I'm all for it.
A sign at Orient Beach on the island of St. Martin cautions drivers to be mindful of nude pedestrians. A TripAdvisor survey found that 78% of Americans approve of toplessness at beaches where it's culturally
accepted.In a beach etiquette survey of about 1,100 U.S. travelers by TripAdvisor, released this morning, 78% of respondents think toplessness is OK in destinations where it's culturally acceptable. That certainly goes against the stereotype of Americans as being prudish when it comes to public nudity.
The survey also found that 6% say "European" sunbathing is acceptable at any beach or pool.
Another finding that's a surefire conversation starter: people who get up early at resorts to leave towels and personal belongings on chaises, then don't show up for hours. That happens at every big resort I've seen, and it ticks off fellow guests. A whopping 85% of survey respondents think this is bad form, and only 11% say they do it (if you ask me, the percentage of chaise hogs is higher).
Other interesting results:
*60% of respondents would like to see child-free zones at beaches (72% want such zones at pools). And 72% want pet-free areas at beaches; 66% at pools.
*Most annoying beach behavior? Blasting loud music (27%); intoxication and littering (12% each). At the pool, music again was most hated (21%), but second was beach-chair hogging (18%).
*What U.S. beach has the worst-behaved beachgoers? Miami Beach (which can get pretty rowdy with models, bachelor partiers and others going wild), say respondents. Worst behaved beachgoers are from New York, followed by New Jersey. (Did The Jersey Shore party-hearty cast have anything to do with that?) And Americans voted themselves the worst-behaved at beaches.
• At a crowded beach, 28% say six feet is the closest acceptable distance to sit next to a stranger; 28% say three feet.
And finally, 34% say it is an etiquette violation for a man to sport a Speedo.
last commentResorts like Hilton Head Island, SC charge for beach chairs. You pay for it and it's yours for the day. Umbrellas were extra. If someone takes it from you, they are escorted off the beach. Or you can bring your own.
Some parents might not want their children exposed to topless beaches. Those in favor of toplessess will tell parents that they are prudish and should get over it. Making out on the beach used to be stopped by lifeguards. Don't even try that now. How about homosexual couples making out? If heterosexual making out is OK, then gay making out on the beach cannot be stopped. When drunk teen-aged boys start teasing topless women for being flat chested or top heavy, who will stop them? Is the woman who goes topless asking for rude comments? Boorish behavior is everywhere and lawyers will be looking to sue lifeguards, beach operators, park authorities and others for failing to stop boorish behavior or for using too strong an approach to stop it. UGH! Makes the case for private country clubs--which I know I cannot join.
And having gone to a couple clothing optional beaches, I can say with certainty that 90% of attendees at these beaches are undressing for reasons other than to impress anyone.
I grew up in Austin, Texas and we have a nice clothing optional option:
As far as the rest of it, what can you do? We live in a world full of selfish assholes.
Guy A likes itty bitty titties. Guy B doesn't like anything under a DDD. Guy C gets wood every time Krusty the Klown's superfluous third nipple appears on the screen.
And to make this more SC-related, guy A would be very happy at most Atlanta clubs these days.