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Comments by bellman

I don't do VIP visits because of the excessive payment demanded by most clubs. If you want a fun hour with a dancer who is agreeable take her OTC, where you can get a motel room for $50 or less for an hour, have complete privacy and a bed, and pay most of the money to the person providing the service.

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10 years ago
At the clubs I go to regulalry a lap dance includes a HJ for a very modest extra tip, most dancers will sing Bill Joel, and about half of them offer a full menu. So that is the mileage I'm used to. At other clubs where the rules are stricter and enforced, I consider a HJ to be reasonable mileage.
I have 2 sure-thing places I go to. The standard rate at one is $100 for CFS includiing 2 songs, and $20 each for extra songs. At the other place, the room is $40 for 15 minutes and the girl expects $80-100 for CFS. At neither is it necessary to tip a bouncer.
I have visited strip clubs in many countries around the world: Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, England, Scotland, Canada, Mexico. Very few of them have clubs similar to the typical USA clubs; they are either brothels that offer some kind of show, or they are cabaret-type clubs with fairly elaborate shows that focus on sex and nudity, but the dancers don't usually mingle with the customers (there are other women available to sit with and entertain the customers in a more personal way). The reviews on this list cover what's available quite well.

The clubs in Caanada, in particular Toronto, Niagara, Montreal are closest to the usual US clubs, often offering backroom dances with lots of extras.

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Boston used to be good?
11 years ago
I was a college student in the Boston area many years ago, before downtown Boston got cleaned up. The center of what was called the Combat Zone was Scollay Square, which was where the Government Center is now. There were two theaters where old-fashioned burlesque shows played: baggy-pants comics interspersed with strippers doing dances, and there was usually a feature dancer like, for example,Tempest Storm. They went topless, but didn't flash the pussy, and there was no such thing as lap dances, or other contact with the dancers. There were a lot of bars which I'm sure were hunting grounds for whores; I can't say for sure as I was below the drinking age so couldn't enter.

When that area became the Government Center and City Hall, the Combat Zone moved to the edge of Chinatown, where the remnants of that are still located. In my experience Boston has never been a good place for strip clubs, and yes,those that remain are boring and expensive. Anyone looking for some real SC entertainment should make the hour's drive down to Providence.

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11 years ago
At the extras clubs where I go fairly regularly, there are no VIP areas, so whatever ITC you do is in the LD area, with the cut to the house being by the song or with a timer; so you are under time pressure to get it done as quickly as possible, But since you are taking up less of the girl's time, you may tip her less than for an OTC session.

In an OTC session if you can find a cheap motel room or even free at her place, the cost comes out about the same -- no tip parade, no drinks to buy, no cover charge, no cut to the club. And you have the luxury of an almost GFE.

In my experience most girls who will do FS ITC are open to OTC, and it is almost always a better experience.

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Detroit help
11 years ago
If you can get out of the city there are quite a few clubs where FS is available at reasonable prices. Read the reviews for places like Bogarts, Henry VIII (both), Flight Club.
11 years ago
I saw the great Dodger team of the 1950s (Reese, Robinson, Hodges, Campanella, Snider, Furillo et al) play the Cardinals (Stan Musial et al) at Ebbets Field -- quite an array of all-time greats.

I also saw Ted Williams play many times at Fenway Park -- IMHO he was the greatest hitter of all time.

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After hour clubs
11 years ago
Sights in Newark NJ (see reviews) would probably qualify, since the real action there doesn't start until after 2AM. It is a mainly black SC where almost all the girls offer FS both ITC and OTC.

Nites on Broadway in Philadelphia used to be such a club, but it's been shut down for several years.

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Best strip club city
11 years ago
As others have commented, "best" is quite subjective. My "best" is girls many would call only 5-7s but who offer lots of extras including barside "fun". And cost must be reasonable.

I've been to SCs in 8 of he listed cities. New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco are too expensive. The "Block" in Baltimore offers few attractive girls, even by my standards. My home area in Philadelphia has quite a few clubs that I enjoy visiting, but on average they don't match Toronto, Detroit, Houston, all of which have numerous SCs that meet my definition of "best".
11 years ago
The two you mention are probably the "best" for eye candy, but are also quite expensive and offer little in the way of mileage. A little local bar, Penn's Port Tavern consistently has good looking dancers, but offers no private dances of any kind; some of the dancers might be available for OTC. DayDreams offers fully nude dancing (none of the others do), but is out-of-the-way and is in a warehouse-type building. Oasis is step down in the eye candy department but some mileage is available. If you are looking for more mileage, try Playhouse in Burlington NJ, or any number of "dive" places like Purple Orchard, Club Atlantis,(both primarily black clubs) or a real dump like Ballpark Tavern in Levitown.

