What is the cap (max) that you will pay for full service, ie, BBBJ and FS ITC

I visited my favorite club on Sunday night and nearly all of the strippers had an open menu.
Perhaps, it was the end of the month. However, the prices for BBBJ and FS ITC was all over the map. I cap at $125 (room) + $150 tip. Therefore the max I will pay for ITC FS and BBBJ is $275 (total), including cost of room for 15 minutes. I base this amount on what I would normally pay for a top notch escort which is usually $300 - 350. I never go above $275 (max) for ITC FS and BBBJ, and you better be worth it for 15 minutes. Am I paying too much or is this the average where you live. What is your max, including the cost of the room, for ITC FS and BBBJ?
Perhaps, it was the end of the month. However, the prices for BBBJ and FS ITC was all over the map. I cap at $125 (room) + $150 tip. Therefore the max I will pay for ITC FS and BBBJ is $275 (total), including cost of room for 15 minutes. I base this amount on what I would normally pay for a top notch escort which is usually $300 - 350. I never go above $275 (max) for ITC FS and BBBJ, and you better be worth it for 15 minutes. Am I paying too much or is this the average where you live. What is your max, including the cost of the room, for ITC FS and BBBJ?
Based on my limited experience:
Best value-- Tijuana
Good value in the US-- Detroit, with Tampa a close second
Worst value in the US-- probably Vegas
$200 is my max now a days.
It used to be higher. But I'm much more selective now and have learned a few things and now don't get taken advantage of like I did when I first started out clubbing 4 or 5 years ago.
We don't have to pay for champagne rooms (don't even have them) in my town so that helps to keep the total costs down. You might end up having to pay a bouncer $5 or $10 for a VIP booth, but that's about it. Although I have heard of a few clubs that charge $20 for a wrist band or per trip to the VIP. But not at the clubs I frequent.
That's the so-called going rate at my regular club for anything in VIP. Some strippers ask for a lot more, but the lowdown is that they're the least likely to perform. As often as not in this game, paying more means you get less.
Your number seems high to me. But I would go by what rickdugan and shadowcat say. But what is more surprising to me is the shortness of the time, 15min, and how much is going to the house for that.
I'm not out in the area you are yet, but I don't like the sound of such pricing. It sounds like a racket. I have heard of a place in Tuscon where it is $15 for 15min. So you could do $60 for 60min, which is AMP pricing.
We also know of a place a regular poster likes in Florida where the price is very low.$50 per hour, then plus the money to the dancer which could be $100. Again, this is AMP pricing.
As I know from Red Book, good escrots run $200 to $300 for the hour. No one would do 15min. And with a good escort you don't want just 1/2 hour either. The 'service level' is so high that she is worth the time, and this is what makes her worth the money.
AAMPs, with a service level just as high, run $160 for most Chinese girls and $200 for most Korean girls, and the 'service level' is every bit as high as with the domestic escorts, so you want all that time.
Many of the regular posters here who are using SC's in various cities are regular business travelers. Soon I will be doing something similar. So the hotel room is paid for. So to have the girl for 1hr should not be that bad.
Then some people do home OTC's.
If you are away from home but don't have a hotel room, I would think an escort for an hour would be nice. But face to face first meetings are better than just calling an ad. There must be some strippers who do it this way themselves. There are going to be some who are from out of town and so they rent a room to work out of.
This is where Mr. Dugan's System becomes important.
Would you mind telling us more about these VIP room 15 min prices that are so high?
Where is this and do you have any idea why it is so high?
Al Green
One pathetic evening in Vancouver's No 5 Orange I was willing to throw $3K at the girl......damn girl wouldn't go for it.
Normal price in the clubs I frequent is $200-$300 for the deed. Add on the usual club fees and you soon reach rickdugan's all-in $400 price (or even higher).
I just can't get my mind around these $60 or $100 prices. You Follies guys, in particular, should venture into the real world. You have some kind of paradise down there in the South.
LOL. Exactly. Who the hell needs to go to places like Mexico and Guatemala to fuck on the cheap when they can do it right here in the ol' US of A? I couldn't believe it the first time I traveled down south and was offered the full package ITC, by an attractive girl, for $150. And the Southern clubs in which I've become a regular, my OTC tab now runs from $150 to $200 a visit, depending upon the girl.
Shit, not too long ago, two different girls, both of whom were very fuckable,even pitched me OTC fun for $100. I didn't get to play either offer out as one wanted to go to my car (no thanks) and the other pitched me when I already had OTC plans, but I am interested to see if this is something that might actually work out well.
Yup, no need to fly to Vietnam for bargain tail. Simply do some research and hop a flight to parts of SC, GA or FL and you can find ample supply of reasonably priced fun with girls that even speak English - or at least somewhat. ;)
I would just say no thanks anyway if someone did or suspect the dancer of being a con artist trying to rip me off. I might need to travel more sometime.
You should be able to hook up with your girl and then walk her to private space, without she having to change her clothes, take off her stripper shoes, or drive her car. Then how long you stay with her should be just between you and she. So as you might want to stay the night, it does need to be a hotel. For those TUSCL members who are regularly traveling on the company dime, just think how nice this will be!
Likewise the women should be able to work around the clock. That way they aren't losing income opportunities if they nap or sleep with a customer. They need to sleep sometime anyway. So if the place never closes, they can always go back to making more money off of more people, after they have gotten some shut eye with you.
Hong Kong Bar quality?
But until that time we just have to make do. Being able to have whatever girl strikes your fancy is great. But the cost relative to the service level is too high when that only means 15min. So the tendency is going to be to want to book sessions with a girl after you have done her once in the club. Or we can follow Rick Dugan and just go directly to the outside session without the ITC.