Comments by DougS (page 5)
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14 years ago
EarthQuake... I've never done the clubs in TJ, but I know from an ex-TUSCLer regular how great the TJ sexperience can be. He told me that safety wasn't that big of a concern and he'd never been uncomfortable in the areas, BUT, his recommendation was to stay on the main streets - avoice the dark alley ways, etc.
If you speak a little Spanish, it should be a slam dunk, sure thing. Good luck!
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14 years ago
I remember in the Caribbean, disembarking a cruise ship and having a very pretty girl put a lei around my neck and thinking, "isn't that nice!" Of course, it was not a gift, nor was it a nice gesture. It's a ploy.. they put the leis around your neck, then expect you to shell out money.
I think this was a similar tactic. Of course, who the hell wants a lei? BUT, I wouldn't mind coughing up some extra green for a BJ... The gist... sit back, enjoy, then pay the piper (err.. blower).
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14 years ago
New York
I'm addicted, but to beautiful women, sex... Strip Clubs, I could take it or leave them, providing I'm getting quality OTC time.
Even though I readily admit that I'm addicted... I do NOT want to break the addiction!
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14 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
I think Follies is the place to go. It's been five years or so since I was down there, but I think Follies was in the Buckhead area, too.
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14 years ago
Dancers arranging their schedule around my planned visits is the norm for me. I drive a MINIMUM of 90 minutes to get to the club, so when I DO visit, I make sure that I have my favs lined up to be there.
A nice twist to this is when they schedule time OFF around when you are going to be in town so that you can spend OTC time.
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14 years ago
Realizing you have a crush is the first step. Once you realize it, like several have already stated... BE CAREFUL. It's an extremely slippery slope.
Read some of my posts... I've been there... done that... some good times, some bad times.. For the most part, the chances of a real relationship materializing are very slim. It can and DOES happen, but not likely.
The best recommendation is to keep it on a friendly level, and always keep in mind that it is her job to make you want her. If you do (and it sounds like that is the case), it's proof that she is good at what she does.
Taking the relationship OTC, can be extremely rewarding, but it can also make you more vulnerable. It plays into her hand and can cultivate your feelings for her. A crush can easily turn into something stronger.
BBF is one of "my" clubs, though I haven't been there in a few years (again, read my other posts for the reasons).. and yes, it is where I discovered my ATF.
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14 years ago
Like ShadowCat, I've been around here for quite a while. My "official" date is June '01.. Quite a few years ago, I coughed up the money and became a Lifetime member. I didn't want to feel like I had to write a review, just to write a review for another free month, so I paid up.
Incidentally, prior to becoming the Lifetime member, in addtion to getting free months by writing reviews, I got many a free month for making suggestions to Founder on how the website could/should work. I have almost 30 years of programming experience and and IT background, which came in handy when trying to visualize improvements that could be made.
This is probably my fav, most used web site on the 'net. I am truly thankful and appreciative for its existance and all of the time and effort that Founder has put into it.
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14 years ago
I like the cam.. did not know it existed. Thanks for the heads up! I always thought the talent level was higher at MV than what the cam is showing... I don't see any in the cam view currently that would interest me. I AM very picky, though.
I wish the clubs that I go to had that.
BTW, I had the streaming cam up while typing this response. It appears that it must only allow about two minutes. It NOW is stopped with a message that says I must register to continue viewing.
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14 years ago
As many have stated, BE CAREFUL. What are the chances that you are being played? ohh... probably around 97%.
I think there are a lot of good suggestions above, and GMDs response was certainly detailed enough to get you pointed in the right direction.
My question to YOU is, what are YOU looking for. Are you just looking for a fuck OTC, an OTC arrangement, or are you looking for a relationship? Your answer to that question pretty much determines in my mind, which way you should play this.
If you are looking for the fuck, visit her in the club and press her limits ITC, and if you don't get what you want, then proceed with the "so, about that ride home..." discussion with her and try to get something agreed upon.
If you are looking for an OTC arrangement (semi-long term), or an actualy relationship, IMO, you have to play it a little more gently. Establish a rapport with her, get to know her better, let her get to know you, and start proposing what you have in mind.
If you want a relationship - you want to date her, then I think we are all in agreement, RETHINK! As was wisely put, do you really want to date a stripper? (I may have to start a separate thread about that) I have done that.. with a two dancers, and MIGHT be heading for a third go at it) Trust is a biggie here. How can you EVER trust a girl who's job is to lie, act and take money for sexual acts? It's SERIOUSLY a tough road to travel.
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14 years ago
I'm laying low (yeah, "low" is a funny name for a stripper, right?!) Seriously, I won't be back until after the holidays... plan on a Jan 5th visit.
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14 years ago
I prefer them to be slim... bordering on skinny. I'm not a breast man, either. I DO like the jersey and heels pic - she has a pretty face. With a pretty face and nice hair (long, straight, silky / shiny hair), I could overlook some of the thickness.
