
Run a Porn Site?

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Anyone ever thought about trying to start up a porn site? I know, it's probably just my own wishful thinking, but it looks to me like, as long as the dude is in the right jurisdiction and has a good sense of timing and videography, he can get young wanna-be-starlet girls to beg to fuck on camera. Why wouldn't every guy be trying to do this? Why shouldn't I try?

Just a thought ... :P


  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @book.....I thank about this very thang all the time......probly just need a good lawyer ? Good luck man !
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    You gotta pay the girls. :)
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    ow that is what I call a "thumb nail" pic :)
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Been there with a friend. The credit cards will want more of a cut - if they accept adult web site sales to begin with. There will be a lot of things called "charge backs" that might be even more expensive than two accounts. Some ISPs won't host you, though not as bad as one might think. Just saying. If hosted in the US, you will need to keep some records that a lawyer can best define for you. These records will need to be kept in a public area (usually your laywer's office) with details of where. You will need some serious technical skills because hackers will try to get into the system and pollute your customers. Your customers will share their accounts with others - as in lists of people (and then play dumb like "I don't know how that got out there - must be hackers!" Worse of all, there is free porn on the internet all over the place - pretty rough to compete with. In short, there are easier ways to make money these days.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    @DG: It's a start. I was hoping for something a bit more...revealing. :))

    Yes, I really am the pervert I claim to be.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    ^^^ Last time I checked, anyway. :)
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    The thought crossed my mind many years ago, then sanity popped back. Tons of competition reducing possible revenue, lots of free stuff already available, lots of work and hassle, then where I live at lots of trouble if anyone in the area found out I was running something like that possibly. I've had a lot of odd thoughts cross my mind. Most of them I forgot about. I believe when this site was a lot newer, there was some porn available to members for free, that is if you were a member here. That was many years ago. It must have been too much hassle for the Founder. That is if I'm remembering this correctly.
  • dw.buck
    13 years ago
    hell i wanna do it fun the fun of it, fuk the money and all teh other headaches just bring on the girls n i iwll reward them with booty full of cum (pun intended) let me know i will work 4 free. its a natural thing we all do let have fun wif it
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    I don't have the $$$$$$ to waste &/or gamble on something like this.
  • inno123
    13 years ago
    If you are thinking of this as a gimmick to get girls to have sex with you for free I think you are dealing with a fantasy that is perpetuated by the sites themselves. Even if the girls do 'audition' for free, which I doubt, they aren't going to sign the waiver to let you to publish the video for free. So you are better just paying for hookers.

    If the goal is to be an entrepreneur then it is a super-competitive business that is having trouble competing with free sites and amateur content. You will need to figure out how to be noticed among all of the noise.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    I think I see where Book Guy is coming from, and you guys are (as usual) missing the big picture.

    Paying escorts or strippers to have sex with you is 1) illegal and 2) an expense that offers no tax benefit. But set yourself up as a porn site business, a one-person LLC where you're the producer, talent scout, director, cameraman and male actor? Now paying porn stars to have sex with you is 1) perfectly legal and 2) a business expense for tax purposes!

    Go to your favorite strip club, pass out a few business cards - business expense! Audition a stripper OTC - business expense! Go to Miami or Las Vegas for the big Porn conventions - business expense! I think the IRS has a rule you have to show a profit one year out of five or else they consider it a "hobby" (that would be ironic), so you couldn't keep this scam going indefinitely, unless you actually managed to break even one year, but you could have a good run.

  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @steve.....you just fuckin sold me on it ! Lol !
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Here is some one who did.

    After being fired from a school board job she held for nearly a decade, a Quebec office assistant who moonlighted as a porn actress has wholly embraced the industry that got her into hot water in the first place.

    The woman — who prefers to go by her porn moniker Samantha Ardente — set tongues wagging in the spring when her off-hour escapades came to light after a student recognized her in an adult film.

    Months after she sparked widely varying opinions on her activities, Ardente started a production house for adult films and starred in the company's debut flick.

    "I feel positive about everything that happened," Ardente said through a translator. "It was a life experience but I came out a bigger and better person."

    Founding her own adult film company was a step Ardente took only after gaining the approval of her 12-year-old daughter, who had previously been unaware her mother did porn on the side.

    If you want to see her in action, go here.

  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    @shadow.....your such a player !
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    If you want to PISS your money away trying to run a PORN you're being extremely Foolish!
    I'll take some of your $$$$ if you have that much to just throw away!
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    Steve229 is thinkin' more along my lines. I just wondered, ya know, like this ...

