
Was it money well spent?

Sunday, June 26, 2011 9:05 PM
When you think back at all the money you've spent in clubs over your lifetime (especially those of you that have been going for many, many years), would you classify it best as: (1) Money well spent for some unforgettable experiences (2) A lot of money that you now have little to show for, which perhaps would have been better saved, invested, or spent on other things (3) Inbetween - some of it was really worth it, but a lot was also wasted


  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Selling my company in 2009 gave me great wealth. I immediately went crazy buying 'big boy toys' and houses. I regret all of those foolish purchases except for the houses. My SC spending in the last year has been high in relation to what other tusclers spend but truly, I regret not one penny of the amount spent in SCs even though I have bitched here in other discussions about one particular night of drunken excess. The pleasure received during the sweet visits more than outweighs the waste of cash during the lousy visits. Two SC experiences in particular were worth more to me than all the money spent on all other SC visits combined. Even though I am now back in business I will continue to pursue this hobby as I have the time.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    well i'm a pauper compared to art and some of the other big spenders here but i've had some great times for a small or reasonable amount of cash and i've wasted some cash but not really alot so i guess i've done ok so far.
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    I am not going to lie, I have put some pretty serious cash into strip clubs. Just been at it for a few months and man a lot of things have come from this. OTC, ITC (granted, that's mostly in Mexico), and even some dating outside (without direct payment to the girl). It has changed my life honestly in some respects. Yes I have less money but I do have some great memories to show for it. You just have to be careful not to put yourself into debt or anything ridiculous like that. Otherwise, life is honestly too short not to enjoy it sometimes.
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    I have been going to stripclubs for over 30 years and do not regret any of the money I spent. I usually make my club visits a part of a business trip and they provide a great break from work. Of the many visits I have made only a handful left me with a bad taste. I don't go crazy with my spending but always enjoy my visits.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    I'm 100% with snowtime.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Ditto with snowtime and Dudester.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    No regrets - Well, maybe that one hour VIP. No even that was a great learning experience. I would have paid that much for a consultant that would not have been so freaking hot.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Last year my strip club spending exceeded my total income 25 years ago. A blur of loud music and naked dancers. Could the money have been better spent? Probably. But I figure Little Emily doesn't really need a college education. She always become a stripper.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    If I had any regrets, I wouldn't still be going and now that I am retired, I am going more than ever. I see a road trip coming in Sept.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    3 for me and I tend to lean toward the 2, but a few ONE's keep that from happening.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Snowtime and shadowcat pretty much sum it up for me. A few wasted dollars here and there, but overall, worth it.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    Overall, yes it was worth it. As others have said, there have been a few let downs and nights where the spending got out of hand along the way, but no regrets. No one bats 1000. Many of the nights I'd undo where when I first started out, but that was part of learning the ropes.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    5 year n no regrets! I'm better with wemon now, I invest more, I work harder, I'm healther but we all no I'm not iny smarter lol ; )). Its been the best invest I've ever made it has changed my life 100%
  • Cheo_D
    13 years ago
    #3, really. Of course in hindsight the "lessons hard learned" instances look large in monetary terms, but that's because obviously the lesson needed learning. So it balances out by the good times in the end.
  • TimboAtl
    13 years ago
    People spend thousands on fancy cars, boats, a few houses, the country club, fine jewelry, and other unnecessary things. Part of my discretionary income goes to strip clubs instead. I'm good with that. I have fun at clubs 95% of the time. Been clubbing for 32 years and still look forward to every new club adventure.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Going in the door, I accept that this is a potential waste of money. About 50% of the time I got my money's worth, but I have no real regrets.
  • Cravey
    13 years ago
    Been going at it for 30 years and aside from one experience, it's been all good. My one regret was years ago, right out of college, I spent WAY too much in London and because I missed my flight, didn't have enough money, anywhere, to get a hotel or subsequent flight home. Disaster all the way around. Like the others say, as long as you use some common sense and pay attention to your real world obligations, SC expenditures is entertainment dollars and nothing more.
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