
so how do you know if the stripper likes you or not ???

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 7:38 AM
This is a big newbie question so this is some ideas from juice baby....#1. If she starts to discount or pay for or buy you thangs.....this is a big sign that you could be a boyfriend or free fuck busy..........[view link] Tuscl vets and help add to this info for some newbies......


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    When she classifies you as a friend with stripper benefits.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    When she quits her job but yet stays in touch with you. That is how you know a stripper likes you.
  • Sperrz
    12 years ago
    When she keeps in touch with you although you only see her every month or two, when she invites you over to her house, meet her mom, etc.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Juice: All dancers like me. When the money runs out, they like somebody else.
  • deadmime
    12 years ago
    She doesn't.
  • stenton1
    12 years ago
    When she calls when she says, shows up when she says, loves you for you.....ahhh one can dream!! And it will be just that, a dream...hit that ass as often as you can and enjoy the dysfunctional good times!
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    My dick her pussy I repeat My dick her pussy
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    Her: Hey, guess what? I'm finally getting my own place. Me: That's great! Her: Yeah, I really need my privacy. Me: Of course. Her: Especially now that I have a boyfriend. Me: (Surprised) What? When did you get a boyfriend? Her: Ha, ha, funny...I'm talking about you, silly! Me: Oh...
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I didn't pick up on this one right away. Maybe when she buys her own drinks but she sits at your table without asking for hardly anything. I didn't realize it was unusual for dancers to buy their own drinks because she wasn't the only one at that time. Perhaps if you ask her what good regular clubs are in town and you visit and she spots you and immediately comes up to you to chat. Maybe if she gives you a bj without letting you talk because she thinks you are upset with her. If she says she remembers the very first time she saw you and that was over a decade ago, run, she's a stalker.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    Oh, here's a good one. If she says she likes you better than all the other guys she's ever been with and then adds, "that's really saying a lot because she has been with a lot of guys". Run. If she tells you she is pregnant and her boyfriend left but wants to get to know you better, run.
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