
Dancer: When do you want me to work?

Thursday, January 6, 2011 4:37 AM
I usually get dances from 2-3 girls per visit, but tonight I met a new dancer and we just seemed to "click," so I ended up spending all my time and money on her. Afterwards I said I would like to see her again and asked what her usual schedule was. That's when she asked me when did I want her to work. When I gave her a puzzled look she explained that she was starting classes this month and had to come up with a new schedule, so I should tell her what night(s) would work for me. Could just be SS, but i picked a night next week for us to meet in the club, so I'll see what happens. So, ever have a dancer offer and/or actually arrange their schedule to accommodate you?


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    gridget does it all the time. She only works when I am in town and only dances for me when she does work. I will be phoning her this weekend to set up my next trip to Columbia.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    You know 'the stripper myth.' The stripper myth is: 'I'm stripping to pay my tuition.' No you're not! There's no strippers in college! There's no clear heels in biology! Shit, I didn't know they had a college that only took one-dollar bills. If they've got so many strippers in college, how come I never got a smart lap dance? I never got a girl that sat on my lap and said 'if I was you, I would diversify my portfolio. You know, ever since the end of the Cold War, I find NATO obsolete.' I haven't met her yet. If I do, she's gonna get a big tip.
    13 years ago
    Sam, I think you may prefer her, even if she has a genius level IQ, to grind the crap out of you so long as you're her temporary employer (ie in the VIP "think tank" area...)<p> If you want her to entertain you with her superior intellect, have her do so during the interview portion (comes after "Wanna dance?") on the main floor of the club.<p>
  • crecat03
    13 years ago
    Actually, on my last SC visit, a girl that I met for the first time gave me her phone number without me asking and before even buying any lap dances. She said to call when I was going to the club again and she would arrange her work schedule around that and even meet me for dinner beforehand. I guess she does this with a lot of people, which is probably a very good business strategy.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    lmao samsung - that was priceless! I'm gonna think of those things the next time I meet a stripper "in college" (which is pretty much all of 'em)
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    SS1: “There's no strippers in college! There's no clear heels in biology!” Not so. I’ve known at least two no shit students (OK that’s a REALLY low percentage). The latest I met last year and she told me she was studying a hard science. Yeah RIGHT!!! Sensing SS I quizzed her and sure enough she no shit knew her stuff AND she gives a GREAT LD. Unfortunately I was drunk and strongly encouraged her not to give up on school (which she was considering). Last time through she was only working Saturday nights because she was concentrating on finishing her degree. Naturally I had to be somewhere else on Saturday. Damn Demon Rum.
  • ylhtm1
    13 years ago
    I'm a college teacher, and I've had at least three students who were strippers. Which, conversely, means that some strippers ARE college students!
  • GSWx4
    13 years ago
    ylhtm1: The second student I knew intimately so have firsthand knowledge that she was a university student. Of course she was a student for about 8 years and she never did finish.
  • yakboy52
    13 years ago
    Chatted to a girl Cherry I think her name was... In Babydolls Dallas. We were talking about Mycology, and Mushroom science for at least 30 mins.. Then she insisted we went back for a grind... Bless her! Nice girl, but got sweaty really fast.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    Dancer told me she was new to the club and trying to decide whether to work day shift or night shift, and wondered what worked better for me after I had been in a couple of DAYS in a row and got quite a few dances from her. When I told her I couldn't come in at night, she agreed to continue to work days. Came by a few days later and she was not there. Found out she had switched to night shift. Obviously, some guy with a lot more to spend than I suggested he would rather come in to see her at night.
  • basketball
    13 years ago
    The infamous Ruby, of Playhouse, Burlington, NJ is a Brazilian girl who is studying engineering. She works her ass off to make money and go to school to benefit her family. She could barely speak English when she first started working at the club.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    steve, Just last evening as I was leaving the club, my current DOC asked when I could come back so she could make sure she would be there. We talked about it a bit and decided. Now to see if she will be there or just SS.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Clubber, Interesting. Like you we talked about it for a while, and when I picked a day she smiled and asked if that was the when I was allowed out of the house, lol. She said if I was there next week, she would work that day of the week from then on. If nothing else, an interesting sales technique, one I hadn't heard before.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    steve, Will be interesting to see if either shows.
