
Comments by Cravey

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wonder if she does extras?
    Oh yea, she does extras and for a decent margarita, may well have provided extras right there on the stage. Drunk women in need of cash.. That's the sweet spot.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A Dilemma
    Go with the brunette but offer the same $$$ as you would the blonde. She'll understand the economic angle and will probably perform admirably, especially if you straight up tell her that you selected her over another time tested candidate.
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    13 years ago
    Best lapdance clothing?
    With Houston having almost year around warm weather, I usually wear loose shorts (Dockers et al) and boxers. Belts needs to be small buckled and easily set aside. Most dancers will tolerate whatever you wear but experience tells me that the ladies appreciate clothes that doesn't leave a rash or bruises. So no new jeans, large belt buckles etc.
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    13 years ago
    Opinions on taking non GF female to SC
    I've been down that path. An excellent female friend agreed to go to a SC with me. Quick background: this friend and I had never had sexual relations but the mutual flirting is off the scale. We arrived at a local SC, went to VIP I invited a couple of dancers to come by. I allowed my female friend to pick "the one" and we settled in on a few dances. After I received two, I gave the stripper $20 and asked that she dance for my friend. Wow, they did 5 dances and my friend's clothes were more off than on. Realizing that things were getting hot, I discreetly inquired about extras and was told that a BJ could be had for $200. When my friend went to the ladies room to clean up after her dances, I told the dancer that she'd get $300 if she could talk my friend into "helping" with the BJ. She took that has a personal challenge. After a couple dances, my zipper came down, the dancer slid between my legs and started playing. The dancer took my friend's hand and placed it on Happy Johnson. Two songs later, they were both between my legs taking turns on me, seeing who could take me the deepest. Sorry, what was the question? Absolutely go for it. Take your friend to a SC. That she wants to go at all tells me that she'd predisposed to have some fun. After a few dances and a couple of drinks, you'll find out what level of fun she's into.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    The stuff of fantasy...
    On a long road trip about 2 years ago, I stopped at a fast food place. As I sat eating my burger, I felt a "thump" of someone sitting down in the booth behind me. Five minutes later, I deposited my trash, was walking out and noticed an early 20s hottie with a short skirt and tank top. She stopped me as I walked by, motioned me closer and said "I really need $100. Is there anything we can do to make that happen?". I guess it was my mood or maybe because I have a daughter about that age but I chastised her for making such an offer and told her that no, I would not contribute to whatever habit she had that required a quick $100. As I walked out, I passed the last table before the door and noticed a mid 30s guy reading a newspaper. We made eye contact as I was walking by. As I passed him, I heard a static "chirp" and saw he had an ear piece. I didn't break stride. In the corner of the parking lot, I saw two four door sedans, industrial white with $2000 worth of "interceptor" tires on them. I avoided quite the sting..
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    13 years ago
    More Stripper Confusion (Or "Does She Really Like Me?," Part MCMX!!)
    I'll play the role of loyal opposition to some of the other responses. Why not? Keep your hand on your wallet, ask her out and see what happens. If you're careful, you'll have a dinner companion and maybe a sex partner. At some point things may get ugly, i.e.: money, and if that happens, cut and run. But in the interim, I don't see a huge downside as long as money doesn't become an issue.
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    13 years ago
    Stripper Abandons Five Day Old Baby
    I can't imagine getting a dance from a woman who gave birth 5 days before. I wonder if Ritz would have hired her?
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    13 years ago
    Where would you go?
    I'd suggest Tampa as well. Even with some posters being homers, the ratings given Tampa clubs have their basis in fact.
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    13 years ago
    Visiting New Orleans in Sept. Where should we go.
    I've been to several strip clubs in NOLA and have been consistently disappointed. Know this about New Orleans. Aside from the French Quarter area, this is a relatively poor town, beset with abject poverty, poor restaurants, snarled traffic and oh, by the way, lousy strip clubs. I hate to recommend any SC in NOLA but if someone put a gun to my head, I suppose I'd suggest Penthouse, right off Bourbon Street on Iberville. The girls are decent but it's a good thing you're not expecting ITC or OTC because it won't happen. That's always a good thing when at least a couple of the dancers have Adam Apples the size of Delaware. I have the good fortune of travelling a lot on business and have sampled clubs all over. When I go to New Orleans, I'm not even tempted to enter a SC for fear that I'll have to throw my shoes away once I leave and will spend my time wondering what exactly dripped on my shirt from the ceiling. If you have to go to New Orleans, you may consider getting a VIP booth at Ampersand, which is a very nice "regular" nightclub with a very attractive clientele. The women run in packs and are usually smoking hot and looking for fun. Good luck and I'm sorry I've put a potential damper on all this. New Orleans sucks.. there, I said it.
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    13 years ago
    Who gives the best dances - and why?
    Jackslash, Russian women have made great strides recently. They also typically have a great perestroika. Read slowly, and I apologize in advance..
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    13 years ago
    Who gives the best dances - and why?
    Larry, I think you're right that a lot of white guys pass on black dancers. But.. I frequent St. James in Houston, which has a nice mix of dancers and I notice that black girls pass me by and target black customers. These girls may, through experience, believe that white guys will reject them but there also may be an element where they'd rather dance for black customers. So it sort of works both ways.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you think women should go topless at the beach?
