Eastern/central Pennyslvania or south jersey suggestions

avatar for macandbum
I've reached the point where i've gotten bored of seeing the same dancers at the same clubs (usually go at night after work; can't go day shift). I was just wondering what clubs in eastern,or central Pennsylvania (pittsburgh is too far west) or south jersey would be worth going to. Just looking for a decent place that i can just hang out without going broke before i sit down. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Well, if you want to hit Harrisburg, Savanna's is the best option IMO. Savanna's has the best looking girls in the area. However, low mileage and smoking is allowed. Adult World is ok. A harder grind than Savanna's but girls are not as pretty and no drinks. I've been disappointed every time at Club 22. The three clubs in Duncannon (Fantasy Island, Babylon, & the Cabin) are all shit holes.
I'll stick my head out and recommend PLatinum Plus in Allentown, PA. I have been to Ken Woods other 4 clubs & was not disappointed. Make that 5 other clubs if you count the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus that is now closed.
Let me also point out that Savanna's should not be in the top 10 nationally or even top 10 in PA, but it is the best you'll find in Harrisburg.
avatar for macandbum
13 years ago
Thanks for the input. I've read some unflattering reviews about duncannon so I'll avoid those places.
Oasis in South Philly has always delivered but I have not been there in almost a year.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Philly was stung bad by the police like 5 months ago
Despite LE activity at some Philly clubs, there are stll several places in the area where you can find whatever you want and what your wallet can tolerate. For low mileage Gentleman's Club experience there is Delilah's or Cheerleaders. Penn's Port Pub has consistently good looking dancers and low drink prices, but no LDs. For a bit more mileage there are the Club Risque chain of clubs or Oasis. For down and dirty with anything-goes mileage there is the BallPark Tavern or the Carnival Bookstore. And there are quite a few mainly black clubs with various levels of mileage and lower prices; a safe sampling would be: Club Picadilly, Club Atlantis, Purple Orchard, Outer Space Club.
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