
Friends X Wife trying to use his SC / Provider Hobby as reason to have him Commi

A friend of mine, Jim (not his real name) is 72. I have known him for over 20 years and before we got into SC hobby we were partners on a number of business deals. He used to have his own realty business and like myself is a professional with a graduate degree. In 2004 he moved out on his wife to chase a 40 year old Cafateria cashier moving into one of the 12 rent houses him and his wife owned together hoping to get her to move in with him. When this failed, he later started going to SC and I followed suite a couple months later. We were VIP memebers at the same club and shared info about girls and the hobby. Later in 2004 he started scoring otc with them and had girls over to his house. He was going thru a bitterly contested divorce with his wife. For whatever reason she got 10 of the houses and he only got 2. Strippers and hookers continued to drain his money. He has probably done about 50 of them. He never gave up on the idea of moving them in with him and I believe this drained a lot of money. During morning commutes I would put cell phone on speaker and we would discuss different girls and the ups and downs with his relationship with J. He even introduced me to girls at his house that I fucked there. One of them, J I have done about 35 sessions with off and on. At this point in time he has a fav (J) he has been seeing 7 years (x stripper, BP call girl) plus a few hooker x strippers who will come over and knock on his door offering their sexual services. He has had a number of threesomes with girls and a couple where and another guy participated with a girl (I dont do threesome with guys and declined any such offers). He is not homo, just like to watch a guy fuck some hot gal. He subsists on social security as all of his money is gone spent on strip clubbing and otc sessions.

Last summer he had surgery for Bladder Cancer plus a prostate removal. He survived the cancer and has even got his dick back after the prostate surgery. Of course his x stripper fav was very helpful with this. He spent some time in a nursing home after the cancer surgery and at that time his x wife and daughter tried to get him to stay permanently in the nursing home. They knew of him having all sorts of girls over for sex. He went back home after a few days and recovered. He had a fav he no longer sees who got pg and gave up the baby. He still speculates the child may be his. She danced at Ricks South. One thing I have found is that strippers are prime mistress material. But watch out if you get one PG.

This last week he was hospitalized for low blood pressure. His x wife and daughter have taken away his car keys and attempted to have him commited to a mental facility. They got in his house while he was in hospital and saw letters and sexy pics of J. I do not know J's reaction to this as she has been serving some time for traffic warrants and tied up with a $5K a month SugarDaddy. I have advised him to seek an attorney. I do not believe there is anything wrong with him mentally just the vindictive x wife and being broke. He has gone all out in the hobby but does not regret spending the money on strippers and providers. He has told me "Let this be the handwritting on the wall, one day your wife will try to do this to you."

Any comments?


  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Interesting read. You should have introduced him to TUSCL
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    If his daughter might end up supporting him because he is blowing all his money on strippers, etc, then she has an "interest" in reigning in his spending; but I doubt that it is a "right" A judge usually makes the final decision about whether a person needs to be committed.

    If he thinks he impregnated a girl after he had his prostate removed, he should rest easy, as the plumbing necessary to ejaculate sperm was removed with the prostate.

