A Damned Lie

My ATF called to alert me to a problem. Her boyfriend went through her cell phone while she was asleep (passed out?) and found a series of text messages between her and me.
Now I am always discreet in my texting. A sample exchange with my ATF would be: "Hey, good looking, can I see you today?" "Sure, baby, I'll come over at 1:00." There is no sexual smoking gun, but a boyfriend would definitely conclude that something was going on.
What my ATF did, she said to me, was tell "a little white lie." She told her boyfriend that I was too old to get it up and so all I did with her was cuddle and play with her boobs.
I understand that my ATF has to keep her boyfriend in the dark, but I don't consider her lie "a little white lie." I consider it a damned lie. I may be old, but I have no problem getting aroused and I have no need for chemical assistance.
What about my reputation? What if this story circulates as gossip around the club? Lies always outrun the truth, and I'll be thought of as the old man who can't do it any more.
last commentThe next time you get hard in the club, whip off your pants and parade around. Damned white lie crushed!
Huh. Well I'll be. A stripper lying.
Unfortunately, 99.99% of the strippers do lie. I wouldn't worry what she may say to others in the club. If you are, then make it your mission to enjoy the other women in the club and show them that your dick still works.
It never pays to get caught up in stripper bullshit, because it will never end.
Sounds like its time to fine a new favorite. I'd be more concerned about the boyfriend than I would about your manhood. You don't want to be the next 2am'er
It could be worse. She could tell them that you are a broke motherfucker.
If the rumor gets around, you'll have to get a dance from every girl at the club and prove it wrong one stripper at a time. ;-)
So, you are worried about what the boyfriend of the stripper you are Paying for Play OTC? Who cares what she tells him!! What ever she has to do to not risk your arrangement should be fine (and not really your business). Hell she could say you are a lesbian chick. Doesn't matter, you probably never meet this dude. i'm just sayin..
You would rather have her tell her BF you were some guy she was fucking in the club?
So strippers dont sleep now? And anytime they are its because theyre passed out?
As for what she said about you, nothing will get out. Dont worry. Things dont travel around clubs as much as you think they do, especially about customers. Many girls dont talk about their customers. I dont. Plus girls lie so much, other girls usually dont believe them anyways.
I feel for you Jack, but not because your manhood was insulted.
Same thing happened to me before. Once a boyfriend of one of my fav's went thru her text messages. Nothing graphic from me, but enough "love" notes to indicate that I was a "special" customer.
I found out later that he slapped her around for her texts. She wasn't hurt too much, just some bruising and soreness from being thrown against the wall.
So yea, don't worry about her lying. She's only protecting you and herself.
Just be glad your number wasn't listed with a contact name of "Money", like mine apparently was. That was certainly amusing when her boyfriend called asking why. :)
I had a drunk ex-husband of my 2010 ATF call me and start berating me one night & threaten to beat me up.
I told him if I EVER saw him that I'd BLOW his fucking head off!!
He NEVER called again. LMFAO
2010 ATF?
How can that be?
ATF ok
2010F ok
Just askin
This is a lie they typically use with their BF. I know one guy (fellow sc hobbyist 74) who even goes fishing with the BF (some broke loser she met a couple of months ago) who believes the lie (something I would never do). She told him he had prostrate surgery and can't get it up(true), that they are good friends (true), but don't have sex (lie). He can get it up with a special vacuum pump and she loves it he says as she likes to watch him pump it up. She is 27 and he has been doing her 7 years. She danced at the Ritz and Ricks South plus was on backpage for awhile.
Dont take crap from stripper BF who text u. They are broke losers for the most part and nothing more than cuckholds or pimps. About 5 yr ago I had one text me "you are old" he said (was 55 at the time). I texted him back "well age is just a number. Anyhow I have money and plenty of it. who the fuck are you to be worried about my age LOL."
I had a dancer who was an ATF of mine during the year 2010. What is SO difficult to UNDERSTAND about that statement girlmoneys?
Seriously, jackslash, why do you even care what she tells her boyfriend about you in this regard? It's not like she's likely to be telling you the truth about him in every respect. Does that fact bother you? If not, I'm not sure why the other would.
"I told him if I EVER saw him that I'd BLOW his fucking head off!!"
This from a nurse who has never touched a gun, calls people who support the NRA "crazy", and supports stronger gun control laws. Or appears to from comments made on this board.
You have my views about guns about right. What I said to this Drunk worked, NO more calls. He was trying to scare me, I scared him more. The tactic would not have worked if I had EXPLAINED to him my REAL views on guns. If you have a problem with my tactic gmd, TOO Bad!
GMD, the only heads the medicated one blows don't involve any firearms. That is why the boyfriend didn't call again, he ain't into guys.
You obviously don't hold your anti-gun principles high enough to prevent the you from using the (empty) threat of one to preserve your safety. Why not just give it up completely and get a gun; that way the threat won't be empty and when some lowlife thinks you're bluffing, you'll actually have something to back it up?