Help… LEO vibe

avatar for curiousgeorgefun
Last night I was asked several times by a dancer, “are you a cop?” Despite many reassurances, I got the feeling the dancer was always holding back a little. Despite a very energetic, mutually participating set of dances, she still asked if I were Uncle LEO. The last few times I've been to a club I noticed that the dancers are a little ‘stand-offish'. Could I be giving off a LEO vibe that the dancers are afraid of?

I am not a regular because I don't go often. Clubs where I live can only give air dances, which I hate, so I only go when I am on the road. I can't fix that. I am a 40ish, white male, who is in decent shape, which I cant change either. I keep my hair shorter, former military, and I am usually very polite (military and midwestern upbringing). I usually wear loose soft shorts/sweat bottoms (easier access, plus jeans rub the dancer and me a little raw). I brush my teeth and take a shower prior so I don't smell. My posture is usually pretty good due to prior military and the fact I exercise daily.

I can see where my appearance might make someone think that I am LEO, even though most cops I've seen carry quite a bit more around the mid section. I do tell people I am not LEO, especially a dancer who I would prefer to be more open with. It doesn't seem to work as well as I would like. I want the dancer to feel like she can be open with me without fear of getting in trouble.

What can I do or say or wear that clues people that I am not LEO? A catch phrase that clearly sends a message that I can't be a cop. I don't ever tell a dancer the ‘truth' about who I am/what I do because it is none of their business (besides they always are honest…. 2nd year nursing students who are stripping for book-money). I do tell a version of the truth to avoid sounding like I am totally making shit up. Should I go wild and tell them I am a heart surgeon or special forces? Or would that make the dancer feel they can milk more $ out of me because I am a “rich doctor”. Should I be ruder? Spike my hair, what is left that is. Outside of dropping my pants, which could just as easily end me up in jail, or at the least get me escorted out the door by a bouncer who is bigger than me looking for an excuse to clobber someone anyway. Could I show them my wallet so they could see my ID and no badge? I don't mind being frisked especially by a cute dancer.

OR is this just part of "the dance”? The one between customer and dancer, like trying to feel out if a dancer will give a good contact dance or just stand there and shake and wiggle. I know there is concerns for the girls, how do I make them feel they are safe with me? Any ideas/techniques would be appreciated.


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avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
It is probably not your appearance as much as it is your mannerism. Loosen up. Maybe have a drink or two before arriving.
Nest time they ask if you are a cop, just say no, but you would like to cop a feel. It might help loosen the mood.
I have the same problem frequently also. Due mostly to my short haircut (I'm not former military, yet) and the fact that I almost never drink if I'm driving. I've found that having a beer, then switching to coke helps. And I usually work in the fact that I'm mil and just visiting, which explains why I'm not a reg there. And whenever I get the "Are you a cop?" question, I tell her no and usually pull the front of my waistband down a bit to show her something. That tends to put all but the most paranoid dancer at ease. I've also found that wearing a tshirt that says iraq or afghanistan also helps. You'd be surprised how many strippers support the troops.
avatar for ulitimate1
14 years ago
I don't think that this is overly helpful but I've had the same thing before. Maybe more awkward though.

I walked in to the front desk and went to pay the entry fee. The girl at the front was actually a stripper who was just covering the front desk for a bit. First thing she asked me was was I a cop. I was so surprised that I barely had an answer. She said I was too young and good looking to be there (also didn't know what to say). Later on that day I got some dances from her and they were good but, at the end of them she told me that she was good and that her dances were 100% legal. Weird.

The way I fixed that issue was .... being a regular. Eventually her dances weren't uh, cop acceptable. But, that said, I'm not 40, ex-military or even white. I was a bit over dressed (since fixed) my first time and was in pretty good shape. Hope some of this info helps.
If the girl asked you if you are a cop, and then you make up a story or are non-responsive about what you really do for a living, then you are lying, and some girls will pick up on that. I agree with others; tell them you're ex-military. Also, I do not wear sweat pants or shorts into strip clubs. I know those have practical advantages, but I feel they send a "perv" message to some girls (so maybe it's not a LEO vibe, maybe it's a perv vibe). I prefer lightweight, dark khaki pants, no belt, commando style. Not quite as accessible but nice for both parties.
avatar for Cravey
14 years ago
I'm sure laws vary from state to state but my understanding is that if you're a cop and deny being one, any resultant arrests can be tossed. At least that's my understanding in Texas.