    I'm glad he got his dick back, I had my prostate removed due to cancer back in May, and occasionally I can feel a little glimmer of hope coming from down there, but it is a very long way from being a woody.
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    He would have enjoyed it and been a real good contributor to the site but does not currently have a computer and even shuns it. His being 72 or recovering from prostate surgery has not stopped girls from wanting to see him. He tells me all the time of getting a knock on his door from an x stripper (now hooker) and her sister for a threesome at say 1 or 2am. He has done them numberous times. But the craz thing is that bc the x stripper is married with 5 kids she does not give out number for fear of husband getting in it.
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    I am not BS ing u about the girls. I met J one time when he invited me over to do her for $150. She was in a red bik in the driveway sunning when I arrived (thats her pic by my name). We chatted and then I took her inside and fucked her in one of the bedrooms. Can you imagine how exciting it is to take a sexy petite cajun stripper with lots of sexy tats inside and fuck her?
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    mmdv26 - The girl was impregnated a coupla years before his prostrate removal. My apology for an confusion. While he says he got his dick back, as I understand it he uses some kind of special erection pump he got from the Surgeon coupled with a cock ring that gives a really good hard he says. He says the doc told him it can take about a year or more to get your dick back and this varies with patients. He says J was very pleased with the results. He also had part of his bladder removed and has to wear a bag. I have been amazed at how this guy has bounced back and kept on hobbying and not let this discourage him. I think if it were me would probably give up and just drink booze.
  • Sowhatt
    13 years ago
    I'd pass on J if that's her in the pic. Stretch marks and tats ain't my thing. To each his own though.
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    When J was on back page, sometimes she would meet guys at Jims house who would pay as much as $250 to fuck her in one of the bedrooms. Yes J has stretchmarks bc she had kids at 15 and 17. But she has great body and really loves to fuck. Being from Louisiana she has an accent and lots of tats. Jim has been seeing her 7 years and has been frustrated by her living with this SugarDaddy off and on. Recently Jim told me about a conversation he had with the SD about her phone and how she has messages from 30 different guys (she is in jail for a coupla weeks). The SD is really crazy about her and spent a ton of money on her much to Jim's frustration. I have told Jim "It looks like he is trying to bid you out of the picture." I had three sessions with her this summer bringing my total with her to 35 but went back to my fave, P. J wanted me to really be a reg with her and described her relationship with Jim and the SD like "husband and wife." Jim told me she really enjoyed threesomes with him and another guy from North Houston at his house. She is 25 and Jim has been fucking her for 7 years. J told me she would like to dance at the Ritz but I am skeptical as she has so many customers wanting her for sessions. She is very smart and personable and can be manipulative. Driving her to a a motel session, she will not hesitate to answer calls from customers or flirt with the waiter (if you take her out to eat). Unfortunately she has been in trouble a lot which lands her jail time. I fucked her a lot in 2008, then some in 2009 and 10 plus the three times this year. One has to wonder what she must have been like as a teenage girl.
  • Sowhatt
    13 years ago
    This seems more like you expounding on why you like to fuck this girl and why everyone should want to fuck her than a story on how the ex is having what's his name committed, as the title would lead us to believe.

    You've done her 35+ times and she has a SD AND she's always on the phone. Jesus man, spend some of that money on someone new who hasn't banged everyone from Lake Charles to New Orleans.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    Player you gave him sound advice on retaining legal counsel, he definitely should.

    An individual can't be committed against their will unless two shrinks come to the conclusion that person is a danger to themselves. At least its like that in most states, not sure about TX. "Danger to themselves" has been broadly interpreted at times to include someone bring financial ruin upon themselves through destructive behavior. So he definitely should have legal representation.

    If his EX was in his house without his consent, that is also a possible legal matter.
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    Sounds like he is perhaps making some questionable financial choices and may be somewhat obsessive about the strippers. But involuntary committment should be reserved to the insane or the mentally incompetent, and the guy definitly does not sound like either of those.
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    Yes his ex searched thru his house without his consent while he was in hospital. I am sure she went into the J's room she stays in when she is there and saw all the sexy clothes too. He says when she started seeing him at his house years ago she would leave clothes there, even come over to do laundry. In this way, a woman marks her territory in case another gal might come on the scene.

    Yea I have found his financial choices questionable but one never knows how long they will live. He simply enjoys the hobby.
  • wallanon
    13 years ago
    This is like some sad, pathetic PL Christmas Carol. Was that redundant? The ghost of poorhouse future just shined a light on what happens to PLs when they can't handle the hobby.

    And I'm sure all those hookers loved get splashed up on someone's profile by name and where they worked. Good luck to that guy in the OP. He needs it.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    " He subsists on social security as all of his money is gone spent on strip clubbing and otc sessions."

    I've found a new hero! I plan to spend all my retirement money on hot young strippers!
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    Once one gets to retirement age and is facing illness (like cancer, stroke) and then death spending money on strippers and hookers not a bad idea. I remember my dad in a nursing home basically at the end of the road and is room-mate a 98 year old guy delusional and muttering for his life to end. Once your at the end of the road its too late to spend money on strippers.

    I had three differend girls the other week and certainly dont regret it. Jim has blown all his financial assets on girls, even done a reverse mortgage on the last of his houses he owned. He does not regret it.
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