  • Cravey
    13 years ago
    One of my all time favorite dancers in Houston told me she was a senior biology major at University of Houston. I called BS for months but because her dances were outstanding, I let her play the game. She seemed bright enough but like others, I assumed it was SS. Some time later, I saw her at the club and she announced that that evening would be her last as a stripper. She flashed a brand new college graduation ring and told me that she was moving to San Francisco to begin her training at Pfizer's research facility, specifically researching protein-based therapeutics. She laughed before I could, noting that her knowledge of protein-based therapeutics learned as a dancer will serve her well at Pfizer. It's rare, but it can happen..
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I have a different view of her question. Could this have been an invitation for OTC. "Honey, why don't you come to my room at 8pm on thursday and I'll put you to work".
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    steve229, yes it has happened to me. I was seeing a dancer outside of the club for awhile and she was willing to accommodate me if I kept spending money on her. I stopped seeing her and buying dances from her after getting too many demands. And PrimO, do you mean something like " I'll show you my degree if you show me yours" ??
  • bigdude012
    13 years ago
    Actually saw a dancer walking out of the club in scrubs once. I laughed and made a joke about how if anyone has a heart attack at least their prepared.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    If you are paying them enough they might think about staying later than their shift.
  • 59
    13 years ago
    I've had girls routinely come in early to suit my schedule. These were girls that did the 7-2AM shift. My membership card allows free access to the champagne court prior to 7. They would come in 5ish at my request and we'd do a 1/2 hour in the court. Win-win.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Steve: Perhaps she's making plans for you to help her with her homework? Sam: I've actually had a varation of the "Is NATO obsolete?" conversation with a Russian dancer in the US on a student visa.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Yeah, I've had girls ask when I was returning so they could be there. I've also had girls respond to my "working tonight?" texts with "I can be" or something similar. Is it so surprising that a dancer would want to be around when a larger spending PL is gonna be there?
  • uscue13
    13 years ago
    Samsung, I'm guessing I'm the only one that remembers that routine (or saw that routine). One of the funniest comedy specials I've seen, and he pulled it off great.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    One of my classmates at a pretty good (2nd tier) business school was a stripper. She also had a high-five-figure job at a bank. She liked money! No one looked sharper (or hotter) in business clothes. I have no idea what she's doing now. Stripper I dated a couple of years ago was headed for grad school at UNC Chapel Hill. I'm sure she's doing well there, and maybe still stripping on weekends in other places a day's drive away. Stripper I'm dating now has an Art History degree with a minor in business from Boston U., would like to get an MBA.
  • jester214
    13 years ago
    I've had dozens offer to come in if I gave them enough notice... Never put it in to practice of course. As to strippers that are also students... I think its more likely they ARE a student if they DONT say they are. That said I've taught a few college classes and I can safely say I had atleast two strippers. One at the community college and one at the university.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    jester, Couldn't you get in trouble for "having" them? :)
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    A current favorite asks me what day I want to meet at the club and she will be there. She makes her money from a decent(?) guy and doesn't have to hit the floor hitting up other guys for that day. Sounds like a win-win to me. She has always been there on the day I tell her I can make it. She only works in this club parttime, and it's an hour and half away from where she lives.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    'rat: That seems like any opportunity to ask something on the order of "How do you feel about not sharing what I give you with the club?" If you're after that sort of thing, of course.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I know magicrat. I am sure he is working on that. LOL.
  • DougS
    13 years ago
    Dancers arranging their schedule around my planned visits is the norm for me. I drive a MINIMUM of 90 minutes to get to the club, so when I DO visit, I make sure that I have my favs lined up to be there. A nice twist to this is when they schedule time OFF around when you are going to be in town so that you can spend OTC time.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    So Clubber, did your girl show? MIne did, we exchanged numbers and she said just give her a couple days notice and she would come to meet me at the club. Kinda neat, having a stripper on call. We met up again tonight, and she was very excited to hear that my wife was going to be out of the country next week, lol.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Yes, she did. Of the two favorites I had at that time, one has taken a back seat. She is just to "hyper" for me. The last dance session, I tried to slow her down, but to no avail. She was one that tends to grind and bounce around so much that it can and was painful. She didn't seem to grasp my comments. Oh well, it has become quite clear, the other is much more to my liking. I shall see her this Thursday or Friday.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Enjoy, Clubber!! We are on the way this morning to Columbia PP. Shadowcat tells me we'll have a good group in the next 2 days. Time to see some of the hot ones!! and get the deals that are there on day shift.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Wish I could join you guys, but I'll just have to settle for Catalina. Poor me!
  • ilbbaicnl
    13 years ago
    When you think about it, what do they have to loose by saying that? If you say a time they were planing work anyway, they can hope you'll feel pressured to spend alot, since they're there especially for you.
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