
Comments by inno123 (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #4
    Definitly top shelf, detracted only by being a little too anorexic in the arms and the tits look fake.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie # 3
    Really doesn't have the curves to get into the 8 or above category. On the other hand her skin looks nice and smooth and she hasn't spoiled it with excessive tats or piercings.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    "Top Earners" in the Club
    The typical DV club uses those payment/timing poles. So the earnings would be for the dances themselves. Extra tips handed to the strippers are obviously not part of the accounting. So variations can include...number of hours worked, whether working the busier time or not, fewer use of specials, and just plain more hustle. It may or may not equate to offering more quality.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #2
    If you want to look skinny hang around fat people. I would take either of her two blonde companions over her. Those pictures just point out how pretty she might have been with diffent life choices. Since I don't know what her pre-surgery boobs looked like I can't say if these are an improvement or not but I wouldn't regard them as a major detraction. The tats are just terrible, inartisic, inconsistent, and terrible in message. Everybody considering getting inked should ask themselves this question: Would I hang this image on the wall of my living room? If not, then WTF are you doing having it carved into your body! The haircut is also a mess and just completes the image of a high maintenance mess of a woman. It just scream the old addage 'never get involved with a person with more mental problems than you!' I can see how this girl might be attractive to an emo goth guy with low self esteem. But that is not me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie No.1
    Below the neck she is excellent,depending on how the breasts look uncovered and whether she has any ugly tats. Her face, although pretty, seems a little odd in the proportions of the features. But I would definitely take her to the back if the attitude was right.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A 'Regular's' Price vs. 'Road Warrior's' Price
    The price is just as likely to change for how busy the club is, what day of the week it is, whether the rent is due, whatever. Once the stripper knows that he has you hooked as having her as a favorite she knows that she doesn't have to compete for you on price. You will also be the first one she comes to you with some sob story about hw she needs some money for some reason.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip-club raid: 'It's a whorehouse' police chief says
    Frankly if they clean up the place and reopen as a legit strip club it would be a vast improvement. Only a fool of an owner would risk their limited access gold mine (the license to operate an adult cabaret) for something that can occur on any back alley (drug sales).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Congress closes 'strip club loophole' for welfare recipients
    Everybody jumps to the wrong conclusion. For example the LA Times article mentioned in the article made a specific reference to withdrawls at Sam's Hofbrau. For those who have not been there Sam's is in an industrial area where there are many workers and some shopping but almost no retail so the ATM in Sam's is the closest to quite a number of part time and temporary workers, not to mention the part-time dancers and waitresses at Sam's itself. Yet the conclusion they jumped to was that people were getting lap dances with their welfare money.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Re Illinois pole tax.
    I am fine with the entry fee tax but it reinforces the myth that there is some link between adult businesses and sexual assault and that the fee is somehow needed to undo the damage that the clubs do. I would rather see the fee go to local government's general coffers. If local governments see adult businesses as a cash cow they won't try to zone them into oblivion.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Drill, Baby, Drill
    I don't know how seriously to take this topic considering the venue, but do you honestly think that the oil companies funding these politicians shouting 'drill baby drill' really want lower oil prices? Really? They want to manipulate your unease about higher gas prices to get them to be able to extract even more oil faster and bring on even higher prices sooner. The earth only has so much oil. Accept it. The really cheap to get oil has been taken. We are now on the more difficult to get oil. Drilling deep in the gulf and in Artic climes is not cheap. They need higher prices to make it work, and when that is done comes the really expensive to get oil. Besides it will take many years for a new oil field to reach supplies. What will bring down prices, and do it sooner, is a reduction in demand pressures from conservation combined with a reduction in supply pressures from alternative energy sources such as biodiesel, ethanol, solar, and wind. The oil companies want to complain about 'radical environmentalists' but what they really fear is competing energy sources.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SC Financial Advice Needed from the Masters
    Here is something to think on. If you go clubbing twice a week are you enjoying yourself twice as much as if you went once a week? If you go twice a month are you enjoying yourself twice as much as if you are going once a month? Think before you spend is the key. Is this really the best use of my money? Would I rather spend this money on more trips to the club or a dinner at a good restaurant or an upgraded piece of tech or some new clothes or on monthly payments on a better car or...save it for retirement. The worst spending is the spending we do purely out of habit without getting much real enjoyment out of it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    SC Financial Advice Needed from the Masters
    Here is something to think on. If you go clubbing twice a week are you enjoying yourself twice as much as if you went once a week? If you go twice a month are you enjoying yourself twice as much as if you are going once a month? Think before you spend is the key. Is this really the best use of my money? Would I rather spend this money on more trips to the club or a dinner at a good restaurant or an upgraded piece of tech or some new clothes or on monthly payments on a better car or...save it for retirement. The worst spending is the spending we do purely out of habit without getting much real enjoyment out of it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Not sure what to think? Convince me one way or another.