Soar Eagles!
11 years ago
The two you mention are probably the "best" for eye candy, but are also quite expensive and offer little in the way of mileage. A little local bar, Penn's Port Tavern consistently has good looking dancers, but offers no private dances of any kind; some of the dancers might be available for OTC. DayDreams offers fully nude dancing (none of the others do), but is out-of-the-way and is in a warehouse-type building. Oasis is step down in the eye candy department but some mileage is available. If you are looking for more mileage, try Playhouse in Burlington NJ, or any number of "dive" places like Purple Orchard, Club Atlantis,(both primarily black clubs) or a real dump like Ballpark Tavern in Levitown.

Soar Eagles!

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Hottest sci-fi actress
12 years ago
I too pick Jeri Ryan, but only for her Star Trek performances. In other shows in which she appeared since then (e.g. Shark) other female actresses were even more exciting.

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Wishlist of clubs
12 years ago
I have a wish list of clubs I've been to once or twice, that are no longer in existence or have changed much for the worse, that I'd like to revisit as they were back when.

Cheeks in Pemberton NJ (doesn't exist any more; the management opened a new place, Champagne, in W Depford NJ which is not nearly as good)

Rick's in Seattle (the replacement is supposed to be very tame)

Mitchell Brothers in San Francisco (the prices now are outrageous)

Market St Cinema in San Francisco (before it became a high-priced hangout for ROBS)

Harmony Burlesque and a whole row of places in the Times Sq area in New York City.

Teddy's in Bridgeport CT (long gone; usually had a good selection of attractive Latinas who offered a full menu at very modest prices)

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$10 Lappers
12 years ago
Outer Space Club in Philadelphia
12 years ago
There are a number of clubs outside the city limits which offer quite a bit "fun", but almost all of them allow smoking, whereas clubs inside the city limits tend to have outside smoking areas.

In addition to the clubs already mentioned, there are a number of other possibles:

Gold Club, Center City Philadelphia
Club Atlantis, University district of W Philly -- mainly AA dancers but with many white patrons.
Erotic Cafe, Pennsauken, NJ
Champagne, W Deptford NJ (opens at 4PM)
Carnival Bookstore, Woodlawn NJ - not a club, but a peep show with high mileage private dances
Delilah's, northern edge of Center City Philadelphia
Cheerleaders, S Philadlephia
Daydreams, NE Philadelphia (nude)
There are several other black clubs in Philadelphia beside Outer Space where LDs are at most $10: Club Picadilly, Club Moet, Set-It-Off Go Go Bar
and probably others that I've not visited.

And there is Vic's Tavern in Irvington NJ

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Reviews by Owners
12 years ago
At the bottom of each review there is a red flag which you can click on and explain why you think the review should be removed. Owner/shill reviews can aften be identified by the fact that the reviewer has only a very small number of published reviews and of a small number (often 1) of clubs.

I agree that the high ranking of some clubs is not justified after I've visited them, but that may also be at least in part a matter of personal preferences.
Despite LE activity at some Philly clubs, there are stll several places in the area where you can find whatever you want and what your wallet can tolerate. For low mileage Gentleman's Club experience there is Delilah's or Cheerleaders. Penn's Port Pub has consistently good looking dancers and low drink prices, but no LDs. For a bit more mileage there are the Club Risque chain of clubs or Oasis. For down and dirty with anything-goes mileage there is the BallPark Tavern or the Carnival Bookstore. And there are quite a few mainly black clubs with various levels of mileage and lower prices; a safe sampling would be: Club Picadilly, Club Atlantis, Purple Orchard, Outer Space Club.

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Dive Bars ?
13 years ago
My local dive bar, Ballpark Tavern in Bristol PA is much more fun than most of so-called Gentleman's Clubs.

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your first lapper ever !
13 years ago
Mine was at the Harmony Burlesque in NYC, at its original location on Times Square back in the 1970s. At that time the Times Square area was loaded with porn movie theaters and live sex shows of all kinds -- ah the good old days!
13 years ago
I haven't been at this place for a while, but all the reviews on this site accurately describe what it is/was like, including the procedures for getting in.

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13 years ago
Which clubs to go to depends on what you are looking for. If you want eye candy and limited or no mileage, Delilah's, Penns Port Pub, any of the Club Risque chain are good choices. If you want nude but no alcohol, Daydreams. If your are OK with mainly black dancers in a reasonably safe neighborhood, Club Atlantis or Purple Orchid. For high mileage in a dump drive a few miles north of the city to the Ball Park Tavern in Levittown, or go across to Carnival Book Store in NJ

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So why the change?
13 years ago
Things I like/don't like about the new format.
1) The font is too small -- makes reading reviews and discussion a strain on the eyes.
2) Clicking through the reviews of a club one at a time is tedious -- the old style of 10 at a time is much better.
3) The geographical sorting of the recent reviews list is good -- makes finding clubs in an area you live in or will be visiting easier.

I visit the TUSCL site exclusively from a desktop PC, so any "improvements" for users with other devices are meaningless for me. I will continue to visit this site, but less freqently, and spend my time on other sites covering similar ground (like Best GFE).