I have a cop friend who enjoys SC visits. He told me the phrase that dancers need to hear is "I am not a police officer nor am I employed by any law enforcement agency".

Supposedly, that should legally enable dancers to behave badly - which is good for us.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Don't forget to take off your badge!
TUSCL_Brother was an army investigator. When he retired they let him keep his badge. I was sitting with him once in the Columbia Platinum Plus. He freaked out a couple of dancers when he flashed it.
"Are you a cop?"

"No I'm not, and to prove it, I'll give you $100 to suck my dick."
@EarlTee; Well said, but if you're offering $100, I'm not going to that club, lmao.
You mean a clean, straight and honest guy with money can't get a woman in a strip club? This world is upside down. Wear a funny t-shirt for a conversation starter. It might get them to relax.
Man I hate people who ask stupid shit like this. We dont know you personally, so how the hell would we know if you're giving off an LE vibe? Chances are, if a dancer asks, then you do give off an LE vibe. Not much you can do about it
Oh and dancers can smell bullshit from a mile away due to their constant interactions with males, having the same conversations over & over again... you lying about what you do for a living probably sets off a *ding ding ding* alarm in their head. Fucking up your own mileage man.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I was going to suggest leaving the handcuffs at home...but, then again, if you get the right girl.,,
avatar for gillydon
14 years ago
If you only go when you're on the road, maybe you can show them your out-of-state ID?
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I agree with SuperDude try wearing a funny tshirt for a conversation starter
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Maybe you could use reverse psychology and wear a cop tshirt or play along that you might be a cop (Don't claim to be one if you aren't one...I'm pretty sure you can get into trouble for that). Let us know how that works for you...
My MO calls for funny T-shirts. I have a dozen. Some given to me by my daughter from Spencer's and some given to me by gridget. My favorite however,is one I had specially made from an internet site. It reads "My father only wanted a blow job". The girls love it and I don't get mistaken for a cop.
I get that too at times. I don't like to drink, but as another poster said, start out with a beer and that seems to help. That's why I prefer no alcohol clubs like the MV in Tampa. They don't care.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Become obese, clinically obese. No dancer ever asks someone like me if I am LE.
"I'm sure laws vary from state to state but my understanding is that if you're a cop and deny being one, any resultant arrests can be tossed. At least that's my understanding in Texas."

I highly doubt that. Cops can & do lie all the time when investigating crimes.

As others have said, you probably need to give off a much less clean-cut attitude. The cop/military haircut isn't going to be helping things out either, unless you're just honest that you're ex-military cgf.
avatar for curiousgeorgefun
14 years ago
Stupid shit question? Several people stated they've had the same experience and offered suggestions, thanks. At least I am not posting about Obama or on a subject thats been covered 100 times
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
About twenty years ago and 50 lbs lighter I had that problem a few times when I was at an out of state club, but in the local clubs that I frequented I never had that problem.
[I highly doubt that. Cops can & do lie all the time when investigating crimes.]

In some jurisdictions, cops can even get special dispensation to commit certain *crimes* when investigating crime. What my admittedly limited understanding believes that they can't do, or won't do because it won't stand up in court, is bald face lie about the subject they are investigating, e.g. "I am not a cop you will arrest you for prostitution if you offer to suck my dick for money." Dance around the subject, be vague and non-committal, yes, but only out and out lie about stuff that isn't material to the investigation, like name, where they live, etc.

Even that "rule", which it's not, isn't hard and fast, depending on the jurisdiction.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Let's look at one thing here, most anything will be he said, she said. I don't think that will hold up in most cases, although, I DO believe many judges will believe a police officer over any civilian.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
exery cop is a criminal
and all the sinners saints.
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