    The vast majority of people who visit clothing optional beaches do so not for the nudity but rather the freedom to be.. clothing optional. I'm ok with identifying beaches where nudity is allowed and prohibiting it from other locations. Doing so provides individuals the option of totally grossing each other out by taking off their clothes. And having gone to a couple clothing optional beaches, I can say with certainty that 90% of attendees at these beaches are undressing for reasons other than to impress anyone. I grew up in Austin, Texas and we have a nice clothing optional option: http://www.hippiehollow.com/
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    13 years ago
    Who gives the best dances - and why?
    I'll agree with Clubber in that I opt for Hispanic dancers, then Asians. They just seem a bit more aggressive and willing but as mentioned by others, there are great (and lousy) dancers of all ethnic persuasions. For highlander, this thread isn't about race baiting and judging from the comments, the responses weren't either. Too bad you had to sully the water otherwise. Well played, sir.
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    13 years ago
    Was it money well spent?
    Been going at it for 30 years and aside from one experience, it's been all good. My one regret was years ago, right out of college, I spent WAY too much in London and because I missed my flight, didn't have enough money, anywhere, to get a hotel or subsequent flight home. Disaster all the way around. Like the others say, as long as you use some common sense and pay attention to your real world obligations, SC expenditures is entertainment dollars and nothing more.
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    13 years ago
    "Revenge"of the PL
    Steve, in a tough economy, we all occasionally need to be reminded that we live in a service oriented world. In your case, service was lacking so you made the only decision a consumer could make - you went with the best product. I had a semi-favorite who talked a good game, promising nirvana if I'd take care of her. After several hundred dollars worth of dances over about 6 weeks, it became apparent that she was all talk. I found a suitable replacement who knew how to treat a man. Last time I was at that SC, with the newbie on my arm, we passed the previous favorite, who tugged my arm, asking why I wasn't "taking care of her". With a smile and I wink, I told her that she didn't take care of me. Maybe Economics 101 should be compulsory for strippers.
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    14 years ago
    stevies and glasses
    I leave my glasses in the car. Like Jack, clarity in a SC not not always a good idea. That's another reason for the low lights. Also the reason I don't watch porn in HD. That level of detail is not for the squeamish.
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    14 years ago
    Prostitution bust made at Bellaire massage parlor
    Wanqun Peng, age 52. She's two years into her 6th decade and she's turning tricks at a low rent massage parlor in Bellaire, Texas. Nice..
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Reflective of the economy, perhaps. Last time I was at Centerfold's in Houston, a brazen young Hispanic suggested that we find a quiet place so I could "fuck her throat". I did not partake, working on the assumption that I wasn't the only customer to have heard that line. Sure enough, not 20 minutes later, I saw her with another customer, upstairs in a an area that really wasn't THAT private. She was aggressively bobbing up and down.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Worker Mary Bassi Claims She Was Fired for Being Too Old
    Keep in mind, guys.. she's a waitress, not a dancer..
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    14 years ago
    Women in important roles.
    I went to a dermatologist the other day. She happened to be a very qualified woman who expertly removed a simple mole, then sent it off to pathology for further analysis. Because it was my first visit with her, she pretty much examined me from head to toe to ensure that I didn't have any other skin conditions. I came out with a clean bill of health. She had a very gentle touch. Because this was my first visit with a dermatologist, I wasn't aware that there would be such a thorough examination. Leaving the office, I recall thinking "wow, I'm sure glad the doctor was a woman". If this medical thing doesn't work out for her, I'm sure she could get a job patting down passengers for TSA. My lawyer is a woman, my dentist is a woman and now my dermatologist is a woman. Each is exquisitely qualified, which is all that matters.
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    14 years ago
    Dancer: When do you want me to work?
    One of my all time favorite dancers in Houston told me she was a senior biology major at University of Houston. I called BS for months but because her dances were outstanding, I let her play the game. She seemed bright enough but like others, I assumed it was SS. Some time later, I saw her at the club and she announced that that evening would be her last as a stripper. She flashed a brand new college graduation ring and told me that she was moving to San Francisco to begin her training at Pfizer's research facility, specifically researching protein-based therapeutics. She laughed before I could, noting that her knowledge of protein-based therapeutics learned as a dancer will serve her well at Pfizer. It's rare, but it can happen..
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    14 years ago
    Help… LEO vibe
    I'm sure laws vary from state to state but my understanding is that if you're a cop and deny being one, any resultant arrests can be tossed. At least that's my understanding in Texas. I have a cop friend who enjoys SC visits. He told me the phrase that dancers need to hear is "I am not a police officer nor am I employed by any law enforcement agency". Supposedly, that should legally enable dancers to behave badly - which is good for us.
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    14 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International Agrees To Purchase Gold Club In Indianapolis
    Rick's started in Houston years ago and the local branch is where I cut my SC teeth. What used to be a high class place has turned into just another SC, probably worse than most. Rick's has a couple of clubs in Houston, neither in the top 10. I hope, for the sake of those in Indiana, that Rick's doesn't allow your club to slip to the depths of ours.
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    14 years ago
    Two Atfs In One Club
    Calgary may well have the absolute worse strip clubs on North America. There is no contact. Zero. You get to throw money at the dancer while she gyrates on stage. That's it. So setting aside the logistical gymnastics being played to avoid two potential OTC candidates, I'd just like to know which club in Calgary you find worth visiting.
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    14 years ago
    Truth or dare...
    Dancers don't look at your ring. They look at your wallet.