
Comments by stenton1 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a stripper wants to bang you
    I agree! Put in on the line and tell her exactly how you feel and what you want to do. If she goes for it right there, or makes immediate plans, then you're in! However, any stalling, if, and or butts, and you know you've got another hustler on your hands. Even if she does want to bang you, strike while the iron is hot! Strippers are the best short term relationships you may have, because it will end, it just a matter of time! Grab the bull by the horns and state your case!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Another Good Reason to be a Stripper
    I agree. I have become close with numerous strippers, and over time, psychologically, they all become torn down physically and most importantly...mentally. Some make a lot, but most are just getting by. The smart ones would be wise to put away scores of money for the future life after stripping. I've never seen it though..
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    12 years ago
    Is this even possible?
    Wow, how many times have we all heard or been potentially involved in similar situations... I feel for your friend. Please have him read the numerous posts on this site dealing with this. We all know how this is going to end up. I knew a guy in a similar situation who fell in love, hired the girl to work for his company. His company eventually went out of business, and his girlfriend went back to stripping and ITC became OTC for her. She started using coke, and eventually was beaten up badly by a crazy customer. All the while, he was still in love, or so he thought. The girl crushed his heart, cleaned out his life savings, and left him. Sometimes you just have to watch from the sidelines as this train wreck unfolds..
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    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    been enjoying my atf!!!
    You paying for it every time juice?
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    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip Club Accidents
    You're right! Damn near every stripper I've met is broke. They either don't make any money or they make a ton, and spend it like a drunken sailor. That being said, I was at a SC last winter, where a stripper swung up high on a pole, and kicked out one the the ceiling lights, showering glass all over the stage. She later comes up to me, puts her arm around me and starts talking. Anyway, I noticed her arm was bleeding, and there were shards of tiny pieces of glass in her arm! Fucked up my suit, as I went after work. Couldn't sue anyone, but I told the manager. She was fired on the spot. When she walked away from me, she had blood dripping from her arms and legs. It was like a bad episode of Night of the Living Dead! That was a night for the books! I got rid of the suit too!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Whores and money hungry. Makes for an aggressive manipulative dancer. Glad you let her go, let someone else get that burning medley of diseases.
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    12 years ago
    Where can you make the most money as a dancer?
    The grass is not always greener in NYC. My old ATF used to go to NYC to dance, but she got eaten up with the high house fees and tip outs. She ended up always returning back to the club where I knew her. She is very beautiful too, but remember in NYC, beauty abounds, so it's hard to stand out. I'm not saying you can't make it in NYC, but that is a reality. Unless you're super personable, sexy or gorgeous, it's hard to stand out there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How long wait before calling a Stripper?
    Gator and Che...excellent points. Remember, you are the boss, you have the money. Show up when you're ready, and don't let them set the pace, or they'll suck you dry. There are one million PL tales on this site, including some of mine. Just stay in charge, or we'll be reading your entertaining essay too. LOL
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Did Clubber take all the good discussion topics with him when he left?
    Yes, the interesting topics seem to have fallen off a bit. Last night, I got 3 texts in a row from different dancers asking me to come in too. I told them all that I won't be coming, and I suspect they're mad. Maybe it's just me, but I am sick of SCs right nuw, and I need a break. The dancers need to act more appreciative, even when I can't make it, or I'll be seeking new dance partners when I return. I don't need the angry jealous girlfriend routine.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How long wait before calling a Stripper?
    Whenever you do call her, don't bet the ranch on OTC, if that's what you're looking for. If you are, put it to the test, but you should have a backup plan, and these women are notoriously flakey at best. Whatever you do, don't fall for the "meet me at the club" routine. You'll know she's a bs artist from the start.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    So why do dancers REALLY want my number?
    It's so easy to be seduced by a dancer asking for your number. It's is usually just a ruse to get your money. There have been 3 times where the dancer wanted to see me OTC in more of what I thought was a relationship on some level. I was never charged for sex, and we had great times initially....... However, then come the requests for a new transmission, late rent fees, doctors fees, etc. I always knew then it was time to bail. No matter how you cut it, there's money involved sooner or later. There's a reason they do this for a living. The drama you will see is beyond anything I've ever dealt with civilian women. Take my advice, don't be a PL. just say no. Many of us have been there before.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dancer Residue
    Purell hand sanitizer is mandatory, and I keep a bottle of Fabrese in the car too. It works wonders for killing the scent of another woman and the smell of smoke, if the club permits it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper Anger Management Issues
    Good point gatorfan! She is the only ATF I never banged. She could sure use it, but after that psycho display, I am forced to pass on that ass!
