Getting paid to marry a stripper

What if you could get paid to marry a stripper? Well, it's not so far from reality. There's some strippers here in the NYC area (probably other areas too) who are not actually proper residents of the US (not sure how they got here, but that's another story altogether). They do tend to have a decent amount of money earned from their club ventures, though. I've heard more than once that girls are willing to pay a guy they trust to marry them for 3 years in order for them to become proper residents. They can divorce after that, and all would be okay. Of course, you'd have to a really nicely drawn up prenup for this, etc. and be able to prove that the marriage was actually bona fide for her to obtain residency, etc.
Anyway, some girls are willing to pay ~ $25k (or even more) for this. With the right agreement in place (and perhaps even some sex involved), would you consider it?
My opinion: It's risky, 'immoral' (not that this alone bothers me personally), etc. and to be honest I don't think I'd do it, but it's pretty interesting to think about.
Anyway, some girls are willing to pay ~ $25k (or even more) for this. With the right agreement in place (and perhaps even some sex involved), would you consider it?
My opinion: It's risky, 'immoral' (not that this alone bothers me personally), etc. and to be honest I don't think I'd do it, but it's pretty interesting to think about.
Now with that said....i dont know what i would do. Think about it if you trust the woman to a certain point and have the pre nup....why the hell not. Odds are there is some relationship already involved. it isn't like this is happening or people are not being approached the first visit into a club... I could just hear that exchange..... Hi, Im bambi. Wanna buy me a drink, have a dance, go vip, or marry me?.....LOL.
Because there are people out there getting married for just the sole purpose of tax breaks and not wanting to be alone.
You know if you get caught it is a jailable offense. $25K is not enough for even a day in jail and you'll spend more than that in legal fees.
Again not really something I'd do, but pretty interesting concept
They spend most of their time scrutinizing marriages that happen with nationals of known marriage factory countries like the Philippines or Ghana. Marriages that happen over there. Not marriages that happen here in the US. When they do interviews of couples it is by more like a lottery system than anything. You have less chance to be "interviewed" in marrying a foreign national than you do in being audited by the IRS.
These dancers overstay their tourist visas. They are paid in cash under the table. No problem. Unless you're from Saudi Arabia or Iran, overstayed visas aren't on anyone's radar except maybe in Arizona. If caught, the punishment is being sent home and maybe forbidden to return for a period of time. Big whoop.
People commit murder for hire for far less than 25k. Finding a guy willing to do something like this would be easy as hell. The trick is in finding a qualified guy.
Lastly, the initial green card is a 2 year probationary card. If she had a 'valid' reason, a chick could divorce her fake man during that time and still be able to stay in the US indefinitely. She could claim he beat her, or a plethora of other effective excuses. The second and all subsequent green cards are 10 years in duration. During that time she is free to divorce and remarry a million times, her green card won't be revoked.
Some of you guys are making it sound like the govt is on top of this stuff and its exceedingly difficult. It isn't, they aren't. This shit is easy. Getting caught is hard, you have to be incredibly incompetent.
There are barriers to this though. For example, when applying for residency status for her, you have to prove you can support her, which means showing your financials to the government. If you're a pauper, it won't work. If you don't want the govt(other than IRS) to see sensitive data about you, it won't work. Furthermore, you have to agree to be financially responsible for this girl for a period of 10 years. Even if you divorce. That should scare many away.
Maybe a prenup would eliminate some of those barriers. I wouldn't hesitate to marry a stripper fake like. It would have to be real money though. All the applicable govt fees, we're talking multi-thousands, would have to be covered by her. She would have to live with me for a period of time and joint bank account to establish legitimacy and keep the red flags down. She would also have to hire an immigration attorney to take care of all the mountainous paperwork because I sure as hell ain't doing it. Even then 25k for me isn't enough. Even if the sex was great living with someone you don't know and are probably incompatible with would be a major, major inconvenience at a minimum. Real money or sorry, honey.
If the stripper was smart, she wouldn't pay anyone anything, she'd just get a PL to fall in love with her, marry him then ditch him when the time is right. Get him to pay the fees and do all the legwork, and there is a lot, then jump ship.
I don't really see how this is a 'scam' - but I can understand why it's not really ideal and perhaps not worth the money for most people. But it's still really common here, apparently.
And as others have mentioned, the US Government gets really pissed at people who try to manipulate the immigration/citizenship laws like that, and they work real hard to prevent people from trying it.
It's a dumb idea. Very dumb. Don't even think about it. There is zero benefit to the guy, and infinite benefit to the girl. And in fact there is an infinite likelihood the guy will get screwed. In a bad way.