What's the best way to get rid of dancers who don't leave?

avatar for sharkhunter
I had a dancer sitting on my lap for a few minutes and then she asked for a dance and I said no, no thanks, maybe later. She insisted I had to get a dance. She said she wasn't going to take no. What would you do? Ignore her? Get up and walk away? After several minutes of this I told her I needed to go to the restroom and sort of stood up anyway but I warned her I was going to do so.


last comment
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Sometimes you have to get nasty with the really pushy ones. They often give you no choice. Problem is that they can label you to the other dancers as an asshole, and you risk being ignored all night (if you're in a new club that the dancers don't know you). But often these pushy dancers are annoying to the other dancers as well, so if she badmouths you, it might not matter.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
Good question. I have not experienced this, but I would suggest telling her the discussion can continue with management.
avatar for macandbum
13 years ago
Just say "no" and if she says she'll sit there all night, call her out on it. She'll leave in a few minutes since every minute spent on you is losing another customer.

I got labeled as cheap because I didn't want to tip a few girls that came up to me and said "i was dancing before you got here." The label of being cheap goes away if you don't sit there and nurse a drink for an hour and actually tip dancers that you see dance.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
Usually it is some variant on "i'm really sorry to be wasting your time like this". And if she still persists, say, "you know, desperate is not the new sexy".
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
inno - That's a great line. I will use it if I run into a similar situation.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I've had some recent success lately with "I just finished a VIP trip".
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
In one case, I just asked the next dancer on stage for a dance when she got down, with the pesty/persistent stageside cockblocker clearly hearing the exchange. She got po'd, but she never bothered me again.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Tell her you're broke. That usually does the trick
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
Don't worry too much about being labeled asshole if you have to take the childishness out of a dancer's advances/sales pitch. The other girls are probably aware of that dancer's poor behavior.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
What Stiletto said. But sometimes they don't believe me!
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
Here's one I've always wanted to try:

Whisper that you're interested in the most perverted, outrageous extras you can think of and offer a really low-ball price. She'll most likely be highly offended/disgusted and storm off. Of course, if she agrees...
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
@steve ! Omg ! That got me written all over it ! That's call that move the "juice"...lol.....I do that when I got money to use ! Lol !

@Stil25!.....ya that works so good every time I walk in now they still leave me alone....."oo look its that broke ass again !" Lol !

@shadow.....I'm going to try that one next time out !

My idea of getting a girl to leave you alone ?.....normaly garlic, steak, a cross, holy bible, holy water with a flash light has help me a lot !
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I usually say "No Thanks", a time or 2. If that doesn't work I totally ignore them, which usually works after a bit of time. On a few occasions I've resorted to telling them to "Go the Fuck away!"

"I got labeled as cheap because I didn't want to tip a few girls that came up to me and said "i was dancing before you got here."

Since when as a customer am I obligated to tip ANY or EVERY Stripper for Stage Dances done before I walked in the door? NOT likely EVER!! I tip at the stage IF I'm sitting there which I don't 99.9% of the time or if I want the Stripper to cum sit with me or if I'm interested in Dances with her.

Perhaps macandbum's Dancers have been Rained on too often.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Happened to me recently, so I say "Hey you want to go downstairs"....I start to get up, and she says "Yes".....So, we go the elevator and being the gentleman - I escorted her on....and then, just didn't bother to join her for the trip...
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

Love it!
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I tell them I don't want them to dance for me and if they don't like it tough. We are under absolutely no obligation to them. If they still don't take the hint. I'll talk to management about them.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
You could always quote the bible ! "For God so loved !" John 3:16
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Juice, lmfao....did you just Tebow us....
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
Be kind and say I don't have any money or I'm not in a hury
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Never underestimate the power of a well timed fart.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
WRT bent labled as cheap, I've actually had this problem with wait staff more than dancers. One local waitress lets you sit with a girl for roughly 10 seconds before she's pushing the drinks. "Wanna buy the lady a drink? Oh, why not? Don't you like her? She's lonely? She hasn't made anything all night?" etc, etc, ad nauseum.

One of the girls who knows me told me that she was steering girls away from me, because I "don't buy anything." So I started sitting at the bar, and letting the bartender know when I wanted something.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
A "no thank you" with a firm look in the eye usually does the trick for me. Sorry to say it this way, but dancers most often persist when they smell weakness or hesitation.

When I club, I own my space. It starts when I walk in like I own the joint and it goes from there. I am always friendly and calm - every time - but I am also firm. And every once in a while my approach rubs some girl the wrong way, but I really couldn't care less about whether the more brittle and pushy dancers like me or not. I am there to be entertained, not to coddle girls with personality disorders. If I don't like a girl, then she is moved along fairly quickly.

I spend about 80 nights per year in clubs spread out all over the country and it has been about 3 or 4 years since I had a serious problem in getting a dancer to move on. As I've gotten older, my tolerance for silly BS has dramatically decreased.

Anyway, there it is.

then I couldn't care less
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
@ Stiletto: I tried that once. The dancer's response was, "Let me see your wallet!" Fortunately, I never saw that dancer again. I hope no other customers did either.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@Club_Goer: Of course, the proper response to that is "Fuck you." Or maybe "Afer my jizz is sliding down your throat, I'll let you see my wallet."

I think I could get over my rudeness reluctance pretty quickly in the face of a comment like that.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I wish they would ask to see mine (wallet). I don't carry cash in it at all.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I pull out my cock one way or another it will solve my problem
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
In my case she was sitting on top of me. I suppose after I told her twice that she was wasting her time with me, I could have ignored her. However I was concerned if she sat on me several more minutes, she would be even more stubborn about leaving. I usually go to strip clubs in a good mood but if I end up cursing at someone, I'm definitely not in a good mood anymore and may have wished I never visited. Having a female customer keep coming over to me as soon as I found another seat didn't help but she was friendly about it. I was wondering if I should have offered the female customer the chance to sit on my lap after the third or fourth time she came up to me. I really just wanted to sit quietly.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I should have told her I was out of money. Forgot that one. I once had a dancer tell me I was lying after I said that. If I refrain from smiling, it works for a little while.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I seem to be getting more experience in being rude in escalating levels. It might be one out of a thousand dancers who would rather spend a lot of time arguing with you rather than leave you alone and come back and ask later. Maybe they just don't like rejection. I rarely have had this happen to me in a crowded club. I felt like she just thought I was going to hand over money for a lapdance. No.
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
The last time I told a dancer I was out of money she twisted my nipples, started patting me down and said, "don't you got no credit cards or bank cards or sumptin!?" After the blood came back into my nipples I said no, and walked directly to the manager and told him. He didn't do shit, so I left.
avatar for Shamrock211
13 years ago
I've had customers come up to me and ask me to get a certain dancer away from their table. I usually have the DJ page her to the booth and explain that the customer isn't into her and that she's wasting her time there.

This let's both the customer and the dancer save face and generally avoids drama.

Depending on the club I don't recommend being extremely rude to the skank as I have had to throw out many customers for being rude/mean to the girls. Management generally sides with the dancers in a 'your word versus hers' scenario.

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