I have posted reviews on this site and its prior incarnation for several years, but only for those clubs that I can give a fair analysis based on repeat business. I think it would be beneficial to have a review give, in addition to the day and time of the visit whether it is his (or her) first visit to this club (which is frequently mention in the review, I realize, but not always).
I agree.....the more detail about the review we know the more itt helps us in trusting that review.....its like making a name for yourself people respect it
I get your point but I almost always review a new club when I'm out of town. But I always do try to state "this is my first visit" or "I've been here many times" to help with perspective.
Of course I will review a club after only 1 visit. It only takes one visit to know if a club is good or bad. And because I am a veteran reviewer on this site my reviews are deemed more credible than a newbie's review.
If we only wrote reviews of clubs that we have been to many times there would be far fewer reviews here and the site far less usefull. Nobody would ever review a club that they didn't like because nobody would ever go to it more than once!
I always try to, except it's been awhile since I made a first-time visit to a club. But usually, you can tell if a club is good the first time you go there, even if it's offpeak hours.
I will just add that clubs can, and do, take their props for random good nights as well as their lumps for random bad nights - it comes with the territory. I'm not trying to even out my reviews for a particular club. If the club sucked on some random weeknight when I visited, then it gets a crappy review from me. The fact that it might be awesome later in the week is not my concern, though if it is a fairly heavily reviewed club then a pattern should emerge for people reading the club reviews and the ratings should even out as well.
I post reviews on clubs when I first visit and when I return, (after some length of time) . Things change, a good experience may not be the current experience. I've been posting for a long time here, and many of our TUSCL people know my reviews to be reliable.
For the local clubs, lately my reviews are generally aggregated from several visits. On the increasingly infrequent occasions on which I travel to other clubs, a review will, of necessity, be based on a more limited number of visits, even if that's only one.
Right - since most of my SC visits are while traveling, most of my reviews will be based on single visits. I usually will not bother to post a review if I just stuck my head in, saw the joint was dead, and walked right back out, but if I do get to spend some money in there and have some interaction with the talent I will go ahead and share my impressions.
I have no problem reviewing a site after one visit. I can certainly tell if I had a good time in that one visit, and am more than willing to say so. If another reviewer thinks the club is better than my review, they are free to do their own review. After all, if I am considering going to a club, I will read more than one TUSCL review before making my decision.
The clubs I visit regularly I review every month or two. New or occasional clubs to me I'll review each time I go. Point being, there's no reason to keep putting up a review on the same club every few weeks unless there is relevant new info.
last commentI also agree with sc.
I sometimes combine a few visits in a single review. This is quite common when I am out of town.
I will just add that clubs can, and do, take their props for random good nights as well as their lumps for random bad nights - it comes with the territory. I'm not trying to even out my reviews for a particular club. If the club sucked on some random weeknight when I visited, then it gets a crappy review from me. The fact that it might be awesome later in the week is not my concern, though if it is a fairly heavily reviewed club then a pattern should emerge for people reading the club reviews and the ratings should even out as well.