    Hey, if I got a hand-held video camera; and made some business cards; and made sure I was doing things in a reasonably legal way; and then started spreading around some contact information, maybe got a few partners to invest in a bit of photography studio time ...

    ... wouldn't I be able to tell some of the hottest strippers at my local strip clubs, that I was filming porn? And wouldn't that mean, that among other things, I might get to fuck them while I was holding the camera? It just seems, uh, too straightforward and perfect and too good to be true!

    Some wouldn't go for it, but others might. Worst that happens is I own a nice hand-held video camera just like the dorky young couple across the street who are filming their seven year as he tries to ride his new Christmas bike right now. I know that there would be a lot of other considerations, for how you might get the stuff on-air, and how you might or might not really be able to make a lot of money at it.

    By the way, I do have some potentially intelligent business ideas in that realm, too, but I haven't yet cogitated enough on them, and I do think that some of them are smart enough that I don't want to share them here. But even if we think about this thing entire aside from the idea of whether or not the internet distribution of the porn would actually make me a bundle of money ... just ignore that part of it for a bit. What if you only break even. What if you actually LOSE $50 or $500 for every chick you get to fuck ...

    Well? It still adds up to a winning situation, doesn't it? I mean, paying hookers is illegal, and you generally don't get to interact with the woman to any greater extent than the degree to which she consents; and usually that consent is given in direct proportion to the cost, and in a very non-male-centered way.

    If you're filming instead, then the sex is a side-benefit. You do everything else, sometimes well sometimes poorly, but you get the sex anyway. The internet business may fail, but your dick is up inside a hot chick every now and again and you don't have to watch your back. Even if it only turns out to be one new chick every six months, that would still be more nookie than I'm getting right now, and I wouldn't have to have a relationship with the chick as well, and deal with taking her to chick-flick movies and lie to her about how I think her opinion is valid. Her JOB would be, to be the sort of woman who pleases men ... ahem ... me.

    With prostitution, the selection is in reverse for us. The woman is in charge. Whatever a guy WANTS, costs the guy more. Wouldn't it be nice if, to the contrary, you could get yourself some "internet hookers" who weren't illegal, and with whom you banged on the basis of the GIRL wanting to do a great job of it? If you worked it right, she might be motivated to "perform well" in order to make sure her videos were distribution-worthy. And you wouldn't have to say, "Can I suck on your tits, I want to, please? How much? Fifty more? Damn ..." Instead, it would be, "Well, we don't film without showing the tit-sucking part, that's a highly positive visual stimulus for our customers. So if you don't want to do allow tit-sucking there's no damned reason for us to film at all, you won't get any hits to your website ..." etc.

    See, it flips the onus entirely. I know, it's mostly a fantasy. But if you work it right, you might be able to make it ... uh ... work right.

    Just some thoughts. I don't quite "get" why everybody isn't already doing this. I also don't "get" why I'm not already doing it. Something intimidates me ... hmm ...
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Because it doesn't work. Think sex acts don't add up? Take a look at kink.com's model pay schedule (http://www.kink.com/k/model_call.jsp) - and yea, this is summing the items up for each action. Believe it or not, but chicks talk with each other and will know the score.

    Some areas still won't call it movie production but prostitution. There is a reason why so much porn is based in L.A. and California - because if you try to do something like this in VA or OH you would be thrown in jail. (I know, you can sell the movie there but who ever said law made sense.)

    A reasonably legal way? You may need to incorporate in California because other states may refuse an adult film house incorporation. (I don't know about everyone's fav Delaware.) Sole proprietorship or partnership? The state will seize your property anyhow. Ya really need to talk to a lawyer about protecting your video camera, because your car, pay check, savings and checking account, house, etc. may be up for grabs (read that legally as seizure) too!

    You've got to really learn the in's and out's of this reality of this thing rather than what you "think" it will be. Otherwise you will get cleared out and possibly imprisoned (think Max Hardcore/Paul Little).
  • dw.buck
    13 years ago
    fuk all of that just be a male porno actor and get paid to have fun = money in your pocket and only your balls are drained
  • steve229
    13 years ago

    @ deogol - Stop confusing us with facts!
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    I'm seeing BJs for $100, after initial out-lay, on those kink.com lists. Seems to me that, as I learn more information, the pricing and economics is slowly growing more and more possible. Hmm. Makes ya wanna go hmm. :)

    Happy New Year, all!
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