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14 years ago
GMD, it's worth checking out! I don't know if it's the policy at all Tilted Kilts, but the local one makes sure the girls are constantly circulating and mingling with the customers. They are told that their most important job is to have contact with the customers.
While at TKs during their opening day last week, there wasn't a time when there wasn't at least one girl at my table. (probably helps that I know the owners and the GM, but not all of the girls knew that)
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14 years ago
I visit alone 95% of the time... maybe even closer to 100%.
I am somewhat of a "whale" at SCs. I spend a LOT of time, a LOT of money, and monopolize the time of the girl(s) that I am interested in. This tends to have a negative effect on the person that had tagged along. They never want to stay as long, etc. (IF someone come along, they ALWAYS drive separately!!!)
I have several friends that go are SCers that I have never been to a club with because I KNOW they can be real assholes and I don't want to be embarrassed by their actions.
I have met a few TUSCLers at clubs and have always had a good time chatting and enjoying the views together, but I usualy dont partake of the dancers when I'm with someone. It's rude to leave them sitting alonw while I'm off enjoying a marathon dance session.
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14 years ago
These are strippers... no one ever claimed they were imaginative!
Most clubs have a rule that they can't have two dancers at the same club with the same name.
Surprisingly, over the last few years I've seen an increase in girls using their real names.
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14 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
It's the proverbial slippery slope. Yep, I admit to it. I want that emotional involvement! It makes it more fun, even if I realize that it's probably one sided, as long as she can be fairly convincing that it's more than that, it makes things more enjoyable.
With that said, as we all know, if you aren't careful, this is where you can get burned. (and as you've probably read in my other posts, it HAS happened to me) BUT, I have also had SEVERAL LTRs with these girls, and at least one (my ATF), after about three years with her, nearly led to a long term commitment (she divorced and I nearly did).
I see signs where my current fav could turn into something more than just fun, but I have learned my lesson and know that I will not let my emotions run too far ahead of things.
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14 years ago
I've done both...
The escorts, which I've used EROS (you can go to www.eros-[city name].com for most major cities in the country) in Chicago, Atlanta and Houston. The downside to the escorts is the risk involved. Everytime, it seemed there was the possibility that there would be a room full of cops down the hall, and they'd be storming my room as soon as the transaction went down (and before SHE did!). That really took the enjoyment out of it! Another downside is the amount of time that you can spend with them. An hour, or maybe two at best. Unless you pay more, it was pretty much one SOG (shot on goal) and believe me, they try to make that shot happen as fast as possible. If you'd arranged for an hour, and completed before the hour was up, she was gone!
Admittedly, it's pretty fun going through the website shopping, and picking out who is going to come and play, BUT, even though they say the pics are real, I am not convinced the girls showing up are the same girls in the pics, usually not nearly as hot as pics showed.
With the Stripper OTC play, it's a much more relaxed time. There is always a rapport that has already been established (or she wouldn't be there), so you know you have some "chemistry" or at least a good enough connection that you can have some conversation and fun (before, during and after "The Event"). I enjoy the company of a gorgeous girl, so the longer we spend together, the better. It usually starts with dinner, then maybe a photo session (TRY TO get an escort to agree to THAT!). Usually multiple SOGs.
Most of the dancers that I've OTCed with, I'd consider to be friends with, which to me makes the time more enjoyable. I always try to make it fun for her, too, and have plenty of her favorite drink, music, etc.
To me, it's a not brainer.. OTC with a dancer!
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14 years ago
A new local restaraunt has opened (this past Thurs) that is going to give Hooters are real run for their money. In fact, I think I will frequent the new place more than Hooters. I never even heard of the chain before last week, but it's awesome! The Tilted Kilt. The girls "costume" is basically a school girls look, with a plaid MINI skirt, plaid bikini top covered by a white blouse which is WAY open in front, topped with knee high white stockings with a tassle on top. VERY sexy, in my opinion.
The menu (of course who CARES about the menu) has a lot more option than Hooters, and the food seems to be better. If you have one in your area, check it out... if not, check out
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14 years ago
Clubber is right of course. When I was burned, it was >>I<< that was to blame. It was >>I<< that believed, and was taken in, hook line and sinker, as they say. I wasn't so much pissed off at her, but was embarrassed that she knows how stupid I was.
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14 years ago
The best word of advice, if you take the ring off, BE CAREFUL! I usually put it on my key chain - the one that stays in my car, under the carpet. That way, it stays in one place and it makes it pretty hard to lose. (I find myself checking under the carpet repeatedly to make sure it is still there!)
A few weeks back, I had a heartstopping scare. I was driving to the local Hooters, and was taking my ring off, while driving. It sometimes isn't too easy to take off, so after applying a lot of pressure to pull it off, when it finally came off, it went flying across my car, hit the passenger window (thankfully, it was SHUT!), bounced off several things (I heard it hit things, but couldn't tell what), then a final "ping" when it came to rest.
When I arrived at the restaraunt, I got out, walked around and carefully opened the passenger door so that my ring didn't accidentally fall out (and into a sewer drain or something). It was no where in sight. I looked for 10 minutes and couldn't find the thing. WTF?!
