
Who gives the best dances - and why?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 2:22 PM
I offer the following based solely on decades of SC experience. In no way am I making any racial judgments other than that which is specific to this discussion. My lawyer can now breathe easy. Over the years, it has been my observations that the best dances, in order, can be had from: Hispanics: very passionate, touchy and willing to please. Serious grinders Asian: Aggressive, ready to rock and see how much they can get away with. Quick with oral. Black (or African American, if you prefer): slower to warm up but worth the effort. White (or Anglo, if you prefer): more reserved and guarded. Before critics wail away that I'm generalizing and profiling, I'll say, uh..no, I'm just making observations based on, as mentioned, decades of experience. What say ye?


  • newmark
    13 years ago
    I can only talk about my own experiences, but I have found that, across clubs and cities, it has been the black girls who have most often been the best or among the best at any individual club. That certainly does not always hold true; but if I were going to generalize, that is the way I would go. But I am equal opportunity. I like exotic girls; but I have a soft spot (or hard, as the case may be) for Americans too.
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    "but I have a soft spot (or hard, as the case may be) " LOL Nice. Honestly I find it hard to generalize. I think among each race you will find dancers that are cool with different things...
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    @gsv: Exactly. In my experience, I've gotten good dances from all races, and bad dances from all races.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    To (mis)quote another member of this forum in a different thread, "They're all pink on the inside." For me it's been more the individual instead of the race.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    Having said that, I do have a racial preference. As I told a dancer recently, "The hardon wants what the hardon wants."
  • tod
    13 years ago
    Black girls are consistently nicer to me, and give better dances.
  • highlander2973
    13 years ago
    ....another race baiting thread. How nice.
  • creepshow
    13 years ago
    To each, their own. Being a white guy, there is something inherently "exotic" about dances from girls who are of any other race. If it's a sexy girl, that may add a little extra to it. A hot girl is a hot girl, regardless of race. Typically it seems the variability I've experienced depends MUCH more on the club itself than the race. If a club is generally permissive in high contact dances, I haven't seen one race much more or less active than another.
  • rl27
    13 years ago
    As I said in another similar thread, there I haven't found much of a difference overall between dancers of different races. I find about 1 out of every 6 dancers rate as 8 or above in dancing skill. Also certain clubs you can have a better or worse time from one race. For instance in clubs with an above average number of Asian dancers I have noticed the dancers tend to match the typical American idea of the Asian stereotype, especially a lot of dancers going "Oh, you so big," and "Oh baby." Which to me is a turn off and makes for a bad dance.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Makes as much sense as trying to determine best dances according to measurments.
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    I notice you don't mention the race of the client as a factor in the equasion either. Some of the clubs we have been to have certainly been "racially preference biased" if that term makes sense. In one club we were totally snubbed as was another Caucasian couple. Don't know if it was the couple thing or the caucasian thing because the four of us were the only ones of both. In our case, the best dance we have ever had (on multiple occasions) was from a caucasian dancer. No contest with the African American, Latina and Polish dancers we have sampled.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Women give the best dances, because they are soft, and have boobs.
  • now_starring
    13 years ago
    I tend to like women with an exotic appearance or accent, which can happen with any race. A woman with a foreign accent is always a turn on. I don't know why.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Can I say what I don't like? Russians. When I hear that Russian accent, I'm turned off immediately. This must result from all the movies I saw as a kid that featured Russian cold war villains.
  • 10inches
    13 years ago
    have had great dancers from all races, but I will admit to having a thing for black women. maybe a bit of the "forbidden fruit" cause I am a white guy who grew up in the south at a time when it wasn't acceptable to like black girls. most black dancers that I have dealt with have that full, firm ass and big natural tits. that's the perfect combination on any woman. plus, black dancers seem to be more passionate and just plain sexy.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    lol jackslash, that's cool, just send all the ruskie strippers my way, i'll gladly take em ;)
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Speaking of Russian dancers, I met one at Follies a few months ago. She had the best looking body in the place of about 30 dancers. I got some nice table dances from her but then hooked up with a sure thing for a VIP gig. I have only seen her once since then and she was tied up with a regular. She had no accent. Said that she was adopted. Here is the kicker. She said that she was Russian with Mongolian heritage.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Russian and Eastern European dancers usually avoid Black customers.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I would say the best I've had were always Hispanic. I would prefer Asian, of course, but they are few and far between. White, mostly fine. I do not care for black women dancing. Of the others, like most anything else, I've had good and bad from all, but on average, Hispanic.
  • Cravey
    13 years ago
    I'll agree with Clubber in that I opt for Hispanic dancers, then Asians. They just seem a bit more aggressive and willing but as mentioned by others, there are great (and lousy) dancers of all ethnic persuasions. For highlander, this thread isn't about race baiting and judging from the comments, the responses weren't either. Too bad you had to sully the water otherwise. Well played, sir.
  • rl27
    13 years ago
    Jackslash, I have found that accents in many countries vary by region. I have had a good time with many Eastern European dancers, many of which had a very sexy accent, but others had accents have really irritated me. The same happens with British and German dancers.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Strippers give better lap dances than non- strippers
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    For me, the best dancers are usually white, with some latina dancers who are high ranking as well, although I don't see enough of them anymore, although with that said, my current favorite dancer is Puerto Rican. Asians, as long as they aren't skinny, usually deliver for me, too. Black dancers just don't for me, which is probably because I think most of them go straight for extras without a get-to-know-you phase first.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Russian dancers invariably offer me extras but I always refuse. I'm afraid Natasha will get some hold over me and blackmail me into working for the KGB.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    My experience is that the black girls are better dancers, have more body control, and appreciate the attention from a white guy. I think that they still must deal with automatic disqualification from many white guys, so the few white guys that do show an interest, they make it well worth the effort. They are generally saucier, more playful, more irreverent, and more direct. Seems like there are more pheromones per pound and their pussies are more fragrant, moist, engaged, and attractive. They have full, rich lips and I love the small of their backs. But that's just me.
  • Cravey
    13 years ago
    Larry, I think you're right that a lot of white guys pass on black dancers. But.. I frequent St. James in Houston, which has a nice mix of dancers and I notice that black girls pass me by and target black customers. These girls may, through experience, believe that white guys will reject them but there also may be an element where they'd rather dance for black customers. So it sort of works both ways.
  • Cravey
    13 years ago
    Jackslash, Russian women have made great strides recently. They also typically have a great perestroika. Read slowly, and I apologize in advance..
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    I know some folks freak at the thought that you can generalize about different races, but there is some truth to it. In my case, black dancers (which I tend to prefer) are generally more likely to be higher mileage. However, they are also generally worse lap dancers, cuz they often seem to think a lap dance is pounding your crotch with their butts, or are all about gettin' down to bidness and doin the deed. I've had the best and the worst lap dances from black girls. White girls are generally low mileage. That's a fact. And Mexican/Hispanic girls are a bit in-between. I also prefer Asians, but they seem to run the gamut, depending on what variety of Asian. But no matter what the nationality, in general the hotter the lower the mileage, which we all know.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    I'd be willing to bet that nearly everybody can come up with anecdotal evidence of one race being better than the others. I'm also betting that it all evens out in the long run.
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    Nope. It's the facts, dude. I think University of Michigan or something did a study and concluded "black girls get their freak on with laps much more than white girls, who in general are low mileage". :)
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    It has been my experience over the years that Black Dancers have given me Hotter & better dances, very HIGH mileage. So they are my preference with a few exceptions.
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