
Comments by inno123 (page 23)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Police Key In On Massage Parlors Through Websites
    Frankly if the Police are so clueless about what is going on under their noses that they have to go to a web site then it is pretty sad. Or conversely if the operation is going by so unnoticed that they have to use a web site to learn of its existence, is it affecting the community enough to be worth law enforcement's attention?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sober Monday Reflections: Should Drunk Guys Have to Pay Their Stripper Bills?
    It is a tricky legal situation. If the person was so drunk that they were no longer in control of their actions and the club, knowing this, took advantage of it then it might be considered some sort of conspiracy to defraud. Hard to proove though. Personally my rule is I set a budget for my visit, carry that quantity of cash in my pockets, and leave the credit cards and ATM cards hidden in the car.
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    13 years ago
    Ultimate Strip club
    Well, the maximum mileage that the local law enforcement will allow plus the maximum VIP privact that the law will allow. Second, when there is no dancer on stage pull the volume down to background music levels so that discussion can occur. In additionwhen there is nobody on stage bring the house lights up a little and the stage lights down. Make the dancer coming on stage an event and make her coming off the stage an event too...all staff, even other dancers, applaud. Make the bar have some good values or if it is soft drinks have ordinary soft drinks be unlimited refills.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    From Wikipedia's Lapdance Entry
    I had also written an article on this here some time ago. The interesting thing about this is that any action must be subconscious because the dancers are trying just as hard every single night to earn as much money as possible yet have no actual desire to reproduce with any of the men at all.
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    13 years ago
    Is A SC Ever Just Too Awful To Bother Writing A Review?
    Telling the site visitors about a crappy club is valuable, maybe even more so. I will out of curiosity perhaps visit a club that has not been frequently reviewed. But one that has been consistently badly reviewed? My money is more valuable than that.
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    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    NY Top court takes on lap dance tax case
    The logic seems bogus. For example improvisation is an expected part of both jazz music and some forms of theatre, which certainly qualify as artistic performance.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Hot for Teacher Bill.
    Honestly I am not so upset with this bill because schools, in particular teachers, are in such a positio of authority that the concept of consent becomes distorted. This also make sense because legally schools assume certain parental responsibilities over their students.
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    13 years ago
    Favorite Bottle for BYOB clubs
    Unforutnately in California a BYOB place has to have a liquor license anyway. So there aren't any.
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    13 years ago
    Stripper Phones
    Strippers are paid in cash, in secret, and are not expected to provide reciepts. Even if the club is charging you directly for the dance time, such as with the Deja Vu payment devices, there is still the extras tips. Do you think that the typical stripper is going to report all that secret income? Occasionally the IRS will try to backtrack from a person's lifestyle that they cannot possibly be declaring all their income. But they will hardly do that for every stripper in the country.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer: "You're the first customer I've gone out with...Please don't murder me.
    I agree that it is gallows humor, so the best way is with your own humor. How about, 'Oh I have very strict rules about how far I will go on a first date'.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Nice girls finish last...
    I think you have misread client B. So he walks in and the typical girl he sees is busy. So he spends time with some other girl. It wasn't to 'make you jealous', it was because he was bored and had no idea how long you would be, or even if there was somebody else on your list between that guy and him. He didn't want to waste time sitting there like a lump as if he was somehow in a committed relationship with you. You don't own him or own his business. So then you later apparently challenge him on taking a dance with another girl like you were some sort of a couple and he was cheating on you! Honestly if that was me you would have just automatically made yourself an ex-ATF. When I come into a club, whether it is the first or fiftieth time I am free to spend my money as I wish. Most guys preferences in women are set in high school. If you remind them of their fantasies of some girl that they knew when they were younger they will like you. If you remind them of some girl who was full of all the wrong kind of attitude...same thing.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Best Way a Dancer Can Maximize the Visual?
    Absolutely right about the paint. That also goes for glitter. If by glow in the dark you mean white things that glow under club black lighting, if the club is using black lights then it also means that the eyes, teeth, etc. are also glowing unnaturally and you should find a different club. Don't pick a costume that you feel dumb wearing. Clothes should be able to get out of without looking clumsy. Showing off the goods does not necessarily mean exposing them. Don't be afraid to be different, in fact strive for it. Don't be afraid to be the only dancer in swimwear rather than lingerie or the only girl in a tiny cheerleader skirt or tight satin shorts, or a low-cut backless evening dress. Consider how fabrics feel. Sequins look all sparkly but scratch. Same for some lace types. So consider satins, suedes, etc. You can consider theme outfits (toga, harem, tropical, cavewoman) but don't be ridiculous about them.
