
Comments by stenton1 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    breaking up, making up and ending the ATF
    It happens all of the time. You really don't ever have an ATF since they come on and out of your life like stray cats. The best thing you can do is keep several clubs and dancers on rotation. If keeps you fresh, and you'll never feel played. Don't ever get feelings for them , or you'll lose. It's all a fantasy, and a game. You can't worry about them...trust me they're not worried about you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    any good strip club between richmond and Washington?
    I go to the area a lot on business, and the answer is a definitive no! Most of the guys I know down there are forced to go underground through Eros or backpage. Just ask General Petraus. The only worthwhile pussy in this area is subject to covert operations.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    setting up OTC vs Escort service
    Escort services and independant escorts can be very good if you've checked out their reviews on Bestgfe and TER. You know what to expect ahead if time, and rarely will a reviewed escort flake out on you. On the other hand, seeing strippers OTC is a riskier proposition in my opinion. The stripper can charge ridiculously high rates, flake out on you at the last minute, or you can find out the hard way that even though she has skills in the club, that she can't fuck worth a damn! There are always exceptions to the rule, but that's been my experience.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    concern or not
    No. You've got everything to lose and absolutely nothing to gain, besides a hole in your head over stripper shit. If its that bad, call the police. No one ever told you, but Captain Save A Hoe was found slain in the streets! Imagine how your obituary would read. Be smart about this.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    My Attempt At OTC Part II
    In my opinion, you were behind the 8 ball. Being an out of towner gives you no chance to cultivate any type of friendship or connection. Every dancer I have done OTC with has seen me in the club a few times, and we have built a rapport. I go in for the kill after that. I have not been able to score a first visit OTC. I was in NYC recently and tried that, but to no avail. I suggest hitting your local clubs. I'll bet your success ratio will go way up!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    My attempt at OTC. What do you think?
    Make a final offer, and then walk for good. By virtue of the fact that she kept the conversation going shows that she can be had OTC. If she wants it, she'll get back to you. Prolonged silence always works for me. If you don't hear back, there are many others who will! I don't really like her defensive tone while texting you, which tells me that even if she did meet you OTC, the sex would be worthless. Personally, I'd forget her, but good luck!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Prostitue or not?
    Prostitute for sure. If you're selling sex acts for money, you're a prostitute I don't believe for a second that she's a virgin. Many, but not all Brazilian women are pretty free and open about sex. They also lie like hell for material gain. It doesn't surprise me....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    OTC's coming back?
    It's amazing! EVERY stripper I've done OTC with always come back, well, except for one, but I think she's in jail for assaulting a club manager! Anyway, I've had them change numbers, get angry with me, or general life issues make them temporarily disappear. Although within a week, to a few months, they always come back. I know it's not me, it's all about my green! Always keep several stripper insurance policies in your hip pocket, so when one acts funny or pulls a Houdini act, there will be others to step in. Remember, a man is only as good as his options!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Clubs and Escorts Versus a Steady Relationship.
    There are pros and cons to both sides of the equation. If you want a woman who will generally care about you, there will always be some drama, with women that is inescapable, then a civilian is for you. If you want great sex with a gorgeous woman who could care less about you in any way, then go with a stripper. Strippers are human too, and some will blur the lines of fantasy and reality. So, if you want 3:00 am phone calls, drama beyond your wildest dreams, incessant money requests, and lies told straight to your face, definetly go with a stripper. I have dealt with enough drama for several lifetimes from some of these women. Now, the answer is easy. Don't return their texts or phone calls, if or until you're ready. If they're mad, so forget them. Always have several on rotation. They will always want your money. You've got to ask yourself one important question, "Who will need who first?" You will always win that battle, and the phone and texts ring on. You set the pace for these con artists, not the other way around. In the end, it's all a game, but many times, it's not a fun one. Keep your head screwed on straight.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    At what point does a stripper become a whore?
    Stripper=Whore You can try to sugar coat it all you want. Once a woman puts a price tag on herself to be ogled and fondled by strangers, she's a whore. The slippery slope only continues from there. The smart ones bank up their money and get out. I've only known two who actually did that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Getting paid to marry a stripper
    You'd be a damn fool if you did. 25 k wouldn't start to reimburse you mentally for the bullshit you would have to go through. Remember, these women are hustlers, and they can outthink a man at a mans game if you're not careful. It will only end in depleted bank accounts, infidelity and mental duress. I knew someone who did just that, and the stripper ran off with his money, and her new man. Fucked with his head to the core! He didn't listen to me, just don't do it!!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    ATF ?
