
avatar for jayhawk123
I know clubs around the country have different rules on what is allowed during a lap dance. I was wondering what in your favorite clubs is considered good or high mileage during a regular lap dance (NOT VIP)?


avatar for footballguy
10 years ago
At the club I regularly go to, full two way contact is the norm. every girl I've gotten dances from at this club has at a minimum let me squeeze her tits and ass, and most have let me suck her nipples as well. all the dancers also do plenty of grinding as well. So for me to get something that I would consider higher mileage than an average dance here, she would have to let me finger her in the lap dance booth (which quite a few have).

I would say the highest mileage I got during a regular lap dance at this club was a handjob in an open booth. Only once dancer has done this to me during a regular lap dance, but she has done it multiple times. She is very discreet (she even manages to give my dick a few licks) and the booth is fairly dark. But I can see the front door from the booth and if it was lit better someone would probably see what was happening as soon as they entered the club. Still, that element of it being in the open adds to the excitement.
avatar for Dain
10 years ago
My favorite clubs near LA offer, in the regular booths, everything from stroking, to HJ, to titty sucking, to masturbating together, to CBJ, to BBBJ, to DATY, to P-2-P, to FS. I've gotten it all.
In most areas/clubs that do not have unnecessarily restrictive laws; then IMO good mileage consists of the girl constantly grinding on you (vs spending 1/2 or more of the song air-dancing/modeling-for-you); and her letting you squeeze her tits and and grab her ass throughout the song (not just a little here and there).

It is not uncommon but def not the norm for some dancers to allow some titty sucking and for some dancers to play with your joystick (either over the pants or inside); some girls will allow FIV but this is more uncommon.

I would say paragraph 1 above is more of the norm and paragraph 2 is more dancer dependent.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Definitely- boob play & feeding,FOV,LFK,play outside pants
Often- all above, plus DATY, DFK, play inside pants
Sometimes-all above plus FIV

PC nailed it.

"good mileage consists of the girl constantly grinding on you (vs spending 1/2 or more of the song air-dancing/modeling-for-you); and her letting you squeeze her tits and and grab her ass throughout the song (not just a little here and there)."

anything less isn't worth spending money on IMO.
At the clubs I go to regulalry a lap dance includes a HJ for a very modest extra tip, most dancers will sing Bill Joel, and about half of them offer a full menu. So that is the mileage I'm used to. At other clubs where the rules are stricter and enforced, I consider a HJ to be reasonable mileage.
avatar for Diva1975
10 years ago
If you're going to fondle and suck titties, learn how to do it right. That's my only issue. Of course I am only speaking hypothetically.
For lap dances only, not VIP:

At non-alcohol clubs, expected mileage is grabbing her ass, good mileage is titties, great mileage is touching her pussy.

At the alcohol clubs, which are strictly regulated by the ABC: great mileage would be quickly brushing your hand by her ass.
What clubs allow and what the dancers allow is 2 different things and it can go either way. Not on a regular basis but I have had BJs and FS.
shadowcat? FS during a regular ($20?) lapdance?!?! These are presumably in a public or semi-public lapdance room? I need to party at your clubs :)
avatar for wms1066
10 years ago
In my experence how far and whats allowable depends on the time of day, and who is there. As for how far I will/have gone in an open area, well I have to admit that I have gone as far as I was willing to go.
Diva if you'd like to give lessons I volunteer to come to you and practice on you!
avatar for rh48hr
10 years ago
At one of my clubs the only lap dances you get are private and hj are the norm. At my other 2 clubs fondling tits and ass is the norm with stick shifting and sucking on tits possible depending on the girl. Usually those are the girls you then take to VIP for more fun.
avatar for Prim0
10 years ago
At central ohio clubs....Anything where she stands closer that 6 feet is high mileage!

It's not that bad. I'd say the average I've gotten is some grinding and very occasional stick shifting. 2 way contact might be allowed by the girls but the bouncers usually say something if your hands leave your sides. Keep in mind that I frequent the bigger clubs like Kahoots.
My club is on the low mileage side of the scale; no FS or BJ's. After that, it's up to the girl.
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