
Best lapdance clothing?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 7:35 AM
What's the best type of pants to wear to a full contact strip club. I want to either do sweatpants or slacks no underwear. But I don't wanna look like a weirdo/sleezbag. But if im spending my hard earn I should be able to wear whatever I want right? Opinions from the experienced or strippers?


  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Saran wrap is out.
  • RegularJoe57
    13 years ago
    I've asked many dancers this many times and the consensus is soft slacks with underwear. If you don't care what they think of you, then go ahead and free ball it. It's definitely been worth it for me to get on dancers' good sides. Even though I'm not a huge spender, I'm a regular at a few clubs and get a lot of extra hugs and attention from the ladies because they know me as a polite, respectful customer. You would be surprised how the level of service increases with your reputation as a nice, non-weirdo/sleezebag guy. They also love my back rubs so I always have a line of dancers waiting to snuggle their cute little butts up to me for some deep tissue massage (this usually only works at smaller clubs though).
  • troop
    13 years ago
    brand new unwashed carhart jeans, skintight with an athletic cup underneath. [view link]
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    I don't care what you wear. Just don't whip your dick out. And don't complain when you get ground on too hard if you're wearing what amounts to a slightly thicker version of tissue paper.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Okay, we have all talked about how the guy can get ground up like hamburger. But how do the dancers not have calloused va-jay-jays? You know, those g-strings don't provide much protection at all. What about the lace g-strings, I'd think those would scratch.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    They're not that bad. Grinding so hard that it callouses is more like attempted murder, not sensuality.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Just give me a pair of unlined board shorts and no underwear.
  • fetish_dancer
    13 years ago
    The Mexicans who come into where I work wear these ridiculous painful belt buckles. I won't grind on anyone wearing a damn buckle.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    The best dances are ones where the pants are dispensed with entirely, so the answer to the OP's question is "none at all."
  • Cravey
    13 years ago
    With Houston having almost year around warm weather, I usually wear loose shorts (Dockers et al) and boxers. Belts needs to be small buckled and easily set aside. Most dancers will tolerate whatever you wear but experience tells me that the ladies appreciate clothes that doesn't leave a rash or bruises. So no new jeans, large belt buckles etc.
  • 10inches
    13 years ago
    I always wear a pair of washed out, soft dockers type slacks with boxers. leave off the belt so the buckle won't be a problem. if dance proceeds past normal action then it is quite easy to unhook one fastener and unzip. the boxers give your pecker a little room to move around so that placement in a butt crack can be perfect during a heavy grind. also they make it easy for dancer to reach in and play with Mr. Happy.
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    "...I don't wanna look like a weirdo/sleezbag..." Don't worry about how you look. Nobody cares how you look. Customers sure as hell couldn't care less how you look. If any dancers care if you look like a sleezebag, then they're probably no fun anyway. Go to the store and find the softest, loosest, most comfortable shorts or pajamas or whatever, and wear them commando. And enjoy yourself.
  • dudeanonymous
    13 years ago
    Adult diapers.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    people stole my ideas but try aluminum foil
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    I agree with stiletto & jerkison 100%
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    As long as the weather is warm enough, I wear cotton shorts & no underwear and a button shirt.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    The best kind of pants? It doesn't matter as long as the zipper works.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I recommend a silk blouse and a matching skirt (commando only at the suggestion of the dancer). I suggest you boys shave your legs, tho....otherwise you'll look ridiculous ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    lopaw, if I could get away with wearing a kilt, I sure as hell would.
  • sofuqd
    13 years ago
    The corduroy pants here are the best ever: [view link]
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    We will be in the minority but we totally disagree with the "no one cares what you wear" comments. We certainly care what we wear and often judge a new club and the quality of the clientel by how they are dressed as well as how they act. If the club is marginal but the clientel respectful and well-dressed we will often give it another chance or two. Dress slacks are very thin (Dockers are not dress pants) and look nice. A shirt with a colar in needed in any CLUB in our area so we would never consider going to a night/strip club in anything less. A neighborhood bar with a pole is a different matter and we might wear slightly less dressy clothing there. Or we might not. We would always rather be over-dressed than under-dressed. I believe MOST strippers will also tell you they do judge a potential customer by how he/she is dressed. Better dress = better tipper in their minds usually.
  • Longball300
    13 years ago
    Silk or microfiber button shirt, microfiber pleated dress pants (dark color), undies of choice ideally with fly opening, no undershirt........ I have had numerous dancers comment on how nice this combo feels to them as opposed to rough jeans. Dress for suckcess I say....
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    If you're "dress[ing] for 'suck'sess," what the he'll difference does it make what you're wearing? It won't be a factor anyway.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Suit up or GTFO. Quality slacks are typically soft.
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    Seriously motherfuckers, you're about to spend at lest $100 in a place and you waltz up in there in your Wal-Mart pj's?
  • bezel021
    13 years ago
    Lol this is hilarious. Thanks guys
  • jerikson40
    13 years ago
    m00tpoint, I'm curious... When you walk, can you actually hear the squeaking sound? Dude, you really need to lighten up a bit. When you're wound up so tight like that it's just not healthy.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Why spend more on the duds then the tits
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    When you free-ball it's fun for all!
  • aslinn
    13 years ago
    As a dancer I avoid men in sweat pants!
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    ^^how about women in sweatpants? Betcha haven't seen that yet!
  • aslinn
    13 years ago
    Nope sure haven't lol I prefer skirts or dresses, easy access!
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    Soft lightweight dark colored loose shorts, commando. Elastic waste band and no zipper is best. If a dancer doesn't like this type of apparel, find a dancer who does.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    ^^ that's music to my ears, aslinn ;)
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