    Juice, you're going to get frequent flyer discounts at the massage parlor! :-) You may be tatted up by Dennis Rodman before its all said and done! I think we all know know that we will have a new ATF every 6 months to 2 years!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    phone numbers
    Yes, they are either trying to lock you up as a long term customer, don't fall for it. You have free will, go when you want. These fake stripper relationships are just a ruse for you to come back to the club. However, if she wants to hook up OTC, you may have a winner. OTC sex with a stripper you're already friends with can be great!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Running game
    It's simple. Use them before they use you. Flirting, running game, etc are all bullshit sales tactics.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    GF might strip
    If she decides to strip, you had better have an exit strategy and quick! I have seen some guys former girlfriends start stripping, and within a few weeks or months, their relationship is over. Just read all of the stories on this site alone. She will get caught up in the life quickly, and you will find yourself quickly on the outside looking in.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    extras in VIP
    That's happened to me as well. Eventually someone lets the tale out, and it's all over the club like wildfire. If she's doing it to you, she doing the same thing to many others. There's more gossip and cat fighting at any club between the dancers. It's like a soap opera!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    Wow! Very interesting thread! I agree with most of you, I'd you're paying for her time in any way, she doesn't like you no matter how much bs she throws at you. I only had one stripper who really liked me. We dated like I would date any civilian. She never asked me for money, and we had a genuinely nice time. However, her mental demons and insecurities came into play after 2 months, which ultimately broke us up. Yes, you can find a stripper who may really like you, but there's always a price to pay, either your wallet, or your mind. I don't know anyone who has had a successful long term relationship with one. If you have, I'd love to hear it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Pros and Cons of dating a stripper
    Pros: It could be the best sex you've ever had with a beautiful woman. Cons: You will get a crash course on dealing with every fucked up issue that any woman could ever have all rolled up into one person. You will enjoy dealing with borderline personality disorders, anger issues, dual personalities, insincerity, manipulation, lies and theft. I think most of these wack jobs missed their calling, and should be accepting Academy Awards. As you can tell, most of us have had dealings with stripper relationships, despite these warnings....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best clubs for extras in Newark, NJ area
    Showplace in Dover, NJ. About a 20 minute drive due west from Newark.. If you hit a Brazillian, guaranteed BJ, HJ or FS every time ITC. Since lap dancing in technically against the law in Neesrk, you can negotiate extras OTC, but it's a pain in the ass, expensive, and the strippers can flake out on you. There are other clubs in Irvington and Passaic where extras might be available, but I dont have the patience to check it out.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart
    You've got that right. Strippers are like stray cats. They come and go at will, are wildly inconsistent, have no moral compass whatsoever, and will have no allegiance to anyone. A relationship with a stripper will never work out. That guy won't make it to the 4th anniversary if he ever finds out, or he's more of a loser than she is. Probably explains why every stripper if ever met is either single, actively cheating, or divorced!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    so how do you know if the stripper likes you or not ???
    When she calls when she says, shows up when she says, loves you for you.....ahhh one can dream!! And it will be just that, a dream...hit that ass as often as you can and enjoy the dysfunctional good times!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Removing Make-up From Clothes
    I know I'm going to sound like a tv pitchman, but OxyClean works if you're washing your clothes. Just put in a scoop with your laundry load. I've gotten rid of lipsticks, face makeup and female snail trails instantly! Works like a charm!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Feeling like a RIL
    Red flags pop up all over this one. Please check out other clubs if there's no one else there to your liking. I can tell that you like her or are at least strongly attracted to her. If you think you have headaches now, continue to pursue it. The strip club highway is littered with road kill from strippers like that. Do yourself a favor, and stay away now before it's too late. There's way too much pussy out here, and you'll see someone better very soon!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    One bad lap dance that sticks out in your mind
    The worst lap dance I ever had with with a dancer whose name I can't remember at the Outer Space Lounge, a hole in the wall dive in Philly. I met a dancer with a great ass, that apparently was the gift that kept on giving. We did 3 dances with her gyrating all over my crotch. When I got in the car and looked down at my pants, it looked like an 18 wheeler had locked up his brakes on my pants! Skid marks everywhere!! I was amazed that she didn't smell. Needless to say, those pants hit the outside trash can when I got home. I still recoil in terror when I think back on that fateful night. Needless to say, Outer Space is off of my rotation.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Damned Lie
    Unfortunately, 99.99% of the strippers do lie. I wouldn't worry what she may say to others in the club. If you are, then make it your mission to enjoy the other women in the club and show them that your dick still works. It never pays to get caught up in stripper bullshit, because it will never end.