Vancouver-Reviews
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I am fine with the term extras. It indicates something beyond the usual rules of the club. So it depends a lot on what the normal expectations of the club. So for example in TJ getting sex is not an extra because getting sex is the accepted norm.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Friends X Wife trying to use his SC / Provider Hobby as reason to have him Commi
    Sounds like he is perhaps making some questionable financial choices and may be somewhat obsessive about the strippers. But involuntary committment should be reserved to the insane or the mentally incompetent, and the guy definitly does not sound like either of those.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Australian Escort Service Selling Girl's Virginity
    Brothels and escorts are legal in much of the country and the girl is not a minor. So she had debts to pay, who doesn't?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    WTF?: "You can play with my kitty, just don't kiss me"?
    Well, there are a lot of oral germs, and tougher to fake that you are enjoying it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Saftey First
    Decide up front how much you are going to spend and carry that ammount, no more, into the club. Leave the plastic.