
Comments by Cravey (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Stripper Pharmacology
    Actually, I'll trade pills for dances.. Dyslexia is not my friend..
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    14 years ago
    Stripper Pharmacology
    I went through recent surgery and have a boatload of Vicodin and various muscle relaxers. Given the street value for Vicodin is $10 a pill (so I'm told), I'm willing to trade dances for pills. Any strippers in the Houston area are welcomed to inquire within. Just saying..
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    14 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Lindsay Lohan fired from porno gig
    I'm sure Lindsay finds it hard to swallow that she's not perfect for this role.
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Chance meeting outside the club, redux
    Vince, to be honest.. no.. I did not partake in the dressing room. The head on my shoulders realized that a standard "session" with this girl, in the club, was typically $300. While she didn't initially mention anything in the mall about cost, one would assume that she had something other than holiday benevolence on her mind.I didn't have $300 cash in my pocket and it would have been embarrassing to find out that payment was expected.. afterwards.. Which brings up a point, as it were. If you DID run across a club regular whilst out and about and she made an offer similar to mine, would you assume that whatever costs were typical in the club would also apply in the produce section of the grocery store or the dressing room at Macy's
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Chance meeting outside the club, redux
    Just last week, I was Christmas shopping at a local mall when I saw a club favorite. Both she and I were alone so we stopped to give mutual pleasantries (different than the kinds given in the club). She mentioned that I hadn't been to her club in awhile; I explained work required a bit more travel recently but that I missed being with her and certainly missed "what she did for me". With a sly smile, she leaned forward, letting her hand discretely slide up and down the front of my pants (we're in the mall, in case you're not paying attention) and said that she could "take care of me" in a dressing room at Macy's. Tis the season, obviously..
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    14 years ago
    Texting ATF good or bad thing
    Golf, strippers are not friends. They're not there to build a deep, meaningful relationship with you. Well, maybe deep, but not meaningful. Strippers are OTC candidates because they have what you want (trim) and you have what they want (cash). Trying to delve any deeper smacks of some serious naivete.
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    14 years ago
    Have you ever routinely been bored to death at certain strip clubs and decided t
    On the other hand, I've had responses like that presage some of the *best* visits. I guess it depends on how you look at it. Rare but yes, possible. There will be an occasional situation where the girls realize that the day hold little value and in the time honored tradition of supply vs demand, will jump to the "extras" list as a means of getting any business at all.
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    14 years ago
    Have you ever routinely been bored to death at certain strip clubs and decided t
    You can often gauge the liveliness of a club in the first 10 minutes. I'll walk in, get a beer at the bar and just watch things for a few minutes. Sometimes there's just not a buzz. Sometimes I'll walk up to a dancer and ask how the day is going. If she rolls her eyes and says "it's dead", you're usually in for a rough visit. Under these circumstances, don't waste your time because it probably won't get much better. Enjoy your beer, maybe stroll through the club to see if there are any unnoticed nuggets of beauty waiting to be had. But if things just aren't clicking, I'll cut my losses after 20 minutes and go elsewhere. So it be said - so it be done.
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    14 years ago
    Cops in the House
    In much the same way the mob used to (still does?) shake down local businesses as a way of providing "protection", SC managers cater to cops knowing full well that the club won't be raided anytime soon. It's not personal - it's just business.
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    14 years ago
    SC Culture : Canada vs. USA
    Chicago, Portland, Columbus, and whatever city has high suicide rates (Seattle post Rick's?) That's pretty funny, and a bit alarming. In Houston, it's "touch and be touched". I've found this to be true at clubs in Florida, California and even Georgia. Something about the south, maybe..
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    14 years ago
    SC Culture : Canada vs. USA
    In an effort to stay on point, Art is correct in that the level of contact in American and Canadian SC's could not be more different. In Calgary, for example, there is absolutely NO contact. Is there any SC in the U.S. where the dancer and customer cannot touch? But as mentioned, the rest of the Canadian culture is more permissive. At "French Maid" in Calgary, you can't touch a dancer but on the sidewalk outside the club, glamorously dressed prostitutes are readily available, with apparent permission from the city government. In fact, I saw a city service truck stop near a group of working ladies. I thought maybe an effort was underway to convince these girls to get off the streets. On the contrary, the city truck delivered snacks and blankets to ensure that the girls were adequately warm on a cold Canadian night. Strange..
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    14 years ago
    Dancers wages ?
    I would think that given the cost of living in Africa, Central or South America, and to a lesser extent, Eastern Europe, a dancer would do better financially in those areas than they would in the U.S. Why? In places like Mexico City, Caracas, Budapest and Milan, you're catering to foreign customers who typically have significant amounts of cash to spend. What they may be willing to pay is in line with what they'd pay here in the U.S., but that same amount of money would seemingly give a dancer far more spending power in that local economy. I may be wrong, but.. maybe not..