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    12 years ago
    Stripper Anger Management Issues
    This is why I have learned to have multiple "insurance policies" in my back pocket. This way, ypu always have options with other dancers, and you can keep it moving! This episode I had wasn't the only one, but the most surprising! The amount of venom she leveled at me, was worst than any civilian I have ever encountered! LOL. On top of that, she has been seeing a psych for 4 years since her ex husband left her. A potential Pandora's box of issues that I nay have unfortunately uncovered. I find that if you put them on radio silence, they always come back. The question is, do you want them back? I have found the only way to deal with them is not to communicate with them at all, since they will call or text again, unless you block their number. Even though some may swear otherwise, it's all a con and a hustle. I just don't go to SCs for drama, we want fun and mutual enjoyment.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    A call In
    Unbelievable! My ATF, or should I say former ATF had been calling and texting me all week to come to the club. I couldn't make it, as it was a very busy week with work. As the days passed, she became increasingly annoyed, and blamed me for not coming out to the club, so her money must have been down. Finally, she calls me, and I pick up the phone very pissed, and she rants and raves, then hangs up on me. The economy must really suck, as she's quite striking, but she has an anger management issue I discovered. Two hours later, she texts me asking me to come out to the club. Needless to say, I blocked her number, and I'll really think twice before giving out my number again. I had never seen that side of her before, but she's a psycho bitch! Not very smart, when I do go to the club again, I'll just have to ignore her, and move on to mingle with the others. No loss, I'm sure she'll do the same. Hustlers never quit!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why No OTC?
    Be happy that she have you the vibe that she didn't want to do OTC. I have had a stripper endlessly lead me on about OTC, only to bail at the 11th hour. It's best to know early on, so if OTC is your goal, believe me, there are plenty of others who will accommodate you.
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    12 years ago
    I think the woman's 100m hurdles just become my favorite summer Olympics sport
    Forget strip clubs! I'm headed to the Olympics! Damn she's hot!!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Reviews naming names on undesirable dancers
    Definetely name the dancer! That's one of the reasons we come here, is to share information both good and bad. For the most part, I find the info provided here to be very accurate!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    No crabs on shaved pussy?
    While that may be true, it throws the glare of suspect behavior her way. Run hard and fast! A good follow up question would be, "How do you know?"
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Advice needed on how to drop a favorite dancer
    I have done it in the past. My old favorite kept coming around, so I had to point blank tell her that I wanted to see what else the club had to offer, no disrespect to her. She wasn't happy about it, but she got the message. Shortly thereafter, she stopped speaking to me, so we became instant strangers. I still see her now, but it's like we never knew each other...Shit happens, but it's okay, you're in charge of your money.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Our Reputation With the Dancers
    I have asked many strippers that same question. Most of them think we are PLs and can't have a normal relationship. However, others think that there are some good men in the club. I have known 4 strippers who have dated and married clubbers. I asked why, and they said that they work so much, that they don't have time to find a nice guy on the outside. How long the Marraige lasts? Well, that may be another topic for discussion.
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    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    As a rule of thumb, if a dancer, especially an ATF starts asking you to pay for her time, just let her go. That happened to me once before, and it really turned me off because I had been very generous with this dancer, and the bar was empty. I now rotate between clubs, so I have "special friends" at different SCs. This way, you will always have a dancer who will like more, and you will get what you want. There are too many strippers out here. If one isn't working out, drop them and move on. There will always be another PL to take your spot. Let them learn the hard way.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    Sorry Clubber...I'm not drunk, at least not yet! :-) I was putting up a new picture, and I hit the enter button 4 times. I see my comments now show up 4 times. As for the other comments, yes, too much alcohol leads to problems at the club. Monitor your intake gents. Fot the most part, it is strictly business, unless you get lucky.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    This type of situation happened to me once before. I was good friends with a stripper for several months. Many times we would sit and talk together, and when I pulled out money, she insisted that I put it away. However, one time, she asked for money for her time, and we had been together for 5 minutes after doing a few couch dances with her. I thought she was kidding, and I refused to give her any more. She walked away angry. The next day, she calls and texts me to apologize, and told me that her rent was due. Speaking of that, the 1st is right around the corner. The strippers always get hard up for cash right about now...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    This type of situation happened to me once before. I was good friends with a stripper for several months. Many times we would sit and talk together, and when I pulled out money, she insisted that I put it away. However, one time, she asked for money for her time, and we had been together for 5 minutes after doing a few couch dances with her. I thought she was kidding, and I refused to give her any more. She walked away angry. The next day, she calls and texts me to apologize, and told me that her rent was due. Speaking of that, the 1st is right around the corner. The strippers always get hard up for cash right about now...