I had friends waiting inside for me (besides the Hooters girls [wink]), so I went inside. All I could do is worry about where the heck the ring went, and what the heck I would do if I couldn't find it. While eating, my mind kept replaying that "ping" sound, and trying to think what could make that sound if a ring were to hit it.
After getting back to my car, I spent another 5 minutes looking, and found the thing... it was in the bottom of the cupholder built into the passenger door. Geesh!
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14 years ago
A very strange turn of events occurred during my last club visit. My curr fav, who has told me since day one that I make her nervous when she dances for me. (She actually has been "almost mad" at me after her stage, because I made her too nervous to perform well)
After my visit the last time, we went out for dinner after her shift, and I've been trying to convince her to spend all of our time OTC. I have told her, and it's the honest truth, I want to spend more time with her, and am not ONLY after sex (and am not against it if it were offered, either [wink]).
This girl knows that I don't like to share. When I'm in the club, I do not like my curr fav dancing or spending time with other guys.. I want her to be with me exclusively, and I pay her for her time. So, I was taken aback when she spent the first hour that I was there, dancing for other guys. (she kept stopping by and telling me that she had a few regulars to take care of, then I'd be hers for the remainder of the day) I was getting annoyed. She's never behaved like that before.
When she finally sat down with me, she could tell that I wasn't too pleased. She told me that she liked me, and it's not about money with her and I. She pointed out five guys, who she said were regulars of hers, and said "I could easily go spend the afternoon with any of them and make money, if that was what I was looking for, but I am choosing to be with YOU." Then we went back to the private area, while I was trying to digest what she just said to me, and what it meant.
Strangly, when previously our dances had been *hot* - probably the hottest dances I have EVER had, they were timid in comparison. It was mostly her sitting on my lap cuddling and kissing while we talked. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining - I enjoyed those dances, too!! The mild dances were unexpected enough, but then during our conversation, she again told me about how nervous I made her. (she says because she feels pressure to do well for me) Then she said that she is feeling uncomfortable dancing for me. She continued by telling me that she was finding it hard to act like herself for me, then act like a stripper with the other guys. She told me that she hustles guys (tells them what they want to hear), but is not hustling me. As my mind reeled, trying to grasp what she was telling me, she said that she didn't want me coming into the club to see her anymore.
Wow.. I felt like I'd just been slapped in the face, and was starting to feel pretty dejected 'cause I was really liking her. But, she continued talking and telling me that she wanted us to separate "us" from the club; spend time together where we can be ourselves. She said the next time, we need to meet somewhere else, and stay away from the club.
Now, because of past experiences, and insights that I have gained from many years of going to SC clubs (and yes, getting burned even recently), I'm having a hard time not being skeptical.
Ideally, it should be easy to tell if this is an elaborate, planned hustle or not... just spend time with her OTC and don't give her any money. If she agrees to doing that a few times, then I guess I'd have to believe she's being genuine with me. So, that is my plan. Caution is my middle name, and will be keeping my eyes wide open.
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14 years ago
I still have seen nothing in any of the news media outlets about this story, but I had two dancers at HH confirm this happened.
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14 years ago
Another visit this past week, and disaster was narrowly averted. I was with Miss Day Shift at the bar, when Miss Night Shift came an to prepare for her night. She came over to the bar, and talked to the bartended, just three stools down from me, while I kept myself strategically behind Miss Day Shift, in order to prevent being seen.
In a most unexpected turn of events, BOTH MDS and MNS have told me that they don't want to see me in the club anymore. (now that sounds bad, but they are both talking about wanting to spend time OTC. Though I have been angling in that direction, and suggesting, THEY were the ones that put it out there with their decision.
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14 years ago
I hope things didn't turn out too disasterously! You did exactly what I would have done, which at least gave me a good chuckle.
In answer to the question, no, I do NOT cop to being married, though I am. Yes, my ring comes off whenever I am going to be in a situation where I will most likely be talking to hot women. Hooters, SCs, etc. When asked by one of those girls, if I am married, the answer is, "I'm sorta in between".. and if pressed further, I will say that "it's hard to talk about", or "I'm in the process of going through the big D"
That is the only thing I am not truthful about. I'm usually too honest for my own good.
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14 years ago
HaryDave called it correctly! Ask them questions! Better still, ask them questions about themselves. They almost always love talking about themselves. Then listen to them, and try to remember SOME of what they say, so you can then use that information to start further discussions.
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14 years ago
I was at the club Wed night and near closing time, I had a dancer that I hadn't even seen that night come up to my table with a Victoria Secret gift card, still in it's envelop and wrapping. She said her regular bought it for her (it was a $50 card), and she couldn't take it home (assume because of a hubbie or BF). She offered to sell it to me for $35. I'm thinking to myself, that regular that bought it for her would not be happy to see this little scene play out. THAT would make me think twice before buying a gift for one of my "girls".
I will buy Christmas gifts for two dancers this year, both will receive AFTER Christmas, and both have told me they are getting something for me. I expect to spend about $100 on each of them.