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    13 years ago
    Let's break it down: Federal. There is no federal role other than the constitution's first ammendment rights. In general when local controls have been overturned it has been on first ammendment issues. States. States generally set the criminal code and the constitutional ammendment that ended prohibition specifically gave the states the right to regulate the sale of alcohol. Most, but not all strip club regulations are state law. Cities can also establish ordinances that are enforced through fines or loss of business licenses. Frankly a lot of strip club rules are contained in the zoning code or as stipulations in the use permit. So for example in California the general rule that you can't have nudity in a club that serves alcohol is a state law but the fact that some cities allow vip rooms or others require a distance between the edge of the stage and the closest patrons are local building codes. Finally a very important thing set at the local level is the priorities of the police.
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    13 years ago
    @Rick Dugan You pretty much summarized the premise of my article. @Steve229 And I agree too that and empty stage is an energy drain. So thequestion is then how to redesign the stage to be both a worthy center of attention and a tool for increasing interaction and sales.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    have you ever herd this while at a sc
    Oh, and I would take their bet, immediately do a 15 minute VIP and then say that I won the bet.
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    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    have you ever herd this while at a sc
    Any club known for BBFS is a club that I won't visit. I am not even that keen on BBBJ from a pro and dont' even object if the dancer wants to do covered hand jobs.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Let me clarify. Of course when it comes to buying subsequent dances your pleasure at the first dance is everything. But before you buy that first dance you don't know and have to rely on other criteria. So my question has to do with choosing to buy a first dance with a new girl. Because unless you are going to buy one dance from every girl in the club you are going to need to do some selecting.
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    13 years ago
    What to do with gift intended for old favorite?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What to do with gift intended for old favorite?
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    13 years ago
    Do any of the Spearamint Rhinos in CA approach the quantity and quality of dance
    Two reasons why not. First of all they do not have the same square footage. Put the number of dancers in vegas in an LA club and there wouldn't be space to stand. The second reason is that places like the Rhino are where dancers from the big shows park while waiting for auditions and openings.
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    13 years ago
    Miami Florida
    Help with Los Angeles/Orange County Clubs
    If you are really willing to go far afield take a side trip to Tuijuana and visit Adelitas and the Hong Kong. Apart from that the City of Industry area is your best choice along with the Tropical Lei in Upland. The LAX area clubs are not a good value. the Downtown area clubs can be almost as good as COI but not quite. The advice of doing the $100 thursday specials at DV COI is OK, but if all you are looking for is good grindage and not extras go any day and get the 3 for $20 topless lap dances. On Monday it is 3 for 20 all day.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    House Moms
    There are a certain number of things that has to get done in a club. As to who does them is just a question of division of labor. Does the DJ juggle the schedule to be sure that there is somebody to go on stage if the next dancer is in a longer than normal VIP or is it the house mom? Is it housekeeping that might help rinse out a stained dress or is it the house mom? Does security mediate an argument between dancers over some percieved violation of the rules or is it the house mom? If the house mom is actually doing all these things then they are most likely worth their while. The system most likely works best if the house mom still is a dancer. That way she can relate to how the things are now for dancers, not how 'things used to be'. It also means that if there is some problem that can only be solved by her getting up on stage and filling in for a set she can. If she is really beyond her dancing years she should be an adjunct to either the waitresses or the housekeeping staff. But someone who is just sitting around in case there is trouble is often going to wind up making trouble instead. On the other hand clubs where everybody and their brother gets a mandatory tip out by the dancers are nothing but extortion rackets.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    how far can you go with the strippers?
    You did notice that this is a review site? Find the top rated clubs in your destination and then read the reviews. You may have to do a little reading between the lines, and bear in mind that a club regular might get more leeway than a stranger, in particular in terms of seeing them outside of the club. But it certainly doesn't hurt to ask and it certanly doen't hurt to have money.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All whores are lying, thieving strippers
    I think a good benchmark of the effects of legalization of prostitution in the US is Canada. In Canada the specific act of paying somebody for sex is legal. What in practice is illegal is operating a bawdy house, public communication regarding prostitution, and living off of the prostitution of another. So supposedly an independent outlall call girl who makes no sex-for-money claims in her advertizing is OK. The gray areas in the current law is whether the bawdy house rule prohibits escorts form offering individual incall, what at what point can you actually make a specific offer under the communication law, and whether having the call girl hire a driver or body guard constitute living off the prostitution of another. In general though in Canada call girls are pelntifull, call girl prices are way less than the prices quoted in Nevada brothels, streetwalkers are comparatively rare, and human trafficing and child prostitution levels are not elevated. Strip Clubs still exis, but n general they do not offer ultra high mileage.