
"Revenge"of the PL

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 4:53 AM
I was sitting at the bar with my current fav when I noticed my ex-fav (a gorgeous girl, but one I had to let go due to repeated instances of poor customer service) had come on shift. Now, my current fav treats me really well , and I really do have a good time with her, but this time I guess I laid it on a little thick. I ordered her another drink and told her to pick anything she wanted off the menu for lunch. We sat chatting, laughing at private jokes, staring into each other's eyes, whispering into each other's ear, with lots of mutual touching and stroking, etc. During my current fav's stage set, I came up to the stage repeatedly and tipped her lavishly each time. She rejoined me afterwards, and our food came just as my ex-fav was going on stage, so we turned our backs to her and ignored her performance as we enjoyed our meal. Finally I took current fav to the VIP. As we walked arm in arm and smiling to the VIP room, we had to pass my ex-fav as she sat stone-faced at a table by herself. As I look back, I realize that my behavior was childish, petty, and mean-spirited...and it felt sooo good!


  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    LOL, steve. Hey, I think most of us have been there at one point or another. Sometimes, that's the way to reinforce to them the opportunity they have lost.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    You jerk, you. :) To be honest, though, I can't claim I would have done much better. I will point out that your current fav saw you pull that shit, however. Do you think that will have a negative effect at all on her?
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Only slightly relevant-in a small town, in public school, I was treated horribly. The girls either joined in with the bullies brutalizing me, or they ignored me altogether. Fast forward some years. I was dating a slightly older woman of means. We traveled often and she believed in the old European tradition of dressing well while traveling. On one trip, by car, she was napping. She woke up and announced that she was hungry. The only nearest thing was that shit hole of a town grew up in-there was a McDonald's there. This was usually below her threshold, but the tummy was talking. We pulled into the drive through and gave our order. As we pulled up to the window, I saw that the girls working there were girls who had thought they were too good for me. I actually saw the three of them look at the car in shock-seeing me in a new expensive car-in a shirt and tie-with a woman dressed to the nines. The girl selected to deliver our food (while the other two watched) got so shook up as I said hello that she dropped our food between the car and window. They had to start all over while Lela fumed. Moral of the story-the best revenge is living well.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    You were focused on showing your ATF a good time and you did. If someone else saw that and didn't like it that is not your problem. If "revenge" was a by-product of your treating a lady well, then someone got to see what she lost. "Der Besuch der alten Dame" by Friedrich Durrenmatt (The Visit of the Old Lady) was made into a movie, "The Visit" starring Ingrid Bergman and Anthony Quinn. A young woman is the ugly duckling of a small village. She is the target of disrespect by other teenagers. She is raped, left pregnant and driven from the village. The town elders force her to leave to cover up the rape and protect the reputation of her rapist, a golden boy on his way up. Decades later she returns to the village, a woman of great wealth and political influence. The elders of the village beg her for financial support to save the village from collapse and ruin. She agrees if they will kill the mayor--her rapist. Now that's revenge.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    We've all been there & done that. At time strippers need a reminder of where there lively hood comes from
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    LOL, good read. steve, what 'poor customer service' did your ex fav display? Can you give us a couple of examples?
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    I believe it's okay to feel good that you are enjoying your new ATF. But if you spend any significant amount of time or effort crafting your "revenge", then you done yourself a disservice. That time would be better spent enjoying yourself with your new girl. If your revenge came in the spirit of the moment, then more power to you.
  • Cravey
    13 years ago
    Steve, in a tough economy, we all occasionally need to be reminded that we live in a service oriented world. In your case, service was lacking so you made the only decision a consumer could make - you went with the best product. I had a semi-favorite who talked a good game, promising nirvana if I'd take care of her. After several hundred dollars worth of dances over about 6 weeks, it became apparent that she was all talk. I found a suitable replacement who knew how to treat a man. Last time I was at that SC, with the newbie on my arm, we passed the previous favorite, who tugged my arm, asking why I wasn't "taking care of her". With a smile and I wink, I told her that she didn't take care of me. Maybe Economics 101 should be compulsory for strippers.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Maybe ? It should be compulsory, along with hospitality classes.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Steve229, I concur with what you did, as do many of the others, above. You just bolstered my ego a bit. I've been thinking of doing the same. I have a few faves at any one time in the same club, as well as multiple faves in other clubs. In one circumstance, there's a fave since five years ago, that works the day shift. I plan to be there at the end of her shift when a fave I've known for only four years arrives for the night shift. (Their shift times usually overlap.) I plan to visibily bypass "old fave" in favor of "newer fave," and make it obvious that I'm doing so. Unfortunately, I can't make it as dramatic as you did, because the clubs I have available to me don't have food, but I'll buy "newer fave" a lady's drink.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Steve229, I concur with what you did, as do many of the others, above. You just bolstered my ego a bit. I've been thinking of doing the same. I have a few faves at any one time in the same club, as well as multiple faves in other clubs. In one circumstance, there's a fave since five years ago, that works the day shift. I plan to be there at the end of her shift when a fave I've known for only four years arrives for the night shift. (Their shift times usually overlap.) I plan to visibily bypass "old fave" in favor of "newer fave," and make it obvious that I'm doing so. Unfortunately, I can't make it as dramatic as you did, because the clubs I have available to me don't have food, but I'll buy "newer fave" a lady's drink.
  • CCRiderm
    13 years ago
    The only part I thought was petty was the turning your back on her while she was on stage. THAT was childish. The rest, you were just having a good time. After lavishing big tips on your new fav, I might have sent her up to the stage to tip the old one $1...that gets the service message across.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Wow - I can only imagine what kind of "poor customer service" brought that kind of retribution on!
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    ^ Exactly. That's what I want to know. Tell us, steve.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    " I will point out that your current fav saw you pull that shit, however. Do you think that will have a negative effect at all on her?" Well, I told her not to expect this every time, lol. She said, "Oh, I'm not like that." We shall see. "what 'poor customer service' did your ex fav display? " Here's a typical example: I show up to see her, she asks me to buy her a vodka and cranberry (Gray Goose, of course). She takes a sip, puts an article of clothing on her seat, asks me to watch it for her while she goes to the "little girl's room." Gives me a peck on the cheek and promises to be back in a minute, then disappears to, as I later learned, give another customer a 30-minute VIP. While she's gone none of the other dancers approach me because she's left her "markers." Contrast that with how my new girl recently handled the same situation. I show up, she comes over and tells me she has a "dilemma" - someone just asked her to do a room, but she knows I came in to see her and she doesn't want to leave me hanging. I tell her I'm not pressed for time, so she should go make some money (see, I'm not that petty). While she's gone I do some stage tipping, chat with a couple dancers that stop by, and get some $10 (low-contact) dances from a young cutie I've been wanting to sample. So when she returns, instead of being pissed, I'm relaxed and primed for our time together.
  • RickWood
    13 years ago
    So basically you appreciate the honesty of your new fav and work with it, instead of the conniving ways of the former fav. Makes perfect sense to me.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    How does a PL seek revenge- He posts how angry he is on his blog
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    Steve, had a fav like that (your current fav). She flipped when I showed up 1 minute after she had promised some other guy a 30-minute VIP, then hugged the crap outta me when I told her that I'd wait for her.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    I too think it's poor customer service when a dancer gets a drink on your tab, takes a sip and then disappears. Not cool. Favs need to know they can become non-favs very quickly.
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