Hottest sci-fi actress

the speed force!
Which sci-fi actress would you most like to see in the club giving slutty, slutty lap dances?
Right now I'm voting for Rachel Nichols from Continuum. Pretty fucking hot!
Which sci-fi actress would you most like to see in the club giving slutty, slutty lap dances?
Right now I'm voting for Rachel Nichols from Continuum. Pretty fucking hot!
last commentAm I right or am I right?
Samantha Stevens
unless a witch is horror, not sci fi
Jeri Ryan who was in Star Trek in the 1990s (Voyager)
Raquel Welch, One Million Years B.C.
I'll pick number 1
Kara kent
Zoe Saldaña in the new Star Trek movies.
number 2 in her prime that is
Eva, the girl who starred in Lexx
And then maybe Wilma in Buck Rogers
That's off the top of my head.
Oh, I forgot Jesica Able in Fantastic Four. If she got naked, I would rank her right up there. I don't mean invisible naked.
The princess in space balls
Jane Fonda looked pretty good in "Barbarella."
I don't watch sci-fi, in general, so I'll go with the hottest Asian actress in any old Asian horror,sci-fi film..
I second Jeri Ryan. But she has to be dressed and in character as seven of nine before she gets naked and starts grinding. I might LDK if that happened. Lol
I too pick Jeri Ryan, but only for her Star Trek performances. In other shows in which she appeared since then (e.g. Shark) other female actresses were even more exciting.
“Jane Fonda looked pretty good in "Barbarella."â€
the only way that jane fonda ever looked good was on a sticker in the bottom of a urinal.
Oh come on, Jane's no Bridget but she still looked pretty good back in the day.
Jeri Ryan came to mind immediately when I read the title of this thread and I see a few others are thinking along the same lines. She always looked outstanding in her Seven of Nine outfit on ST Voyager.
As for Jane she cleaned up nice when she was younger but I once saw her up close in person once and she was not very attractive at all. Not sure what Ted saw in her? Maybe she gave a great BJ. And her politics are an abomination, especially to Vietnam Vets.
I'd rather do Bridget, or even Henry or Peter!
@Clubber: Ain't that the fucking truth!
I don't care how hot she looks, what she did makes her completely unattractive to me, even ugly.
You're right GMD. And Farmersnob is the Jane Fonda of this site.
Natalie Portman. Here she is as a stripper in closer.
Does the Ape chick from Planet of The Apes count? I bet she'd go to town on my banana.
ming's daughter in flash gordon...
Does R2-D2 come with a Fleshlight? If it does, count me in.
What SlickSpic said in his first post
Just about any of the victim/villainess of the week on ST:TOS.
Keiko O'Brien on ST:TNG or ST:DS9
I haven't seen Rebecca Romjin Mystique - aka Mystique from X Men. Girls of SciFi don't get any hotter.