    The LA Times did a big expose on this article. In terms of the size of the program the quantity of funds cashed at strip clubs was minuscule. Moreover they simply presumed that the withdrawls were being made by customers of the club and not any of the dancers, waitresses, or staff. In addition they failed to note that the club that they were singling out as an example, Sam's Hofbrau, is in an industrial area with few other ATMs for the many people who work in the area.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Mileage in Philly Area?
    Now that we have top clubs sidebar for every city there really isn't much point to this kind of thread any more. Just look in the listing for Philadelphia.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Need advice
    Unless you are really ready for this dancer to ruin your marriage and your reputation keep it in the club. So she asked you out to lunch. She askes a single guy out to lunch. Do you think that she wants to ruin you marriage too? You lied in the club. Big deal. Everybody lies in the club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Bad conversation starters
    At the last club I visited (Jet Strip Theatre) I had little more than sat down when a dancer (who I had already concluded was not the nicest looking one on shift) walks up, grabs my hand, says 'come on, lets have a good time' and nearly drags me into the VIP area with no hello or other discussion of prices or anything. Needless to say it did not work at all. I give it points for creativity but not effectiveness. It was also wasy out of place because otherwise the club had a low pressure vibe.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Need advice from those that have visited the Mexican strip clubs...
    The only change I would suggest to your plans is not to try to get a hotel on the mexican side. Just go to the clubs and take the girl to the club's normal hotel rooms. The club and the girls have a regular relationship with these and would be nervous going to a strange place with a strange man.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Top 10 List
    The code may need some debugging. The top list for San Francisco only listed three clubs. They were I think the three best, but clearly there are more than thre clubs within 45 miles of SF.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Atf ideas :b
    Most dancers are perpetual dieters so the choclates will mostly go uneated. Where is she going to store flowers until the end of her shift and what will her real BF think? So the flowers are going to go in the waste basket. In general giving something other than money is telegraphing that you are not thinking rationally about the relationship and are open to exploitation. HOWEVER, if that thought does not dissuade and you still want to give something, find out her size and then show up with some sexy outfit or new pair of platforms. Strippers are constantly wearing out costumes and she can always say that she traded with another dancer for it (which is also commonplace). Just don't get bent out of shape if it turns out not to fit. Women's clothing sizes are notoriously unreliable between stores.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Atf ideas :b
    Most dancers are perpetual dieters so the choclates will mostly go uneated. Where is she going to store flowers until the end of her shift and what will her real BF think? So the flowers are going to go in the waste basket. In general giving something other than money is telegraphing that you are not thinking rationally about the relationship and are open to exploitation. HOWEVER, if that thought does not dissuade and you still want to give something, find out her size and then show up with some sexy outfit or new pair of platforms. Strippers are constantly wearing out costumes and she can always say that she traded with another dancer for it (which is also commonplace). Just don't get bent out of shape if it turns out not to fit. Women's clothing sizes are notoriously unreliable between stores.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Top 10 List
    Founder dude, you rock, and I really like the implementation of it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Top 10 List
    @minnow. Even if a small number of contributors are very well traveled they are outnumbered by the vast majority who are not. If Founder did not want to go through the effort of defining wha was a region he could simply define nodes such as downtown Los Angeles. The software will then pick the 100 closest clubs (which it can already do) take the top ten in each category, and then present them in the same manner as the national top 10 is presented now. TADA! Any number of usefull top ten lists with miniscule programming effort. And again, sure you could do the same thing yourself, but what makes this site popular, particularly on mobile devices, is quickly asking the question 'what's the best nearby?'.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Top 10 List
    Minnow, I wasn't suggesting that is wasn't possible to work around the lack of regional top 10 lists, but part of what makes a good site better is not having to do a work-around to get to what you are looking for.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Latest theme/style changes.
    Some of the more recent changes were a step backward, but where they wound up now is pretty good. I would skip all the rounded corners, they add overhead to the browser and are kind of cliche.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    But what a way to go....
    I think she is giving herself way too much credit...or is just looking for publicity.