Where to go for mileage in Vancouver?

avatar for lecher
My buddy and I have a trip to Vancouver lined up for this weekend. Any good advice? Sometimes I like high mileage in the club but I also like outcall too. Any good information is much appreciated and I will submit a trip report when I return!


last comment
Lecher, how about posting one club review as good faith before anyone here wastes his time giving you info. that it cost him a lot to obtain?
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
From what i heard, you can get mileage but $50/song adds up fast!!! Orange 5.
I suggest you PM farmerart for advice. Also look at his and other Vancouver, B.C. club reviews.
I suggest you PM farmerart for advice. Also look at his and other Vancouver, B.C. club reviews.
I third Rick and riglin's comment. Escorts abound in Vancouver. Outcall shouldn't be any harder than ordering a pizza if that's really what you are after.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
Frankly in Vancouver, as in most Canadian cities, if you are looking for action the best bet is independent outcall escorts, which are essentially legal.


Regrettably you're fucked without getting fucked if you try a strip club. I've lived here since 1978 and that is not from birth...), I salivate when I read about what happens in most of the States and the Ontario and Quebec clubs. There is only one club in all of Vancouver and suburbs that allows two-way touching, the No. 5 Orange, at $50 a dance, you can negotiate a little but prices won't drop much and mileage requires a lot of patience, Warren Buffet style cash outlay and trust, the latter being unheard of without time.

The No. 5 is your best bet, just be prepared to bleed money. The Paramount Club in New Westminster is your next best bet, $25 for one-way contact, said contact is not in your favour and it is a juice bar. After that forget it. You'll hear about Brandi's but forget it, $40 air dances, bitchy strippers, large Neandethal staff, zero milage. If you try the No. 5 be prepared for a sleazy-looking but realatively safe part of town despite the look, run the gauntlet of drug dealers (who are friendly but persistent) though the "A-team" on the weekends is very hot and very expensive.

Try the Platinum Club or the Swedish Touch, both in the downtown core, both waay cheaper, happier endings and under the guise of massage parlours.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...
You can have a good time in Vancouver but the price point will shock you.
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
And then there's this angle to Vancouver:


avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
No mileage anywhere in Canada. We use kilometres here.
"kilometerage" just sounds stupid.
Canadians like metrics because it makes their dicks sound bigger.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
What do you use georg, centimetres or millimetres?
Art: micrometers.

Good mileage in Vancouver? Try a Honda Civic.
avatar for lecher
13 years ago
Maybe smileage is more apropos.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Out of Vancouver
avatar for bumrubber
13 years ago
I've spent a lot of time in Vancouver. Strip clubs are tame because prostitution is legal and people can get sex elsewhere. As noted above, there are online forums for that.

Bars and nightclubs there are crawling with pros too, like they are in Vegas. I've been hit on (ie, hit up) almost every night out.
I guess it's time to sell my outhouse in Vancouver, buy a palatial estate in Phoenix and fu*k hot stupid girls with the balance of the cash, and wow its all at par.

Micro means 1/1000th or thousandths of a unit, try nano, it means 1/1000,000,000 or billionths of a unit. It may suck but its better than the old engligh system, modified in the States, where things are measured by the number of footsteps a Roman footsoldier takes, or the length of the King's thumb measured from the tip down to the first knuckle, etc. (the foot has a reasonable visual anology). Imagine explaining how far the length of the kings thumb divided by the # of roman footsoldier steps taken times the length of the King's slut sisters clit actually means something one can understand. Try rods and chains as old survey measurments. Metric has its faults but it makes a lot of sense when you get used to it. By the way there are only 2 contries on the planet who are holdouts.
avatar for trojangreg
13 years ago
Vancouver is a nightmare. That is why I have spent most of the month of November in Vegas and Mazatlan. If you must No 5 Orange is the place to go for some mileage but be prepared for price shock. There is take out offered with the right dancer. However you are better off ordering from the services or going to a massage parlor.
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