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    14 years ago
    Recommendations for Houston
    My contribution to the discussion: I would classify St. James as an "extras" club, especially if you can get into the upstairs booths (non-VIP). Have had many offers from a surprisingly decent looking group of dancers. Treasures is hard on your wallet - the hustle factor is as high as anywhere I've ever been and while you can certainly get a high end experience, I've found that the hassle of parsing through the cattle car environment almost eliminates the fun of finding what you want. Centerfolds has extras, no doubt about it but I've found, especially recently, that the quality of the dancers have fallen. Lots of fun can be had but be prepared to perhaps lower your standards a bit. Heartbreakers is quite a drive south on I-45 but can be worth your time. As mentioned, buy the VIP wrist band so you can go straight to the private areas upstairs. I've traveled a good bit and the Houston reputation for mutual grind is well deserved. If you're in Texas, Austin and San Antonio has decent clubs but with far less contact. Dallas clubs typically match Houston's quality in terms of the dancers but I've found that the grind factor isn't quite up to what we have here in Houston. Individual cases will of course better or worse, both in Dallas and Houston, but across the board, I give Houston the nod. If you have time for only a few clubs, I'd recommend St. James, Treasures, then back to St. James. After that, I'd consider Heartbreakers or maybe Centerfolds. I'll admit to not having visited The Ritz. I need to..
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    15 years ago
    Breaking all the Rules
    Though you'd think this would be common sense, if you shower, shave, brush your teeth, put decent clothes on and try not to act like the girl is doing you a favor by dancing for you, your mileage will increase exponentially. My best "rule breakers" have been when I work extra hard to treat her well. Women love to be treated well (yep, you can write that one down) and when they feel special, they'll make you feel special. This is true regardless if we're talking about the cashier at the grocery store, the waitress at the restaurant or a stripper in a club. One of life's true truisms - yep..
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    15 years ago
    a little insight into the downside of strip clubs and former strippers
    greenvegas, using this forum to rationalize your decision to marry a former stripper may make you feel better but it does nothing to serve the general good. And that you know more about strip clubs than the rest of us combined tells me that whatever problems your wife has, you're, at minimum, complicit and more likely largely responsible for her problems - not to mention your own. My advice: get a lava lamp, some low lights and a pole. Set them up in your living room and get your wife to dance for you. You'll both feel more at home and the rest of us can move on and respond to worthy posts.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Houston Contact
    St. James - go to St. James. Better than Treasures in that St. James is outside the city limits and the girls dance sans pasties and full bottoms. Also, St. James have as close to private rooms as you can get in the Houston area without ponying up big $$ to go to the VIP room. If you're in Houston one night and want as close to a guaranteed good time as possible, I'd hit St. James. Treasures is a close second. As for contact, the girls at St. James will, with few exceptions, provide at least stick shift performance.
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    15 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Acquires "Joy of Austin"Gentlemen's Club
    Agreed. When I moved to Houston 20 years ago, Rick's in the Galleria area was the place to go. Not even sure if it's open anymore. Joy's in Austin is just north of town, really in Round Rock. The contact level is higher there than at other Austin clubs but still nothing like the average Houston club. In Houston, it's all about St. James for me. I'll go to Gold Cup strictly for Sonya but beyond that, St. James is where it's at.
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    15 years ago
    No sex in the champagne room ... really?
    First, you have to find a girl willing to provide extras. Not all do and I've found that after 2 dances, it's a fair question if posed like "please don't take offense and I know everyone is different, but do you offer anything beyond dances?". If the answer is yes, then you're free to negotiate. The girl will usually be upfront because at that point, both of you are trying to close the deal. But to your question, extras in my world are basically "the act", whatever it is that you've negotiated on. I have one special lady who knows that I'll give $300 for a BJ. That "extra" will take place over about 3 songs. Good luck and happy hunting.
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    15 years ago
    Cold Weather
    Being from Texas, it's sufficiently warm about 10 months of the year to wear shorts to the clubs. Doing so of course enhances your chances of a high mileage dance. I went to a club last week during a once a decade Houston snow storm and the dancer, after 3 songs, wished out loud that I was wearing shorts. Lost opportunity that would be lost far more often in, let's say, Chicago. Turn it around a bit, Judy. Do you like when men wear shorts to the club? Do you behave differently when they are? Details help. ;-)
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    15 years ago
    Would you say the dancers now aren't as hot as they were 10 to 15 years ago?
    That stripping went mainstream has a lot to do with what we see today. Back 15 years ago, strippers seemed more innocent and and as I recall, there was an almost mutual exploration between the girls and the clients. Today, the girls seem more jaded - they know exactly why they're dancing but the clients also know what they want as well. Back in the day, offering extras was almost unheard of. Today, you're practically given a menu the moment you sit down. If nothing else, today's atmosphere is a definite time-saver, if you're looking for extras. As for looks, I agree with the other posters. We live in a harder society today and we're dealt harder dancers.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    A Guide to Pushy Dancers
    My routine is to sit for about 15 minutes, enjoy a beer and let the stress of the day melt away. At Treasures in Houston, I was approached by a really gorgeous girl only five minutes after sitting down. Her line was standard, asking if I wanted a dance. I replied that I wanted to relax for just a bit before getting dances. She stood and before walking away, told me that "the blowjob you you would have gotten with the dance would have been all the relaxation you needed". Zing..