Women in important roles.

avatar for Digitech

Here is a potentially sensitive topic. Please be honest. Do you trust women with important services and roles?

For example, would you visit a female physician or a female lawyer, and place in her the same confidence and trust as you would a male in the same position?

Being completely honest, I have to say no. The reason is not because I feel that women are incapable of doing these jobs as well as men. It's because many American women seem to have a high sense of entitlement, and most men seem very willing to give gifts or favors to women in order to improve their standing.

My fear is that a woman will not be as qualified as a man because she didn't have to work as hard to achieve her position.

I originally wrote a much longer post about this which went into great detail, but I don't think that was necessary. I can post that stuff later if the discussion becomes detailed enough.

Your thoughts?


last comment
avatar for Dougster
14 yrs ago

Digitech: " Do you trust women with important services and roles? "

Absolutely. Went to school with, worked with, and otherwise known enough talented to women to say I would.

avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago

I've used both, female doctors and a female lawyer. I was satisfied with both.

avatar for TommyMoney
14 yrs ago

No offense, but your thoughts regarding this topic strike me as profoundly skewed (I can only speculate as to why). The short answer to your question: Yes.

avatar for lopaw
14 yrs ago

My doctor, accountant & financial planner are all female. My dentist and lawyer are male. I hired them all because of their qualifications, not their gender.

I don't even know where to begin with the "women not needing to work as hard" statement. It is so ridiculous as to laugh. In high tech & advanced professions women often have to work TWICE as hard to even be taken seriously. I oughta know, since I'm one of them.

avatar for farmerart
14 yrs ago

This is absolute crap. My current physician is female and she is the smartest, most insightful, empathetic doctor I have ever consulted. In the early years of my company my key employee was female - mathematician, stats expert, computer weenie. I couldn't afford to pay her what she was worth but when I sold that part of my company I gave her 5% of the proceeds (C$1.65mil).

As for working hard, it is my experience as an employer that women work HARDER than men. If I could have found crews of women with the physical strength of men I would have used crews of "rig sows" in a heartbeat.

And lawyers? Well, male or female, they are all vermin.

avatar for sharkhunter
14 yrs ago

Well when it comes to the local doctor's office, I really do prefer the male doctor. I don't usually go to the doctor unless I believe I have a bacterial infection or something the doctor could prescribe something for me. Once when the male doctor was out, the female doctor didn't believe in using antibiotics. I suffered for over a week until I went back again and she finally prescribed antibiotics. It went away right after I started taking the medicine. She failed me big time and made me suffer a whole week longer than necessary plus made it cost me more.

However I should add my sisters and female relatives are all very good at what they do. I believe it really depends on your qualifications and experience rather than what sex you are. The female doctor I went to may not be very good but I don't believe they are all like that.

I better have some faith in female doctors because there are a lot of females in the medical profession where I live at.

avatar for sharkhunter
14 yrs ago

I believe I prefer male professionals if I was choosing them from the start. For example my eye doctor was male. The doctor changed to female after he retired. The service was the same so I stayed with them. If they do just as good a job as the male in the same position, it doesn't matter to me very much. If they fail me like the regular female family doctor did, then I don't want to use them unless I have no choice. She had her own objective which did not agree with mine. I wanted to limit my suffering and expense. She wanted to limit use of antibiotics unless I suffered for a week or two first.

avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago

I remembered another. I had a male chiropractor for over 40 years that retired. His niece took over the practice. I had one visit with her and never returned.

avatar for jackslash
14 yrs ago

"Do you trust women with important services and roles?" Yes. I thought sexist prejudices had died 30 years ago.

avatar for gk
14 yrs ago

Digitech, perhaps you've been around the wrong types of women and this has resulted in a narrow sense of what their potential is, which is basically the same as any man's when put into a work context. So perhaps you're being too far-reaching with your lack of faith in women performing "important services."

In a personal context, I've recently undergone very intricate surgery performed by a woman; I've hired women to do important jobs; and I've worked for women in some situations.

I've seen both men and women who haven't really earned or deserved the positions they hold, so your argument that women advance undeservedly doesn't hold up.

When I've encountered a woman performing a service that didn't measure up to my expectations, it was always due to a training issue, not a gender issue.

Having said all of that, there are some idiosyncrasies that women exhbit that might influence me in both a confidence or a hiring context. However, I've found that it's unfair to worry about them too much because they show up in men too, but in lesser degrees. So that puts things on a "right person" basis, not a man vs. woman basis.

What can a woman do, anything she wants, including being a homemaker if that's her choice. Oddly, some so-called liberated women frown on that, just like they might frown on the take- charge-of-my-own-destiny woman who dances to pay bills.

I might prefer a male psychiatrist or psychologist if I were to hire one, but that would be a comfort issue, not a competence issue.

But do women have a sense of entitlement? That's a visceral observation. I think they do.

avatar for boatmonkey
14 yrs ago

My regular doctor for annual checkups and so on is a woman - if I'm going to pay someone to look at me naked it's going to be a woman!

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago


Sex is not the determinant in most careers. Men can do certain jobs better, women can do certain jobs better. I remember a factory I worked in where the supervisor came up to me and told me to speed up (they had production monitor capability) The women could do the jobs faster as they had smaller hands. As far as careers with degrees, what difference does it make. If a person has the skills and talent, I'd say it's personal choice.

avatar for SuperDude
14 yrs ago

It's qualifications, skills and the ability to get the job done. Gender is not an issue.

avatar for Ilvbassets
14 yrs ago

Absolutely! Gender isn't something that comes into play when I'm choosing a professional. My dentist, my financial advisor, my lawyer... all female and excellent in their professions.

avatar for shadowcat
14 yrs ago

You haven't lived until you have had a female M.D. do a prostrate examination on you.

avatar for txtittyfan
14 yrs ago

To me, gender only matters in sex and massages. My Dr. is female, as is my favorite sex provider. I have used both as attorneys in the same matter, and the woman was far superior.

The persons aptitude and work ethic trumps gender.

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago


avatar for farmerart
14 yrs ago


Agreed! The jolt when the prostate is massaged is much better when a female finger is doing it. Wonder why?

avatar for Cravey
14 yrs ago

I went to a dermatologist the other day. She happened to be a very qualified woman who expertly removed a simple mole, then sent it off to pathology for further analysis.

Because it was my first visit with her, she pretty much examined me from head to toe to ensure that I didn't have any other skin conditions. I came out with a clean bill of health.

She had a very gentle touch. Because this was my first visit with a dermatologist, I wasn't aware that there would be such a thorough examination.

Leaving the office, I recall thinking "wow, I'm sure glad the doctor was a woman".

If this medical thing doesn't work out for her, I'm sure she could get a job patting down passengers for TSA.

My lawyer is a woman, my dentist is a woman and now my dermatologist is a woman.

Each is exquisitely qualified, which is all that matters.

avatar for Sinz
14 yrs ago

I have met plenty of men who have the same sense of entitlement that you describe so it's not just a female issue. In other words, there are just as many male incompetent hacks who are lawyers, doctors, CPA's etc. as there are female.

avatar for scatterbrain
14 yrs ago

I agree with Sinz, I've seen enough fools on both sides of the coin. And yes, I'll trust a woman until she proves me wrong. I've had both female doctors and lawyers, both served me well.

avatar for Prim0
14 yrs ago

Ultimately, I try to decide on the professional based on the individuals merits. However, I think we all have some prejudices instilled in us from birth...it's just the nature of things. We look for patterns and then apply them in new situations. That's just human thinking. We have to work to overcome that thinking too.

I'll admit that I think women and men do things differently. In some situations the female will have the advantage and others the male will be more suited. That's speaking in generalities. There are always exceptions to any "rule".

Am I sexist because I generally think that women are a bit more emotional and often more deliberate and thoughtful? Perhaps, but again, my sexism is based on the sum of all of my experiences. I also think african americans are better athletes, jews are better at business, asians are better at math and latinos are better lovers. So sue me.


avatar for skibum609
14 yrs ago

My physician is female and my only issue was my first prostate exam, which coincided with my first visit to her 8 years ago. I'd have thought women had smaller fingers.............

avatar for minnow
14 yrs ago

Dt- Consider that in 2008 election, ~ 48% of participating voters were willing to trust ( gamble??) a female being within a heartbeat of the presidency.

Myself- I've had a few routine visits with a female doctor, no problems/issues. In real estate, banking/finance can find many females- two in particular could readily grasp/empathize with my circumstances. Contact with female lawyers, not so up to speed for particular field of expertise. If I were to choose someone for a critical medical operation or legal case, I'd be damn nervous about choosing a lot of male professionals, and would dig deeper than their gender in making the yes/no decision.

avatar for Digitech
14 yrs ago

I should re-iterate that I think that women are completely capable of equaling or surpassing the aptitude of their male peers.

My concern comes from the unique opportunities and capabilities which women have to 'cut corners.'

On the other hand, it is certainly true that women are far more likely to face discrimination than men.

avatar for bumrubber
14 yrs ago

Ever been involved with a non-profit board? It's the professional MALE doctors/lawyers/executives who just assume taking charge, and get all huffy when others face up to them as an equal. Talk about a sense of entitlement!

My accountant and family doctor are both women.

My experience with women, in everything from restaurant kitchens to operating boats and airplanes to business, is that because they're "the odd man out," they make the extra effort to know their stuff - while men just try to "cowboy" their way through.

I'll put my confidence in women - who aren't afraid to ask for directions, and don't feel compelled to make up bullshit answers.

avatar for Prim0
14 yrs ago

^^^ Plus they are generally easier on the eyes! Giggiddy

avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago


Your comment begs the question...

With what are you comparing her fingers? : )

avatar for gatorfan
14 yrs ago

I prefer to say women in important positions.

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